I Screwed the Novel's Plot

Chapter 30 Ch. 30: A Loving Family [2]

My mother stood and sat at the edge of my bed. She embraced me and let me lean on her. She clutched my hand while her other hand stroked my hair, then she talked in a shooting voice.

"The reason why I never let you out of your Palace is that; you know nothing about the power struggles within the Imperial Castle and I have no intention, not in the slightest, to tell you about it either."

Now I understand why I know nothing about what was truly going on inside the Imperial Castle, simply, my mother blocked all of any kind of information and left me clueless on purpose.

"What I mean is, you are just too young to know about it. That kind of world it\'s just... too cruel. I wanted you to have a normal life as a kid. Play as much as you like and learn the world through kindness, not by hatred."

She exhaled a long deep sigh.

"I was such a naive mother to think that I will be able to protect you from them by limiting your movement. But what I\'m actually doing is just imprisoning my son in his Palace while he wants freedom. I\'m so sorry."

I shook my head and turned to her.

"No. It was my fault."

However, she just smiled.

"It\'s alright, my dear. Everyone is bound to make mistakes and our duty is to reflect on it, so we won\'t fall into the same pit."

She caressed my hair.

"As it has come to this, I guess... I had no choice but to let you learn about the power struggle between Aeneas and Desdemona\'s Family. Be prepared because your path will now be filled with rough roads. You will learn about this cruel world."

She embraced and kissed me on the forehead. All she wanted was just to protect me, yet what I was doing was complaining about how she limited my movement and information without knowing the reason behind it.

Not only that, but I also realized how I treated her coldly all these years while she treated me with the utmost warmth and love she had.

But even so, she never complained about my cold attitude toward her. My mother released me and I looked her in the eyes.

"I will get stronger so I can protect you and Aeneas House from them. I promise."

"It is such a great relief to me to hear it from my beloved son. Thank you."

I shook my head.

"No, it\'s should be me and--"

I remembered that I never say \'that\' word to her, but it was not too late to start anew, right?

"Mom, I love you."

However, my mother blinked her eyes several times and looked astonished at my sudden declaration. Not long after she chuckled.

"What is that? So unlike Damian."

I couldn\'t help but pout. She never had enough to tease me, did she? She opened her arms wide.

"Come, do you want to hug me?"


"I love you too, my dear."

And we hugged each other then she let go of me.

"You should rest."

I nodded and laid my body on the bed. My mother drew the blanket higher until it covered my chest. She kissed me on the forehead.

"We\'ll meet again tomorrow. Good night."

"Good night."

With that, she left and I decided to not think of anything useless and just go straight to sleep.




A day passed in a blink of an eye. As I took a spoon full of soup to my mouth, my eyes were forced to glance at someone who barged in the door.

"Your Grace--"

Fedel approached the Duke as he had interrupted my meal.

"I came here as his Grandfather, not as a Duke of Aeneas."

But Gideon didn\'t seem to have any intention to stop. He continued his strode and sat across from me. I put down my cutlery and took a napkin to wipe my mouth before ordering maids to clean off the table.

After removing all of the tableware, a maid served us tea and refreshments. Fedel and the rest then left to give us some privacy.

He took the teacup and sipped it.

"I thought my foolish grandson would never wake up."

"Unfortunately, I\'m woken up."

Gideon scoffed. He placed down his teacup then leaned on the couch.

"So, how does it feel to leave the Palace unattended? Is it fun?"

To think that the Duke mocked me right in the face, but as I was at fault I fully accepted it with my open heart.

"It felt awful and I don\'t want to experience it again. After the accident, I learned a lot. I realized that my action was foolish. I admitted my mistake and I will reflect on it to get better in the future." For more chapters, please visit

However, Gideon didn\'t say a word and just stared at me with an indefinable expression. As silence enveloped us, somehow it made me feel uncomfortable.

"It seemed the assassin hit your head really hard, huh?"


I couldn\'t help but frown at his words. Well, that annoying guy indeed stepped on my head so damn hard, enough to make my sight turn white. I clicked my tongue inside as I regret recalled that horrendous memory.

"It\'s just... somehow you become easy to talk to."

I tilted my head.

"Is it bad?"

The Duke shook his head and smiled genuinely.

"It\'s the opposite actually. A good thing. Also, I have something for you."

He took out something from the Magical Sphere and a rectangular box appeared on the table in front of me.

"Open it."

I did as he told and a longsword and its scabbard rested side by side inside the box came into view.

"Try it."

I took it out and surprisingly it fit so well in my grip. Also, the sword\'s weight was considered pretty light for a longsword in my opinion.

"It\'s a costume made, designed just for you."

"I see. No wonder it perfectly fits in my grip."

I examined the sword inch by inch and distinctive patterns of banding and mottling reminiscent of flowing water could be seen on its blade. I looked at the Duke.

"Damascus Steels?"

He just smirked.

"You have keen eyes."

Not only that, the sword\'s fuller was carved with an elegant white etching pattern. I looked at the sword in my hand. Damascus steels were reputed to be tough, resistant to shattering, and capable of being honed to a sharp, resilient edge.

However, comparable to its greatness, the process of making the Damascus Sword was classified as the hardest among the hard because not every blacksmith could forge such steel. Especially as excellent as this sword. But...

"I don\'t think my mother will allow me to have this."

Gideon scoffed.

"Believe it or not. It was your mother who ordered it from the best blacksmith in the Hephaestus Kingdom around a year ago."

My eyes widen and blink a few times involuntarily.

\'The Hephaestus Kingdom?! Isn\'t that the kingdom of dwarfs?! No wonder the sword was perfectly done! It was made by a dwarf!\'

I wonder how much money my mother had poured to custom-made this sword.

"Do you remember that when I went back to my fiefdom before the accident?"

"Yes. I do "

"That\'s because I need to retrieve this sword from the Hephaestus Kingdom. They don\'t accept delivery because of the high risk that the sword might be stolen or switched on the way. That Damascus sword is worth a fortune."

"I see."

I placed the sword back in the box.

"All right, kid. I will go back."

Gideon rose from his seat and I stood then bowed to him. However, as I straightened my back, my view was blocked and warm wrapped around my body. The Duke hugged me tightly. He whispered into my ear.

"I\'m just glad that you\'re safe. Please don\'t do something reckless again."

I hugged him back.

"I won\'t do anything stupid like the last time. I promise."

He let go of me and patted my shoulder then strode to the door. I bowed once again. After he left I rolled my feet and headed to the bookshelf.

Now that I met my Grandpa, I thought of the book that Alexander gave me. I was curious. Just what kind of book could drive someone to lose his sanity?

I scanned the book on the bookshelf one by one. Unbothered by the door that swung open, I continued my search.

"Fedel, do you know where the book that Alexander gave me is? I can\'t seem to find it."

However, what answered my question made me stunned as an unfamiliar voice but familiar at the same time entered my ear.

"I see. So you have woken up."

I turned and found three men standing in the middle of the room. One is Fedel with an apologetic expression that colored his face. The second male had a stern expression, he was well-dressed and I assumed, he was a knight.

And the last person was someone that I never expected to visit me. He had the same white-haired as me. Now that I could see him clearly through my naked eyes, somehow I felt so annoyed when I saw that man.

No wonder I didn\'t resemble my mother, I look exactly like this man; he was just like an adult version of me. What made us different was his piercing magenta eyes.

\'That\'s right. That man is none other but the Emperor of this Empire. Dariush Atreilight.\'

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