The Demon Lord and his Hero (BL)

Chapter 57 - Taken

"Where is Syryn?" Artemus pointedly asked the blonde teen who appeared put off, an expression that was rare on his face.

Salem stuck a thumb out behind him, pointing to the garden that was sprawled out past the window. "Defenestrated himself when he heard you were coming."

Artemus\' dark eyes stilled on Red who had snitched on him. The redhead was thick faced enough to pretend innocence when he noticed the censure in the anti mage\'s eyes.

"I\'d do the same for you if Rowan was around while you sweet-talked my bro."

Artemus had a feeling that there had been a lot more than sweet talk between Salem and Syryn. Long legs took measured steps to the window where the man stood like a dark shadow against the brightness of the light falling into the room.

He could see the top of Syryn\'s silky head bobbing between the tall stalks of crimson Cardinals, some of which grew higher than Artemus.

"It appears that my cabbage is being eyed at by a wild hog," he remarked without warmth.

"Mu Mu, you planted a cabbage?" Luci who had switched with Red, came running over to the window to see the cabbage that Artemus was claiming to have planted. The older man smiled fondly at the redhead, hand reaching into his pocket for the toy he had brought.

"No, it was already there when I found it." The mask of cool distance that was a permanent fixture on his face only changed for Alka and Luci. Not even Syryn received the kind of care that Luci was showered with.

"What\'s that?" A metallic doll was placed in his small cupped palms.

"It\'s a toy you can practise your magic on. Inject a small amount of mana right here to make it dance."

A delighted smile lit up the red head\'s face when the doll began to swing its arms to music that came from its chest.

"Go on, show it to Alka and he\'ll teach you how to make it jump."

"Thank you Mu Mu!" Luci wrapped his arms around Artemus\' legs, squeezing with might that belied his skinny arms. The anti mage had, much reluctantly, long given up on persuading the child to call him by a name more fitting with his image. But now, the nickname forced upon him was a ball of warmth that always tugged at his heartstrings when Luci\'s cute voice called to him.

Salem who had quietly watched the boy interact with the anti mage, waited for Lucien to leave before replying to Artemus.

"The wild hog knows not who the cabbage belongs to when it stands unguarded and unclaimed. Blame the cabbage for looking so delicious."

A smile of contempt transformed the anti mage\'s face. "How true. Naughty cabbages go straight into the cooking pot. Syryn teaches me something new every day even when he isn\'t present."

Salem was silent in the face of the anti mage\'s words. There was no need for a confrontation when they were both cognizant of Syryn\'s own compliance in the messy relationships that were forming between them. The half-elf wasn\'t expecting an emotional romantic outcome to precipitate from their amorous exchange. He had a few good years ahead of him so Salem was spurred on by a recklessness that didn\'t care for future atonement.


Syryn had graduated along with Magnus and Alka, and summer had arrived. His friends took on more tasks at the adventurer\'s guild while Syryn started a business venture with Salem.

A large building was bought jointly with their savings. There, they sold their services and products as alchemists. Unlicensed as he was, Syryn even moonlighted as a quack. His growing clientele of patients grew as fast as their alchemy business.

One fine day, while Syryn manned the shop, a woman stepped into their establishment. The lady had arrived with a request that Syryn could not fulfil.

"I told you I don\'t sell love potions," Syryn snapped at the woman who had been pestering him for hours now. She had been demanding that he sell her a potion which was illegal in the kingdom. The lady stubbornly clung to her demands despite Syryn\'s repeated and blunt refusal. A nerve throbbed on his forehead after the umpteenth time she screeched at him. Syryn was done being polite.

"I don\'t mean to be rude lady, but in your target\'s vision, even a love potion cannot rescue that face. At best, you\'ll upgrade from troll to goblin. Spare that poor man you\'re trying to snare." A loud gasp came out of her mouth as she clutched her chest.

"Eos no, please, don\'t have a heart attack in my shop. The door is just a few steps away."

The woman\'s eyes rolled back into her head dramatically. She then passed out and slipped off her seat. Syryn wasn\'t having the best of days today. He breathed in deeply through his nose and reached for his pouch of salt. He hadn\'t given her permission to die here.

The alchemist angrily set to task reviving the woman. After hauling her up onto the chair, she finally roused and attempted to slap him but his hand moved faster and caught hers in midair. Syryn fearfully eyed the bulging arm that looked like it could easily crush a watermelon. If that thing had landed on his face, he would have been slapped straight into the next life. "Your hand should be declared a threat to public safety," He mumbled shakily.

It was the final insult that broke the woman. She sobbed into her handkerchief while Syryn ignored her from behind his desk. And this was the sight that met Salem when he arrived at the store.

