The Rise Of A Porter

Chapter 357 - One Emperor (4)

A few days after the successful subjugation of a \'sudden\' dungeon breakout that happened in Shanghai, an unexpected visitor came on the doorsteps of Arnold\'s mansion. However, this was no ordinary man, but one of the 11 emperors of China. The one who was known as Emperor of the Dragon Fist, due to his extreme grasp on the once lost form of martial arts: The Immortal Dragon Fist Style. 

He had achieved many great things in his life, yet there wasn\'t a tinge of pride on his face or his voice. Because right now, he was nothing more than a beggar trying to persuade a \'king\' to help him out of a crisis. A crisis that had befallen on him and the civilians living within his territory.


The man was known as, Emperor Kang You. Standing 6\' 10" tall, the dark-skinned man had a serious feel about him. His mannerisms and the noble aura around him, instantly made him fearsome to others. Even quite a few among the 10 emperors did not want to get on his bad side.

Not to mention his well-built body that could send shivers down on anyone who stood in front of him. He had long, straight, brown hair which featured a central parting, and he had a long, slick, and well-maintained beard. Kang also had a burn mark on his right ear which he never talked about.

Maybe it was because he was embarrassed, or maybe he did not want to brag about his battles scars. No one knew for sure. His godly demeanour was so scary that no one even dared to ask him about it. They just assumed it was something they shouldn\'t be concerned with. That was if they wanted to live a long and healthy life.

But right now, the roles have been reversed. He was no longer the scary one in the room but the one being scared. He was the type of man who was used to being bowed to, but not any longer. No more was he in control but the one being controlled by someone else.

He tried his best to keep his face impassive. He wanted to make sure there was not a tinge of nervousness on his face. But how could he not? He was standing in front of the man who was undoubtedly the most powerful man on Earth, The Deathless. The man who survived a nuclear attack and managed to kill a dragon all on his own... how could someone not fear such a man?

But as if that wasn\'t enough to make him anxious, then there was the godly amount of aura leaking out of Deathless\' body which was directed right at him. Kang slowly lifted his gaze to look at the only man who could get him out of the unforeseen trouble he had encountered.

Kang couldn\'t see Arnold\'s expression as he was wearing a masquerade mask. He could only see his eyes. But Arnold\'s gaze was the only thing required to put the \'Emperor\' in his place. Arnold\'s emotionless eyes pierced through Kang\'s soul, while the former left the latter to enjoy the uncomfortable silence.

Kang continued to bow in front of Arnold. Not even daring to say a word, while he waited for Arnold to announce his decision. He could not afford to mess up the meeting. After all, the lives of his people were at stake.

"Do you mind telling me what happened once more?" Although it sounded like Arnold was requesting Kang to repeat what he had just told him. In reality, it was more like a command than a request.

"Yes, my lord." Kang did not want to upset Arnold in the slightest, thus he began addressing him as \'Lord\' and not by his name.

Kang then proceeded to narrate what had happened in his territory. He told them, how one day a dungeon that wasn\'t supposed to break for another 10 days suddenly broke. The next moment, thousands of minotaurs came pouring out of the dungeon.

Had it been Goblins or Ogres, Kang and warriors could easily handle them. But a single minotaur was itself as dangerous as an A-ranked boss. With a thousand of them working together, it was next to impossible for Kang to take care of them. For these reasons, they weren\'t prepared to handle the sudden breakout which led to the destruction of about 40% of his territory within 24 hours of the dungeon break.

Thankfully, they were able to evacuate the civilians before any harm was done to them. But just evacuating the civilians did not solve the problem of rampaging minotaurs. They tried, again and again, to defeat the boss monster and seal the dungeon, only to fail more miserably than the last time. In the dozen attempts they made, not once did they manage to get even close to the boss: The Black Minotaur.

Kang and his warriors were getting desperate to end the battle as soon as possible, or they were afraid that what happened in the country once known as the United States of America could happen in China as well. It was then he heard about how there was a similar dungeon break in Shanghai and was subjugated in merely 2 days.

That\'s when he contact Yu Zhug with a heavy heart. He had, had his differences with Yu Zhung previously, and asking him for help was humiliating to him. But for the sake of his people, he consumed the vial of shame and called him.

It was then that Yu Zhung told him that he didn\'t subjugate the dungeon break on his own. But that Deathless was the one who helped him. However, Yu Zhung also warned him that the price of asking the Deathless for help was quite high.

Kang did not bother asking Yu Zhung about what the price was and just asked him for his help in setting up a meeting. Yu Zhung happily complied with his request. Kang finally had a ray of hope and wanted to capitalise on it before it was too late. And now, here he was, bowing before the only man who could help him.

"Hm..." Arnold nodded once the man had finished telling his tale, "So, you need my help in subjugating the monsters, right?"

"Yes, my lord..."

"I see... Tell me one thing then," Arnold got up from his throne of a sofa, slowly walking towards the man, "What would you do if I end up acquiring your territory for myself once I\'m done taking care of the monsters? I don\'t think you can stop me from doing it. After all, if you could do that, you wouldn\'t be here begging for my help." 

"I\'d rather serve under you, my lord, than allowing those monsters to dictate my fate." 

Arnold could feel that his words were sincere and had truth in them. Even though Kang did not like what he said, he still meant it. If losing his territory was the only way to save his people then, so be it.

"Very well then." Arnold sympathetically patted the man\'s shoulder, "I\'ll help you subjugate those monsters. Just like I helped Yu Zhung. And in return, you\'ll hand over your territory to me, just like Yu Zhung did. If it\'s acceptable to you, then we can proceed with the subjugation. If not, well, then I can protect my territory by myself."

"I accept your condition, my lord..." Kang mumbled weakly, "You shall be the One Emperor, to rule over us..."

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