The Rise Of A Porter

Chapter 313 - Family Divided (4)

It had been a week since the day Andrex\'s family was annihilated. And the week had been a rollercoaster ride for everyone including Arnold. The moment the syndicate had gone public with what happened to Andrex\'s family and why they were no longer members of the syndicate, all hell broke loose. Following the revelation, the citizens were in disarray. 

Most of them thought Andrex\'s family got what they deserved. While a few agreed that even though Arnold\'s actions were justifiable, it would\'ve been better if violence was minimized or if he had taken a different approach. After all, it was the first time when someone singlehandedly obliterated one of the 13 elite families. The rest of the crowd were extremists who didn\'t agree with Arnold\'s action at all and demanded Arnold be punished for killing innocents. 


Sadly, this group was made up of people that were important for the country to function as a whole. Hence, the syndicate couldn\'t take their requests lightly. However, they didn\'t want to upset Arnold either... It was more like they didn\'t want to be on the receiving end of Arnold\'s rage. Now that they know what a beast he truly was. 

Thus Arnold was invited to the headquarters. Arnold wasn\'t going to accept the invitation, but he did so when Nathaniel practically begged him to. Originally, Arnold was to face a public \'trial\', But the plans changed when Nathaniel berated the syndicate for even thinking that it was okay to do so. He had to lecture them on how disrespectful they were being by putting Arnold in the shoes of a criminal while he only did what he did because he was pushed beyond his limits. The syndicate had no right to piss him off even more. 

Within five minutes the plans were changed and the trial turned out to be the syndicate trying to butter Arnold up into staying with them but working as an undercover. Arnold didn\'t want to deal with that crap and got up to leave. Thankfully they realised their mistake and the family heads all apologized to Arnold. Their voice and actions were as if they have had previous lessons on \'how to remain polite in an awkward situation\'.

Arnold glanced in Nathaniel\'s direction. Nathaniel nodded his head and Arnold sat back down. Hearing them out wouldn\'t force him to join their syndicate again. Things, however, weren\'t as he had expected them to go. They were better. 

Morrino with help of Nathaniel began explaining to Arnold why he was called there. To say Arnold was a bit confused would be an understatement. Morrino told him they were being forced to deal some kind of punishment to him, and thus the syndicate, with all due respect, wanted Arnold to come up with a punishment for himself. After what Arnold did to Andrex and his family, they won\'t ever dare to punish him by themselves. 

Arnold thought they were pulling a prank on him. And no one could blame him for thinking like that. It was the first time in the history of West America that someone was given the privilege of punishing themselves.

Everyone patiently waited as Arnold began pacing through the room. Arnold thought and thought, and finally broke the silence after half an hour. He stated his demands and the syndicate happily accepted his terms. 

His first term was that from now on he wanted to be left alone. He wasn\'t going to work for the syndicate but he still wanted to remain the in charge of zone 4 like he had been till now. 

No one had any problem with this demand. All they needed to do was to add him to the country\'s lower spectrum of wanted people. He was placed on the lower levels so that he wouldn\'t have any troubles while travelling to or from any other country. This would also make the people, who had called for Arnold to be punished, happy. As for being the section chief, well the syndicate could say that Arnold was being forced to work for his, during his \'exile\'. 

Arnold\'s second and final condition was that he was to be allowed to visit his family, namely, Nicole, Nina and his future child whenever he wanted. 

This wasn\'t an issue either. As the syndicate looked at it, no one could\'ve stopped him from doing so either. No one on the entire continent had the guts to make a move against Arnold anymore. They just requested Arnold to try not to frequently appear in public places. Arnold accepted this stipulation. 

With this, the meeting came to an end and the next day Syndicate went public with the news. The backlash was huge. People were enraged. So much so, that Arnold had to hold a press conference in attempts to calm the civilians who were ready to revolt against the syndicate. 

"My punishment is just. It stands to show us that no matter who you are, you\'re not bigger than the law. I wholeheartedly accept my punishment because I made some hasty decisions." Arnold spoke without a tinge of anger in his voice, "Do I regret doing what I did? Absolutely not. If I could go back in time and change the way I handled the situation, then would I? Maybe. But in the end, I respect this country and its laws. So please my fellow citizens, don\'t raise your arms against the country we\'re so proud to belong to!"

By the time Arnold\'s speech ended, the civilians who were planning to revolt were either in tears or ashamed of themselves. Little did they know what Arnold said was utter nonsense. He didn\'t respect the syndicate, not one bit. He couldn\'t care less if the crowd would tie them up and leave them to die. He did what he did for his unborn child. He wanted his child to grow up in a safe and loving environment, not somewhere, where the people were ready to jump on each other like thirsty animals. 

Either way, he did what he did and that brings us to the present. Nina was in a wheelchair while Arnold gently moved the chair around the garden within the hospital\'s boundaries. Nicole was by his side. He was finally going to inform them about his plans of visiting China. But before that, he had something he had been wanting to give to Nicole for quite some time. 

He took the shadow ability book from his inventory and handed it to her. She looked surprised because even after years have passed and the world had changed drastically, shadow ability books were still a rarity. Actually, they were rarer now. This book was also something she had been looking for ages and to think Arnold had it all that time made her smile. 

"So, you\'re just going to give it to me. Just like that?" Nicole asked her brother, "I mean it\'s quite a rare commodity you know..."

"Just keep it. It was just gathering dirt inside my inventory, it\'s better to put it to use, don\'t you agree?" Arnold said before ruffling her hairs. Just like he used to when she was a teen. 

Nicole didn\'t reply, she just hugged him tightly. Nina who had been witnessing it all got a bit emotional, maybe it was her hormones acting up. But she was happy either way. 

Sensing the mood to be right, he dropped the bombshell, "I\'m going to China. It\'s been long but I\'m taking back what is ours. I\'m sure our uncle would be pleased to see his nephew all grown up and ready to take over what his dad left to him. Do you?"

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