Dysfunctional - An Assassin's Guide to Reincarnating in Another World

Chapter 289 - 288 - Restoration

Chapter 289 - 288 - Restoration

Point-of-View: Belia Lasmodeus


"Hey, could you just drop us back at Silvland already? Why do we have to just sit around and wait for a whole hour?" Groaned Gela, looking annoyed.

"Because...you\'ll see. Once the people of Bronztan evacuate, I\'ve got quite the sight to show you," I replied with a grin.

"Okay...in that case, can\'t you drop us off at Silvland and then bring us back in an hour?" Suggested Shiro with a frown.

"I could...but I won\'t. So suck it," I responded with a huff.

"Suck what?" Inquired Shiro suggestively, glancing down at my breasts with a look of immense lust.

"...do you want me to castrate you?" I inquired icily.

"That does sound unpleasant...but I can probably grow it back," He replied with a shrug, though it was obvious that he was trying to play it cool.

"You really think so? Why don\'t we put it to the test?" I suggested with a smile.

"...no, thanks, I\'m good."

That should shut him up for a while. Gela was pacing around impatiently, while Druj was just standing around with a blank expression, and Hacte was sleeping, leaning against a tree. Okay, maybe they have a point...waiting around is kinda boring. But I can\'t give in now and admit that they were right, I have to stick to it! Let\'s see...ugh, still fifty minutes to go...


"Alright, we\'ve still got about ten minutes left, but it looks like the Bronztan population has already almost completely evacuated, so I\'m going to get started with the next step," I remarked, as I saw that the majority of the survivors, including the queen and remaining Adventurers, were already outside the gates.

There were a few stragglers left inside the walls, but who cares? Several tens of thousands had already been killed, what\'s a few more, right?

"So what exactly is the \'next step\'?" Inquired Shiro curiously.

"Heh...you\'ll see. Come on, fly up with me," I replied with a smirk, as I flew up and above Bronztan, Gela and Shiro close behind, while the other two stayed down...Hacte because he was asleep, and Druj because he couldn\'t fly...well, Hacte can\'t fly either, so even if he was awake, he\'d have still had to stay down.

"Are you gonna like blast down a ton of Elemental Magic attacks or something?" Asked Gela curiously.

"No, not quite...well, just watch," I grinned, before closing my eyes and focusing, "This is going to take a bit of time without a Spell Scroll, so be quiet, I need to concentrate."

Okay...first, I need to form a large containment barrier...alright, done...next, fill it with all the blood and corpses that were scattered all over Bronztan...

"Ohh, I think I see what you\'re going for...," Remarked Shiro, a tone of realization in his voice.

That\'s right, he has decent knowledge about this, thanks to Kuro\'s memories from infiltrating The Valaque Empire. Anyway, getting back to it...

Alright, now to use Weathering Magic to speed up the process...and it\'s done! A Blood Crystal, created in a couple of minutes. Okay, next, a barrier around Bronztan to contain the explosion...don\'t want to accidentally kill Hacte and Druj, or the fleeing rabble.

"You guys ready? I\'m going to trigger it," I remarked with a smirk.

"Yeah, light it up," Replied Shiro, smacking my butt...way to ruin to moment.

"Don\'t make me transport you down there," I warned him, before triggering the explosion.

In an instant, a blinding flash of red burst out, the barrier I placed straining against the sheer force of it, cracks starting to appear as the red light grew brighter and brighter, I quickly formed several more barriers around it, right as it shattered, the blast then fading before it could break through the newly formed barriers.

As I deactivated the barriers, a shockwave of sheer force burst it, stifling the air around us and filling it with a heavy stench of blood. Streaks of red lightning were crackling across the air below us, above the smoking crater that used to be Bronztan.

"Holy fuck...," Muttered Shiro, staring down with wide eyes.

"That was...," Began Gela, before trailing off in awe.

"Pretty amazing, right? Well, guess what? I\'m not quite done yet, not by a long shot," I stated with a devious smile.

I then descended back down towards the ground, to where Hacte and Druj were...looks like the explosion woke the former up. He approached me as we landed back down...

