Dysfunctional - An Assassin's Guide to Reincarnating in Another World

Chapter 507: 506 - What Are You Going to Do About It?

Chapter 507: 506 - What Are You Going to Do About It?

Point-of-View: Azyl Roake         


Back to spell creation, huh...well, I certainly don\'t dislike it, so it\'s fine. And I have to admit, I\'m pretty excited and fascinated to study all the new command line combinations used in order to create the spells that have brought Abyss to its current state.      

I was in a room that was used to store created Spell Cards, and I was currently poring over the spells that had been created in the ten year period after we got sealed away.      

If I go through these chronologically, it should be easier to follow and understand the advancements that have been made. This Luell guy who took my place, he really knew what he was doing, his creativity is seriously impressive.      

I doubt I\'d have been able to come up with most these by myself, I can understand them and how they work without much trouble, but the creativity is probably beyond what I\'d have been capable of without help.      

And based on the pattern I\'m seeing so far, and if it keeps up, the more recently created spells are likely a lot more difficult to figure out. Therefore, I might need some help.      

Jhin had that covered though, he said he\'d send me one of the members of the spell creation team to help me with figuring out anything I don\'t understand. He mentioned that he\'d be sending the most talented one, but didn\'t say much beyond that. I just hope it\'s someone who\'s easy to get along with.      

My knowledge is outdated, so I need to catch up...but I don\'t want to appear completely lost, so before whoever it is arrives, I want to get at least a basic level of understanding over the current spell creation methods.      

Suddenly, the door burst open and an alarmed yelp echoed out, followed by a thud and a groan.      

I glanced back, to see someone sprawled on the floor, before sitting up with an embarrassed sigh. Is this the person?      

It\'s a girl, she looks like she\'s in her late teens or early twenties...so, around my age-...well, minus about a hundred and fifty years, anyway.      

She had long, messy blonde hair, bright blue eyes and sharp looking teeth, probably due to an Anima mutation. She was a bit shorter than me, and had a slender build.      

She wore black rectangular framed glasses, had slight dark circles under her eyes, and had on an unbuttoned short pink and purple checkered sleeved shirt over a black tank top and a black knee-length skirt over purple tights.      

"Um, hello...I\'m Teria Saurex, nice to meet you. I was, uh, told to come here by Jhin, to help with clarifications on spells?" She greeted me awkwardly.      

"Nice to meet you, Teria, I\'m Azyl Roake. I appreciate the help," I replied with a polite nod.      

"Y-yes, I know who you are, you\'re, um, kind of a legend...if I\'m being honest, I\'m kinda fangirling right now!" She responded with a sheepish smile.      

Huh...not sure how to feel about that. Me? A legend? No way.      

"You\'re exaggerating, I\'m nothing that remarkable. Looking at these spells, that much is clear...I had the knowledge to pull some of this off, but not the creativity," I sighed wistfully.      

"Oh, you already started?" She replied as she walked over and peered over my shoulder, "Those are some pretty old spells."     

"Yeah, I\'ve been chronologically studying the spells that were created immediately after I was sealed away. I think this one\'s about twenty years after that...so still a long way to go before I\'m all caught up," I remarked wryly.      

"Oh, um, okay, you can ask me if there\'s anything you don\'t get. But in the meantime, um...do you mind if I check out some of these spells too? This might sound weird, but I enjoy going through command lines, and coming up with ways to improve or make a spell more efficient, you know?" She requested as she stared at the old spells with a look of fascination.      

"Yeah, sure, go for it. I don\'t mind at all," I responded with a nod.      

Okay, first impression isn\'t bad, she\'s awkward but seems nice enough. Looks like there was no need to worry. And as a bonus, she\'s cute too...     


Point-of-View: Rion Xester         


Hm...what should I do? I haven\'t been able to get it out of my mind at all...ever since I hung out with the guys and they suggested that I should ask Azzy out, it\'s all I\'ve been able to think about.      

I\'m not even sure if I like her in that way, or if she even feels that way about me. The idea of that is kinda embarrassing, actually...we\'ve known each other for years, the only remaining survivors of The Valaque Empire.      

And sure, she\'s pretty attractive and all, not to mention fun to tease, her reactions are great, plus despite her usual attitude, can be pretty cute and kind sometimes.      

Huh? Wait...based on all that, it certainly sounds like I\'m interested her. Uh...just a coincidence? But if it isn\'t, then-...damn it, I\'m not sure what to think anymore.      

