The Rise Of A Porter

Chapter 533 - They Got Dragons, We Got Giants

Over the years of their existence, the gods have made countless enemies. There were some mortal creatures who dared to defy the gods and lived to tell the tale. As much as Thor would want to claim that the giants had been completely eradicated, Arnold knew that was not the truth. 

Far from it. The Asgardians might have killed the frost giants, but frost giants weren\'t the only types of giants. As far as Arnold could recall, there were at least four more types of giants. The fire giants, wood giants, stone giants and Aqua Giants. 

Just like the giants weren\'t the only problems gods had to handle, the same was true for the giants as well. While their prime enemies were the gods, which go without a saying, the giants often had quite a war amongst themselves as well. 

As such there were multiple disputes amongst themselves and Arnold was planning to take advantage of that. It was no secret that Surtr, the lesser god of the underworld was a fire giant. Since he was supporting Loki, it was safe to assume that the fire giants would aid them as well. And that\'s exactly what Arnold wanted. 

"As long as one of them takes a side, it would be easy to convince the others to join in as well." Arnold mumbled as he reviewed the information about these giants, "But for that, we would need to press their buttons correctly."

This time not all of his summons were there. This time Arnold was meeting up with only those who could help him in his quest to win over the giants... at least as many of them as they can. After all, he could always conquer the rest of them by force. 

Thor, Heimdall, Hercules, Talos and Tiamut. These five were the ones listening to Arnold\'s plans. The four gods were the perfect people to help him out with the giants and as for Talos, when he was there to guide them all and provide a vision for the mortals, and to see how the other soldiers in his army would react to working with giants. 

However, so far, they were stuck on the first question itself.

"Why do you need the giants on our side?" Thor voiced the opinion of everyone there, "You know the gods can defeat them right?"

"In that case, would you mind telling me how long did it take Asgard to defeat the giants?"

"A decade or two? Oh, I see..."

Just because the giants could be defeated, doesn\'t mean it was easy to do so. But that wasn\'t the only reason why Arnold was planning to make them join his battle. It was to boost up the morale of the mortals.

Going up against the gods was already nerve-wracking, but gods coupled with dragons? Well, that would make them shit themselves, quite literally. They needed someone or something to bring their courage up before they lost their minds.  Having giants on their side could have just that effect.

The mortals were aware of Arnold strength, but just like that, they were also aware of his limits as well. After all, not long ago he was just another mortal, like them. Thus even if he claimed to have achieved godhood, most of the people would think that he was simply messing with them. 

"That\'s a great plan, Arnold." Heimdall chimed in, "But I don\'t think it would be as easy as you are thinking."

"Yeah... nothing is ever easy when I\'m the one planning it out." Arnold smiled wanly before shaking his head, "The Giants will not fight together with the gods... especially together with Asgard."

Arnold needed both Asgard and the giants on his side and the only way he could think of doing that was to either give the giants an offering or force them to join him. The latter of those was going to be a long and draining process. 

Also, it wasn\'t a good idea to make more enemies when he already has enough problems in his hands. And only left him with one choice... 

"Looks like I\'m going to need your help, Thor." Arnold sighed heavily.

Thor had been his summons for two years now. Yet, Arnolf had not called him out to fight even once. Not because Thor didn\'t want to fight, but because Arnold was treating him as a secret weapon.

In other words, everyone across the cosmos would be thinking that Arnold and Talos were not able to resurrect him. Thus he could fool the giants into offering something they would have never even dreamt of getting their hands on. 

The plan was good and should work without any issues. But even then, he would not have thought that he would even think of using the All-mighty Thor in this way. 

"To be precise, I\'ll only need your head." Arnold completed his thought and took out a long short from his inventory.

"You want my WHAT!?" Thor yelled and started to back away. But before he could get away Heimdall and Hercule held him in his place, "Et Tu Heimdall?"

"You seriously need to calm down, boy." Heimdall tried talking some sense into his fellow god, "Offering your head, the annihilator of the giants, to the giants would make them turn a blind eye towards the rest of Asgard. Thus they might be willing to help us out."

"On top of that, your head would make one hell of a decoration piece." Hercules chimed in, "It\'s not like you\'re going to die again or something. You\'re already dead fool, and will resurrect over time."

"Oh yeah? If it\'s all that great then why don\'t you serve your head on a platter for them?" Thor screamed while trying to free himself.

"Sorry dude. I wasn\'t the one who killed the frost giants..."

Arnold was getting tired of their banter. So he decided to do it the easier way. Kill Thor first, and then sever his head later.. Quite a simple plan, to be honest and that was what he exactly did. 

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