Syryn had his head down, studiously reading a book. The hysterical lady was on her chair unwilling to leave without a Love potion whilst still weeping over the harsh words that she had been subjected to. Taking one long look at the dark-haired alchemist who was refusing to even acknowledge the crying customer, Salem addressed the lady.

"Why are you crying?"

She dabbed her perfumed handkerchief over splotchy eyes and turned to the attractive man that was giving her attention.

"Sir, I have never in my life been so insulted by a man before. He called me a troll!" A brightly painted fingernail was thrust in Syryn\'s direction.

Salem pressed a knuckled fist against his mouth and coughed. "Miss, how can I help you?" He replied.

"But- he called me-"

"My friend can be a bit blunt at times; I apologise on his behalf. We will be closing the store soon though so I need you to quickly tell me what you\'re here for," he smiled tightly at the customer who discerned the noon sun calling out Salem\'s bullshit.

Grimacing at the lack of respect for her person, she replied with a sniffle, "I need a Love potion."

"A Love potion?" Salem understood then why Syryn had lost his temper. "I have one. Wait a moment while I get it."

Syryn side-eyed the taller alchemist. He trusted the blonde enough that he refrained from meddling with Salem\'s course of action. After an unbearably long time spent in the company of a fuming customer, his partner returned from behind the door.

"Here you go."

A tiny heart-shaped bottle with a ribbon around the stopper appeared in the hand of Salem. It contained a light pink liquid that glittered in the light.

The lady squinted at it and then looked up at the half-elf. "The Love potions that I encountered weren\'t pink in colour."

"That\'s because they were fake," Salem smoothly replied. "This is the real deal. Our establishment doesn\'t sell fake goods. We would be ruining our reputation if we did that."

It managed to convince the woman. She received the bottle and thanked Salem effusively. "How much is this?" She asked, hand lingering on Salem\'s arm.

"For the trouble that my partner caused, it\'s free."

"Free! I\'ll be sure to inform my friends about this shop. You\'ll have hundreds of customers in no time."

"You have my gratitude then miss. We\'re about to close so I must beg you to leave." The teen then ushered her out hastily and banged the door shut.

"What did you give her?" Syryn asked when Salem turned around.

"Fruit juice with glitter in it," Salem replied.


"And he would be grateful for it not being a Love potion, whoever the unlucky man is. Did you really call her a troll though?"

"She deserved it. Annoyed the hell out of me."

Syryn shut the book and slid it into the drawer where he kept all the reading material he wanted to catch up on. Salem had smartly dealt with the impossible woman. She would eventually discover that the love potion was just another fake product; but what recourse would she have against them? The potion had been free, and her demand illegal.

"Let\'s go out for lunch. Luci and Alka will arrive soon."

Just as the alchemists returned to the store post-lunch, Alka and Luci slid into the doorway wearing matching hats that had cat like ears on them. They were both adorable.

"Thanks for dropping him off Al." Syryn made space for Luci behind the desk where another chair was ready for the redhead.

"Luci has a new friend. Said friend\'s mother has invited him to the child\'s birthday celebration next week at their home." Alka informed Syryn.

"Do you want to go?" Syryn asked the boy who was fiddling with the toy that his beloved Mu Mu had gotten him. Luci was seldom ever seen without it.

"Not particularly," he replied. "Gale has other friends that I don\'t like playing with. They\'ll be at the celebration too."

"Why don\'t you like them?"

Luci pressed a finger to the doll\'s forehead and pushed in a stream of magic. "Too noisy." The doll\'s head spun around in circles making Syryn dizzy.

"Well, it\'s up to you Luci," Syryn replied. "Either way, let me know what you decide."

Alka and Salem soon departed from the store to go their separate ways. Syryn was left with Luci and two sleeping cats, both sprawled out on soft cushions. When the older boy vacated the room to relieve himself in the restroom behind their building, he hadn\'t been prepared to come back to a missing Lucien.

"Luci?" he called out. "Luci, if you\'re hiding, I need you to come out." Not a soul answered.

"Luci, answer me... Fuck."

Syryn ran out and frantically searched the street and then their entire building. There was no Lucien to be found.

"Did you see a red-headed boy come out of the store over there?" he asked the owner of a flower shop just adjacent to his building.

The old lady who had been watering a cactus turned to the teen looking like he had lost his soul. "I did see a red-headed child walk that way with an older gentleman," she replied.

"What?! What did he look like??" Syryn was reeling from shock and panic. Luci was so innocent and obedient. He couldn\'t have run off on his own unless, "Red."

"I\'m not sure, I wasn\'t paying close attention. Young man, are you alright?"

Syryn could not hear her above the static that filled his ears. Heart dropping into a cold pit of ice, he rushed off like lightning to find his brother.

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