Tales Of The Mighty Dragonair

Chapter 15 - Hold It Right There, It's My Kill!

"So, eating this meat would grant me strength like what that heart did?" Ouly said doubtfully.

"In theory yes, but the amount of energy in the meat isn\'t comparable to the heart you ate," Arthur replied.

"Then we need to eat hearts like that," Madly said, in an aggressive tone that was so childish it made Arthur laugh.

"Sure, I will make sure you all eat hearts like him," he simply replied.

"I recall you mentioned something about colors," Ouly suddenly said, as he rubbed his chin while recalling what were these colors, but he couldn\'t.

"That\'s a manifestation for special abilities," Arthur replied, without any further explanation.

"What abilities?" Ron asked, as he wanted to know.

"Abilities that are driven from your innate talents, let\'s take Madly for example," Arthur then pointed his finger to her, "her special ability is called mind control. 

During the fight with me back then, she managed to observe my moves and anticipate them. 

She also can communicate with other members in her team, giving them mental orders, arranging their positions and creating plans according to  changing circumstances in battle."

"Wow!" Everyone exclaimed in surprise and admiration, while Madly just raised her head up high while arrogantly muttering, "I\'m your leader, fools, surely I have a monstrous special talent."

Arthur just chuckled, before he knocked her off her pedestal. "You are mistaken, there is another one with the same talent as you, plus there is even one with much stronger talent than you two."

His words made her face change. If he was someone else, she wouldn\'t hesitate in teaching him a lesson in manners with her sword, but she knew even if all of her gang joined in they would still lose.

"Who are these two?" She questioned in an irritated tone.

"Drago and Tarry," he simply replied.

"Really?" Drago replied with surprise, as his short body bounced up and down from excitement. "What ability do I have?" he urgently asked.

"Mind control as Madly," Arthur replied, "As for you," he added while looking towards the bewildered Tarry, "your ability is quite unique, which reminds me of something important."

Arthur then moved as he looked around for something. After some time of keen search, he returned to the group with a flat sheet of the rough skin of the monster he just killed and with some wood..

"Are we going to eat the skin now? Is it useful?" Lily asked, with uncertainty.

"No," Arthur simply replied, "I\'m trying to make a shield here," he simply added. "Start some fire," he requested from the group as he put down the two objects before he went again looking for something that could be used as a glue.

Arthur didn\'t know if there were shields in this world or not, but the innate talent of Tarry would be wasted if he only used swords. 

He had to use a shield, as using the shield would disrupt the enemy\'s attacks, hurting him deeply, and rendering him vulnerable for the sword to claim his life or cause a deep wound.

Arthur had chosen this style for him, for now. If in the future he found a better thing for Tarry, then he would reconsider. 

After quite some time, he finally found something that was on top of a large rock nearby. It was dark in color, sticky in nature and he used a branch to collect it.

He didn\'t speak much, as he returned to the group, with the glue and the other pieces of skin that he skinned of the creature when everyone was unconscious. 

Carefully, Arthur had the first layer of the skin into the wooden shield as he hovered the shield over the fire. 

When the layer started to sizzle onto the wood, Arthur poured the sticky substance on top of the skin as he instructed Ron to put the second layer on top. 

They both worked as team, Arthur directing Ron, as they did the same thing until all five layers were on the shield

  Once done, there was a hand grip in the back, suited for Tally to pass his hand there and hold the shield firmly. 

Arthur swore silently he would seek a better shield, or make it himself with the craft knowledge he carried with him from his past life. He handed the shield to the astonished, extremely delighted Tally. 

"Carry this shield in one hand, and the sword with another. Like this you can use your talent."

Tally grabbed the shield and played with it like a little boy. "What is my talent that requires using something precious like this?"

Arthur chuckled over Tally\'s words. "It\'s called an irresistible talent, it\'s a very handy, extremely precious talent. 

When we face a monster later, you will have a chance to test it out. Just use the shield to defend the opponent first, then follow with your sword strike."

Arthur then turned to look at the others as he said, directing his words to them, "from now on, Madly and Drago will be our leaders in any battle. 

You two will carry the toll of guiding us, discovering the opponent\'s weaknesses and strategies, his next move,  finding patterns of attack, and you will have to guide us over the field. 

You will also be responsible for rearranging our places, ordering us to move, and most importantly tell us when to retreat."

Everyone was taken back by what he said, as they never heard someone in their world speak like him, or use these defensive  arrangements in any fight. 

However, they knew how special Arthur was, how unique his eyesight was, and how lucky they were to be with an extraordinary person like him.

"What about you?" Madly asked, with a blush over her face. She once saw him as a nuisance, and now she felt gratitude to him, how strange it was for her.

"Me?" Arthur replied, "I will act as your ace, the one who will be able to do special attacks, relieve any pressure, save any life, and kill whoever you can\'t deal with."

He then looked around him, they  had stayed long enough here as it was time for them to move Their training was just getting started.

"Let\'s move, follow me and keep your distance from each other. Be ready for any fight at any given time. Ouly," he then looked towards Ouly, who was sitting on his share of meat, eating it with extreme devotion and face flushed with excitement, "wrap what\'s left and eat it along the way."

Arthur then took the lead, with the advantage of his super senses, he was sure to spot any monster from afar. 

They didn\'t walk for long, as after half an hour of marching, chatting excitedly with one another, Arthur had to stop as he raised his hand high to make them be quiet.

"There is another monster coming up our way. "Once he said it, he swore he felt a wave of excitement coming  from his team. 

It seemed they had acquired courage after discovering their talents, with no fear at all to  face monsters. 

They were eager to test their new powers. Arthur decided to step aside, letting the space for them to test out their abilities. 

He retreated to the back while he instructed, "as we agreed, Madly and Drago have the reign of leading you here."

"What about me?" Ouly, who was still eating his meat, enjoying the extravagant sense of each bite, asked.

Arthur glanced at him, with conflicting ideas in his mind. He didn\'t know what his talent would be, so he encouraged, "try to use your daggers and kill the monster with them. After the fight, let\'s talk."

Ouly seemed doubtful, "Is there anything I should take note of?" he asked, as he didn\'t like this casual reply of Arthur, and didn\'t expect it.

"No," Arthur shook his head, as sometimes stress could mess things up, "just be natural and do your usual fight," he added, in an attempt  to boast the poor youth\'s low self esteem.

Ouly just shook his head, as if he was disappointed, or shaking off any distressing ideas from his mind  before he went up to join his mates.

  Arthur looked at them, marveling at this little group of his, hoping to find more special talents.

The monster that showed up was gigantic bear as each time it made a step Arthur could feel the ground shaking beneath his feet. 

Arthur could sense danger coming off the bear as he looked at its pitch black eyes. Arthur warned his team as he told them, "listen up, it\'s a slow monster, yet it has a hard skin. 

Its defenses are strong whilst having a tough offense. Do anything, but don\'t get hit directly by it."

Arthur\'s warning words made the team drop down to earth , feeling high in their new strength, and the crash returned to reality. 

They thought they could kill any monster now, but the first monster to meet was something so powerful that even Arthur cautiously treated it.

"Hold right there, this is my kill…."

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