Reincarnated With A Summoning System

Chapter 4 - 4

Cain decides that extra supplies would really be a good thing today, so he picks up two good, large water skins from the market in the morning, along with another fish and some fruit to add to his lunch.

"Just a few more days and I\'ll be into the big money from the second dungeon" he sighs as he packs his daytime meals into his inventory.

Walking a new route to the dungeon to learn more of the city, he finds that the Cafe offers bagged lunches for the same 4 copper as the dinner special. \'I\'ll do that tomorrow, better food to keep me going\' he decides.

Today\'s first dungeon really seems to drag and Cain realizes that three days in a row is the most he\'s worked or even gone to school since he became a teenager. He blamed his poor health, but the drinking was what really kept him from holding a job.

But he did get through it, and another after a lunch break in the grass by the dungeon entrance, a popular spot for dungeon crawlers to congregate for a meal.

"I\'m level 8 now, almost to 9. Tomorrow should get me to 10, when I\'ll be able to enter the second dungeon. Then the big money" The people around him chuckle at his optimism, knowing far more about the second dungeon than he does.

Cain looks through the passive traits portion of his character sheet as he eats, something he rarely does, as they don\'t change or really affect most gameplay in his experience. Humans get a small accuracy buff with blades, there\'s a bunch of everyday skills at low levels. Wait, the cooking passive is one that has a ranking, so it can actually level up. Oh, at high levels it will give extra dexterity. Forget it, not worth the effort for 2 [DEX].

Cain hasn\'t really paid attention to his character sheet since getting here. The level up notification didn\'t mention anything, so it seemed irrelevant. But today, he notices possibly the most important point of all.

[Stats] +40

[STR] 5

[DEX] 5

[CON] 10

[INT] 5

[HP] 40

[MP] 50

[AC] 0

"What is that plus forty?" Cain wonders "Don\'t tell me stats aren\'t class locked in this game?"

He clicks on the number and gets a notification [Molded Like Clay] Class Passive Allows Stats To Be Reallocated.

Quickly, back to the passive tab. There are two there under class passive. [Molded Like Clay] and another [Strength In Numbers] which gives him and his party a 20 percent increase in experience gained for every party member within 50 meters, including constructs.

So this isn\'t actually a different feel dps class. He luckily rolled a hidden support class. That will help him find companions later, when he needs a group.

But when will he get more Golems? Oh, level 10. Excellent. But first, what to do with those status points?

[Summon Lesser Golem] gets stronger with his strength and tougher with his constitution Stats, so he decides to split them evenly.



[STR] 25

[DEX] 5

[CON] 30

[INT] 5


[HP] 120

[MP] 50

[AC] 0

"There, that\'s much better. The Golems should be stronger and I can take way more hits" Cain is quite proud of himself, figuring out the problem with his character in only two days. Not that any other character class would have had that problem.

It\'s time to get back though, with only a level and a bit to go, maybe he can get there today and go straight to the second dungeon tomorrow after upgrading gear?

As he\'s about to enter, he sees the well dressed man who was doing power levels yesterday.

"Excuse me, do you have an open space? You\'re doing power leveling right?" Cain asks

"5 silver a run, I get loot and you supply the buffs, if your class can." The man smiles. 5 silver is as much as the party gets in a run. So he\'ll make triple that, while the others pay.

"Sure, I\'ll buy in for 2 runs" Cain says, eager to pay the price is it means he can get to level 10 tonight in time to upgrade his gear.

Sure enough, Cain has to run to keep up with the party. The other carry is a rogue, with high dexterity he\'s got an equally high movement speed. But the run takes only fifteen minutes.

"Hey, what is this buff [Stronger In Numbers]?" The group leader asks.

"Wow, 100 percent more experience gained? I\'m almost to level 11 just from that run" The rogue announces.

Cain is sure it dropped during part of the run, his slower moving Golems getting too far behind, but no matter.

"It\'s my class skill" Cain tells them. "20 percent per group member with no listed cap"

"Now that\'s handy. But you may want to set that one to hidden in the future. If unsavory groups find out about it they\'ll make your life hell unless you grind with them all day every day."

"Yeah, even I don\'t want to let you go, and we\'re just grinding the first dungeon. Imagine how good this would be if they tied you up and dragged you through something much tougher to level their Guild members?" The rogue adds.

That could really suck, so Cain quickly goes to the menu, finding out he can hide or disable the passive. Hide is the obvious choice today, he is not quite to level 10 yet.

"So, second run guys? Then I\'ve got to go get some armor for tomorrow." Cain asks.

"Here, a refund for the buff", the group leader says handing him back his silver. "In thanks for the help leveling up my guild mate. I\'d gladly invite you, but we\'re member capped until we get the Guild level up."

"No, I should thank you. I didn\'t think I\'d have time to get another run in today. My Golems deal most of my damage, and they can barely keep up with your movement speed." Cain laughs at the sight of his stumpy little Golems struggling to keep up.

The second run is as fast as the first, bringing him smoothly to level 10, the minimum entry level for the second dungeon. Mission accomplished, he waves goodbye to the Guild group and runs straight for the armorer, even putting his new skill points into dexterity for the increased run speed.

There is a wide variety of items to choose from, but with his limited budget, he can\'t go too overboard. No wonder others take longer and have more money at low levels though, his skill has been pushing him far faster than most.

He settles on a chain vest, plus a new shirt with Leather pants and boots, using up most of his available funds, but bringing him much more security. No matter, he assures himself, he\'ll make it back tomorrow.

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