"Was that a Blood Crystal explosion?"

"Yup, sure was," I replied with a grin.

"But I thought all Blood Crystals were used up...," He muttered in confusion.

"Yeah, they were...so I made a new one. And now, this world is back to zero Blood Crystals...as far as I know anyway," I replied, before adding as I sat down and closed my eyes, "But that was nothing...at least, not compared to what I\'m about to do next."

It\'s finally time...this will be my final large scale Divine Magic spell, I estimate that it\'ll take around ninety percent of my remaining divinity, I\'ll still be able to use Weathering, Dimensional and Observation Magic, but other than those three, the only form of Divine Magic I\'ll be able to afford to use will be Restoration Magic after this...but it\'s going to be worth it.

Normally, the amount of Divine Magic that a spell like this would take would far exceed the amount that I have remaining in me...but I\'m not casting the entire spell from scratch, it\'s a spell that\'s already been cast, a very long time ago...and what I\'m about to do...is undo that spell.

"Hey, what\'s going on!?" Exclaimed Shiro, as the ground began to shake violently.

"An earthquake? I have never felt one so strong!" Added Hacte in alarm.

"Quit your whining, you babies," I remarked, as I focused on the spell.

I mean, yeah, the planet was shaking pretty violently right now, but it can\'t be helped...because I\'m splitting a part of it open...in order to restore the hidden floating island back to the planet. Oh, yeah, that\'s right...it\'s time for Sant A.C. Laus and the other races to return to the fray! Yes, I could have opened another Forbidden Zone instead but...not yet. It\'s high time that those on the floating island return.

They\'ve been absent for all these centuries, they\'ve been staying safe and cozy on the sidelines for more than long enough...and not to mention that at the rate I\'m going with the last few attacks, humans might go extinct soon if I don\'t have more toys to play with. And besides, I can always bring the remaining Forbidden Zones into play later, anytime I want. Oh, I\'m feeling some resistance against the spell...Sant, no doubt.

But I already factored this in when I decided on activating this spell...and he\'s interfering later than I expected, so he\'s already too late! And...done! Alright, I did it!

"Uh, Belia? What exactly did you do?" Inquired Shiro warily, as the shaking stopped.

"Heh...you\'ll find out soon enough," I remarked with a gleeful laugh...with this, everything\'s going to change...


Point-of-View: Kuro Black


Today was the 1st of May, and I\'d been chilling on the castle roof, when suddenly, the ground began shaking violently, before eventually settling after a couple of minutes. What was that? An earthquake? That\'s the first one I\'ve ever felt in this world, and holy crap, was it a big one.

No, wait, something isn\'t right...the monsters I\'d scattered throughout this world, it feels like they\'re a bit more far apart than they used to...but that\'s impossible, unless like, the ground shifted around or the planet itself expanded-...

Hold on a sec...originally, this planet was twenty-five percent bigger than it currently is...no way, it couldn\'t be, but...I can\'t think of anything else...

Hey, Lazarus, about the floating island...which part of the planet was it made from? As in, the location of the chunk of earth that was broken apart to create the island.

"Hm...I think it was near where Goldway used to be? No, or maybe it was closer to-?"

"Just stop, useless Vampire, I\'ve got this," Interrupted Diablo, before adding, "It was approximately between the volcanic mountain range and savanna areas, and stretches down further along the east border of forest area and a part of the wasteland."

Alright, thanks...I\'ve got some Lava Serpents at the volcanic mountain range, I\'ll link my vision to them and see...though now that you mention it, I do feel that the area east to southeast of here is lacking in monsters under my control, which is definitely strange since I spread my monsters out pretty evenly throughout the planet.

I don\'t like this one bit...I need to find out exactly what just happened, I\'ve got a really bad feeling about this. I\'ll also link my vision to some of my monsters in the savanna, let\'s see what I find...





...and it wasn\'t long before I found out exactly what had happened...I had a feeling that this was the case, but to think it\'s actually happened...I don\'t know how, but there\'s no doubt about it...the floating island with the other races...had returned to the earth...or whatever this planet is supposed to be called, I guess...


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