I was currently on my way to a restaurant, I decided to call her and ask her if she wants to get a bite to eat, and she agreed. Maybe seeing her in person will help me clear up how I\'m feeling.      

Hold on a sec...is this a date? No, we\'ve hung out several times before without anyone else around, I never thought of any of those instances as dates.      

Wait, what makes an outing a date? It is just when two people hang out together? No, it can\'t be as simple as all that...maybe it\'s the intent that makes it a date?      

Hm...I think I\'m only making myself more confused. I give up, I\'m just gonna wing it and see how I feel.      

"Oh, hey, looks like we got here at the same time," Came her voice as I arrived outside the restaurant, startling me.      

"Wha-...oh, hey, Azzy."     

"You seem a bit jumpy. Is everything okay?" She inquired in response.      

"Yeah, I was just lost in thought. Come on, let\'s go order some food," I suggested, playing it cool.      

"Okay, sounds good. I\'ve been wanting to try this place for a while, so I\'m excited," She replied with a nod, a gleam in her eyes as we headed inside.      

So cute...wait, what? Hold on, is it just me, or does she look more attractive than usual? I mean, she looks the same as always, but it feels like I\'m more aware of her than usual.      

We then found a table and placed our orders. This place\'s menu has some pretty good sounding options, but I found it hard to focus on it since I was kinda distracted by her.      

"Uh...you\'ve been staring at me a lot today. Is there something on my face?" She inquired with a frown.      

"H-huh? No, uh, nothing like that, I was just, uh, thinking that...," I trailed off as my mind blanked, before I blurted out as I began to panic a bit, "...you look cute."     

Oh, crap, I couldn\'t stop myself! Kill me...      

"Wh-wha...? Where\'d that come from!?" She stuttered in response, her face turning red.      

"N-no, nothing, just pretend I didn\'t say anything!" I replied as I averted my gaze.      

"Yeah, uh, okay, sure."     

An awkward silence ensued, and as the food arrived, it was kinda uncomfortable as we began eating.      

"This is, uh, pretty good," I remarked after a few minutes, unable to bear the silence.      

"Y-yeah, it is."         

"Isn\'t it?"      


More silence...what the hell was that, I\'m not usually this awkward! Come on, think of something to talk about...damn it, it\'s no good, my head\'s full of thoughts about her!     

It felt like an eternity before we finally finished eating, neither of us saying a word in that time...even the waiter looked uncomfortable when he handed us the bill and cleared our plates.      

"Hey, um...so, what was that about?" Azzy asked me as we left the restaurant.      

"Uh, what was what about?"      

"You know what I mean...I\'ve never seen you so awkward before. Also, well...that thing you said," She muttered as she averted her gaze.      

Crap, did I make her uncomfortable?      

"Sorry, guess that must have been unpleasant, huh? Didn\'t mean to make you uneasy or anything," I apologized in response.      

"Huh? No, you didn\'t...it was really awkward, sure, but...it wasn\'t unpleasant," She mumbled as she fidgeted slightly.      

"Oh...okay, that\'s good."     

"Anyway, what was it about? Do you have something on your mind?"      

You know what...I\'m just gonna come clean. It\'s better than trying to make up an excuse and blurting out something embarrassing again.      

"Well...the other day, when I was hanging out with the guys, we got to talking, and well, they asked me if the two of us were a couple. And, uh, then they suggested that I ask you out, but I can\'t quite figure out my feelings, and I don\'t know how you feel, or-...never mind, you get the point. So, you know, that\'s kinda been on my mind since then...," I explained awkwardly.      

"O-oh...I see."     

"Sorry if that makes you uncomfortable...I just-..."     

"It doesn\'t. So, um...have you figured it out? How you feel?" She inquired in response.      

"H-huh? I...I don\'t know. I\'ve kinda been agonizing over it..."     

"I see...well, let me know when you figure it out."     

"Oh, uh...sure."     

"Because, well...I know how I feel."     

"You do?"      

"Y-yeah...," She trailed off, before taking a deep breath and meeting my gaze with a look of determination as she pointed at me, "I really like you, okay!?"     


"Wait, hold on-..."         

"No, I\'ve held on long enough...I like you, and so we\'re clear, in a romantic way!" She blurted out, her face bright red as she added, "S-so, what are you going to do about it!?"      


Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Don\'t forget to vote, and feel free to leave a comment, I appreciate any and all feedback and criticism!     

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