Dysfunctional - An Assassin's Guide to Reincarnating in Another World

Chapter 479 478 - Sneaking In

Chapter 479 478 - Sneaking In

  Point-of-View: Damien Romer

  Damn, how disappointing. I really hoped that eating the hearts of people from the other races might give me the ability to cast spells freely, but no such luck. 

  I stabbed my trident into the ground with a sigh as I took out a pair of Power Readers and pointed them at me, running my Mana through it to scan my power level. 

  I then put the glasses on to see the numerical value...oh, nice, looks like I finally got past 120,000. And with my True Anima unleashed, that number will double.

  In terms of power level alone, only Shiro Blanc and the Earth Sage are stronger than me now. No one else even comes close. 

  It\'s been a little over three years since I killed Isla, it was currently the 25th of July, 1700, and I\'ve been steadily accumulating and building up my power level and arsenal in the last three years. 

  Unfortunately, I didn\'t get another significant power boost like I did when those three Adventurers showed up and I gained Poseidon\'s Trident and Light Magic. I\'ve only come across more average victims since then.

  It\'s been a lot more slow and steady since then, I\'ve lost count of how many people\'s hearts I\'ve eaten in the last three years, but it\'s got to be at least a hundred or so. 

  I did manage to nab a handful of Reincarnators in that time, but unfortunately, I didn\'t gain any new Support Magic, since most of them seem to have selected similar combinations. 

  Which makes sense, forgoing the most useful Support Magics like healing, defense, teleport, and so on, is a tough choice. I doubt there are many people who would pick the more obscure Support Magics instead. 

  I haven\'t targeted any Demons, since it\'s hard to tell whether the body they\'re occupying was successfully possessed or if the original owner resisted possession. Because if it turns out to be the former, I\'ll just be wasting my time and won\'t gain their Demonic Magic. 

  So, yeah, the majority of my victims have either been normal, everyday people or painfully average Adventurers, no one drastically powerful. 

  It\'s been a slow process, but I\'ve built myself up pretty steadily so far. I should probably start targeting more powerful people now, but that\'s easier said than done. 

  Measures have been taken against me, I heard a rumor in one of the trade center towns that a new type of barrier was being created in Abyss, one that could detect my Nullification. It is possible that it\'s just a rumor being spread around to try and scare me, but it\'s certainly not impossible that it\'s for real. 

  I\'ve become pretty infamous in this world, every nation, town and village knows about me, and are afraid of me. Which is pretty awesome, not gonna lie. Especially since they have no idea what I actually look like. 

  I\'m widely referred to as Spectre here, not too different from my old world, where I was known as the Phantom. 

  I think I\'m having more fun in this world than I did in my old one...the super powers and magic are definitely factors in that. 

  Huh, which world has been easier to have fun in? Let\'s see...my previous world was several times larger than this one, so there were an endless amount of places to both target and hide out in. 

  But technology was a problem, stuff like fingerprint records, facial recognition and whatnot. Having to create fake passports and disguising myself all the time was kind of a pain too, and I\'d often cut up my fingers a bit, saying that I\'d been in an accident or something in order to forgo having my fingerprints scanned. But those meticulous preparations were exactly why they never found out my identity. 

  On the other hand, this world\'s magic barriers might be even more tricky to get around than the scanners in my old world...my Nullification has been working well in that regard so far, but if they really do manage to create a barrier that detects my Nullification, things will become a lot more difficult. 

  Additionally, this planet is freaking tiny, so there aren\'t many places where I can lay low safely for long periods of time, which is pretty annoying, since I have to constantly be on the move while keeping a low profile. 

  That said, these powers make things so much easier and convenient. With Water Magic, I always have a supply of water in case I get thirsty, I can heal almost any injury I sustain with my various healing powers, and I\'ve been making use of my invisibility to keep my trident hidden. 

  This weapon is super powerful and all, but it\'s also a dead giveaway in regards to my identity, it\'s now common knowledge that the entity known as Spectre carries Poseidon\'s Trident. 

  Initially, it had seemed like the nations were trying to keep my actions under wraps, but once it got to the point where unrest and rumors were spreading out across the entire world, they had no choice but to reveal what they knew about me, in order to quash all the wild and speculative rumors that were spreading about. 

  Anyway, I was currently outside of Abyss, approaching the south gate. I\'ve avoided the Democratic Republic of Rustlands, since I don\'t want to run into Shiro Blanc, and I\'ve also avoided Idyll, for the same reason in regards to the Earth Sage. 

  I\'ve been to Liberty and most of the trade center towns and had quite a bit of fun in those places, but it\'s time to expand my options a bit. 

  Abyss, the most advanced nation in this world, were hosting the annual World Combat Championship this year, the most popular event in this world. 

  In other words, there was going to be a huge crowd here for the next few days, making it the perfect opportunity to sneak in and blend into the crowd, allowing me to pick my next target without arousing any suspicion. 

  Naturally, I won\'t be going in through the front gates...Abyss is pretty strict when it comes to admittance into their nation, they require visitors to acquire proper documentation and register their Mana signature into one of the protective barriers. 

  In other words, they can keep track of everyone in the nation. If someone dies within their walls, they\'ll immediately track whoever were closest to the victim\'s location at the time of death. 

  They\'ve got some seriously complex barriers, and the only reason the other nations haven\'t implemented the same barriers yet is because of how convoluted the process is, but they do plan to do so eventually. 

  You have to register the Mana signatures of every single person in the nation for it to work, and put in processes for verifying all visitors too. Maintaining something like that is by no means easy. 

  Sneaking into the nation is the only way to avoid being registered into their Mana signature database...too bad I can\'t copy someone else\'s Mana signature when I use transform, that\'d make a huge difference, I\'d be able to frame anyone I wanted to. 

  Anyway, I was currently invisible, and heading for the wall, away from the south gates, where a huge crowd of people had lined up to enter the nation. From what I know, when visitors leave Abyss, their Mana signatures are removed. 

  Their protective barrier that keeps track of it also reacts to any and all unidentified Mana signatures, meaning that I\'ll need to keep up my Nullification at all times. 

  Good thing I\'ve got my Light Magic to constantly replenish my Mana supply, otherwise I\'d be exposed in a matter of a few hours, and that\'ll be it for me. 

  If I ever get caught, there\'s no doubt that they\'ll kill me. Or maybe brainwash me with Chaos Magic and have a Demon possess my body. Either way, the fact remains that I can never afford to get caught. 

  "Alright, then, here goes," I smirked to myself, as I walked through the outer wall of Abyss, entering the nation successfully. 

  Woah...holy shit, is this the same world? It looks so...wow. A lot of the buildings looked kinda modern. Wasn\'t the outermost area of this nation once a slum, before it was Abyss? 

  I think it was called, uh...Platinberg? Yeah, something like that. Damn, this is seriously impressive. Just...wow. I\'m kinda speechless. 

  Sure, Liberty and most of the trade center towns were pretty advanced too, but this is on another level. There was music playing, from a nearby store, with an elevator music-like vibe to it. 

  Huh, guess I\'ll go find an inn or something to stay in. There\'s still a few hours before the tournament starts, I might as well rest up a bit. This nation is pretty amazing...I can\'t wait to have some fun with it... 


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