The Rise Of A Porter

Chapter 392 - You're Nothing (4)

"I AM HERCULES! THE SON OF ZEUS! THE CHAMPION OF OLYMPUS! NO MERE MORTAL CAN SLAY ME- ARRGH!" Hercules yelled in a fit of rage as his only remaining limb was swiftly ripped off from his body.

Now he was a demigod only in name and nothing more. He couldn\'t even move on his own, let alone fight against someone. But even after doing this, it wasn\'t enough for Arnold. He wanted to teach all of the gods a lesson. A lesson to not mess with him or his planet. But if they still decided to invade earth, either way, he would be coming after them the next time, and the aftermath of their battle wouldn\'t be a pretty sight. At least for the gods.

"I... am... Hercules... Son of Zeus..." Hercules kept mumbling mindlessly. He had too much blood but Arnold made sure that he wouldn\'t die of blood loss, even if it was a thing among the gods. He wanted Hercules to cry in misery, thus after Arnold was done dissecting his limbs, he immediately sealed the wounds using lava.

"You\'re nothing." Arnold mumbled in cold fury before grabbing Hercules by his long hair and slowly dragging him back to where all of the warriors were waiting for him, "I am this, I am that... you\'re dogsh*t nothing more. Maybe even calling you that is a disgrace to the dogs."

"You dare-"

Before Hercules could even finish cursing him, Arnold slammed his head on the ground with all his might. Albeit, \'all his might\' didn\'t mean much since Arnold barely had any strength left in him. Fighting against the demigod had completely drained him. He was completely exhausted after subduing Hercules, but his exhaustion didn\'t mean he would let Hercules go so easily.

Judging from what Hercules had said before destroying Tiamut, Arnold was sure that these basta*ds, including the Olympian soldiers can be revived as long as the gods can get a hold of their bodies. This could end up being a pain in the butt for him because if the gods got their hands on Hercules or his soldiers, they could once again pull some crap like they did his time. Also, next time they would come even well prepared, as they had seen what he was capable of, and Arnold wasn\'t a fan of the idea, to say the least.

Thankfully, Arnold knew of a way to take care of the situation. But in order to do so, he would need the help of both Talos and Yan. That\'s why he wanted to take care of Hercules as soon as he could. Once that was done, he could travel back to Zone 4 along with all the corpses and revive them as his own lackeys.

Arnold also didn\'t want to waste an opportunity to add the Olympians to his army. As in his eyes adding the Olympian army to his ranks was not less than conquering Olympus itself. Not to mention the blow it would deal to the one responsible for this attack. Not only did their plan to kill him failed spectacularly, but they would also end up losing a godly army. Arnold wanted to rub more and more salt on their wounds. He intended to humiliate those who wanted to go against him, let be a god or a mortal being. 

Furthermore, the army of ten thousand Olympians had already proved that they were the strongest army anyone had ever seen, so by commanding them, Arnold was looking to solidify his position as the world\'s strongest. That way, he wouldn\'t have to worry about the paladin\'s anymore as even they won\'t dare to go against him. But even if they were foolish enough to do so, he would kill them all without any hesitation.

At this point, the duration of Guardian Angel was up and Arnold was left with a minuscule amount of mana with him. Still, it was enough to kill the demigod. However, as much as Arnold wanted to kill that filth of a demigod by himself. Hercules was not worth taking the risk of losing his sanity.

More than that, Hercules didn\'t deserve an easy death. Not after what he and his soldiers did to Earth\'s warriors. He was responsible for the deaths of over thirty-five thousand people, and Arnold was going to make sure even in death, the fallen warriors receive justice, in the most gruesome way possible.

Hercules had a lot of pride in being a demigod. Just like every other demigod who was planning to go against Arnold. Thus Arnold was planning to use Hercules as a medium to convey his message to those damned gods once and for all, and he wanted to make sure to do it in a fear instilling manner.

\'What can be more fear instilling than to watch a god being stomped to death by a bunch of mortals?\' Arnold smiled like a true sadist as he arrived in front of the warriors.

Everyone who saw Arnold, was filled with relief and fear at the same time. They were relieved because his return meant that Hercules had been dealt with. While they were afraid after seeing the particularly evil smirk, Arnold had on his face. 

The Warriors got even more confused when they saw what Arnold was dragging behind him. it was a crippled body of Hercules who seemed to be unconscious. They wanted to ask Arnold what it was about but decided to keep quiet as he dropped Hercules in front of them before heading to check on Nicole.

"How is she doing?" Arnold asked Alice who was finally done treating Nicole.

"Better than before. She collapsed due to exhaustion. That\'s all." Alice replied, "Do you want me to check you as well?"

Arnold shook his head in response before turning to face the last of the warriors.

"Warriors!" Arnold yelled at the top of his lungs, "This \'god\' and others like him, think of us as nothing more than mosquitoes. They think they can come to our world and rule do as they please. We might have won today, but is it even a victory? I say it\'s not! Today we lost thousands of noble and brave souls and for what? All because a maniac god decided to bring terror upon our world all because they were feeling bored?"

Everyone was completely silent. What Arnold was saying was true. Why did a god pop out of a dungeon in place of monsters? Was everything that had been happening in their world their fault?

"We might have won today. But those basta*ds won\'t stop coming after us if we don\'t teach them a lesson." Arnold continued enraging them with his words, "So I\'m giving you a choice. A choice to show those gods, whom they are messing with. A choice to avenge our fallen brothers and sisters. A choice to kill Hercules. Are you with me?"

"Yes!" Arnold heard various cheers from the crowd, but it wasn\'t enough. 

"I said, Will you defeat the gods!"


"Will you avenge our allies!"


"Then what are you waiting for? KILL HIM!"

As soon as Arnold gave them the green signal, the horde of warriors lunged at Hercules who had just opened his eyes after hearing the noise. But moments later, he was about to wish he had never woken up. The Warriors jumped at him like a pack of vicious wolves with only one thing in their minds... revenge for the fallen warriors.


Hercules\' screams shook Olympus to its core. But Arnold was still not done as he turned towards his summons and uttered the words he was previously embarrassed to say.

"It\'s snu-snu time."

And with that, even his summons jumped into the fray to stomp Hercules to death. While they were handling Hercules, Arnold decided to visit Zone 4 to check how things were going there. 


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