Tales Of The Mighty Dragonair

Chapter 211 - Breaking The Cursed Bond

"Does the esteemed lord need an introduction to know how to locate the bond?"

The owner of that voice said, but Arthur just pointed downwards to Lily as he shouted back:

"No need."

Arthur\'s face wasn\'t pleasant at this moment. cursed bonds were a very famous complicated technique of the dark cultivators back in the old days of his past world. He knew a thing or two about them, but didn\'t know how to break it except by killing the owner.

The problem lied in two things here, this bond was made to affect the soul of the person, and that was another link binding this world with the dark side of the world of mages, that mysterious world that he knew nothing about!

The second problem lied in the way to undo this bond, as he had to kill the person holding the bond. That was hard, especially if that person was a very powerful and authoritative figure, like this case here.

The probability of the escape was quite high, and even if he killed him, if there was a line of inheritance set in this curse, and it seemed there was one, then he had to kill every single person in that direct line of inheritance.

This simply meant more chances for failure!

He descended to the ground with Lily, then let her fly away. If there was any trap here, he was sure to face it alone, but if Lily was here with him, she would turn to be a burden, slowing and limiting his actions.

He went towards the warriors, as he said:

"Don\'t move, I will inspect your bodies."

The warrior nodded, as he stood silently there. Arthur then put his hand on the head of the warrior, channeled his energy, and inserted a piece of his energy into the warrior\'s body.

At this brief moment, three things occurred. The first was the sudden appearance of a very terrifying dragon shadow behind Arthur\'s body, startling everyone in front of him.

The second thing was the sudden appearance of a strange mouth, full of sharp teeth, that emerged inside the warrior body, aimed to swallow and kill his wisp.

The third thing was the movement of his shadow, to directly be inserted into the body of this warrior, hitting this mouth directly, and burning it with its fire sprayed from his mouth.

The body of this warrior jolted, as he stepped a couple of steps to the back, coughed multiple times, before vomiting a very dark blood with an offensive stinking smell.

The moment the blood went on the ground, the grass there was burnt down, turning an area of one meter radius into a bare land!

As for the warrior, his eyes suddenly shone brightly, as he crazily started to examine something in his left shoulder. It was a tattoo, a tattoo showing the same strange mouth Arthur\'s shadow had killed just now.

This tattoo was fading in color until it permanently gone. The eyes of this warrior widened, before it welled up with tears, tears of joy, tears of long deep fear, and tears of the taste of freedom for the first time in his entire life.

The next moment he knelt deeply on the ground, even hitting his head hard there couple of times, before announcing loud and wide, with a voice heard to everyone even inside this town:

"I\'m Gorind, and I declare you are my master until I die! I won\'t disobey you, or betray you, or else let my soul be burnt down in hell for eternity."

This swearing was strange, but Arthur recognized the heavenly oath from the first glance. Arthur didn\'t know what happened, but it seemed he managed to break this curse, freeing this man, and gaining his utmost loyalty.

"Gorind, son, are you really free?"

The same strong voice came from inside the town, with an unbelieving tone. Gorind didn\'t reply at once, as he raised his head slightly, waiting for Arthur\'s decision to accept him.

"Stand up Gorind, and I welcome you to my family as a loyal subject."

Gorind then stood up, turned around, as he loudly shouted:

"Father, I\'m free, I\'m really free. The cursed bond is now broken, and I\'m totally free. My esteemed master Willy was so generous enough to free me."

The words of Gorind were followed by his removal of all his gears, removing his clothes, and showing off his upper body naked to everyone around him.

Everyone checked the known place of this curse, and found nothing! Nothing was there at all! This made the whole world usher in a heavy silence, before the voice erupted once more from inside the town:

"Esteemed lord, may I propose something?"

Arthur knew what that old man was about to say, so he loudly shouted:

"Hear my words, and heed by them. anyone cursed and wanted to be free come forward to me, one by one, and I promise to free you all. Spread the word to other places, make this deed be known to everyone. My doors will be always opened to free anyone from such injustice. All I ask in return is your undying loyalty, and come forth to join my city."

Words of such promise were considered a myth to these warriors and villagers, but they saw with their own eyes what Arthur did to Gorind.

"I want to be freed."

"Me too."

"I want to be like Gorind."

"I want the curse removed."

Many voices started to echo, from warriors standing in front of Arthur, or those inside the town. "Come, I will free you all one by one! Step forward please."

Arthur then didn\'t delay to repeat what he just did to Gorind, as he used his shadow dragon to kill that curse inside their bodies.. After freeing a hundred something warriors, those hesitant inside the town opened the gate of their town, removed the barrier, and many flocks of very fast small birds flew from the town, and suddenly disappeared.

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