The Rise Of A Porter

Chapter 35 - Malibu Club

""Well if everyone is coming then sure I\'ll come, too." What the hell was I even thinking?" Arnold imitated his own voice, "I don\'t even have proper clothes to wear apart from the black suit, which the butler gave me a week ago. And I\'m pretty sure no one would allow me into a club if I wore my \'assassin gear\', damn it!"




"Brother are you in there?" Nicole\'s voice came through the door.

"Just a sec!" Arnold opened the door, "Hey Lil one, you need something?"

"No I just wanted to check if you were back or not... what are you doing by the way? Your room is a bit messy." Nicole walked into his room.

"Nothing in particular," He said and started picking up the things which were lying across the room, "we are just having a little celebration for our success in the dungeon today."

"And you didn\'t invite me?"

"Oh come on now, I totally would\'ve invited you but the thing is, we are going to celebrate in a club and you know kids aren\'t allowed inside those places." Arnold explained, hoping Nicole wouldn\'t be persistent about it.

"Fine... but you\'ll have to take me somewhere else this weekend. Promise?"


"Good because , you always leave me here while you go out to have fun. This place is really good but I get bored sometimes you know."

"Okay your highness, I\'ll take you somewhere this weekend alright?"

"Yeah, you better. By the way what are you gonna wear?"

"That\'s the thing I can\'t decide."

"I didn\'t know you had so many outfits that you got confused." Nicole clapped with exaggeration, and Arnold resigned to his fate.

"Look if you\'re not gonna help then leave..."

"Aww, don\'t worry your sister will help you get it sorted. Here, you should wear this black shirt. Just roll up the sleeves and leave it unbuttoned. Not the whole shirt..."

"Yeah yeah, I got it. Now go and rest."

"Sure, no need to thank your most awesome sister." She shrugged her shoulders and left the room.

"Drama queen..."


Upon Nicole\'s suggestion, Arnold decided to go along with the black shirt that came with the suit and left it unbuttoned at the top for a more casual look. He wore a blue ripped jeans which made an ideal combination with his shoes.

He was the first to reach the club and was waiting for the others. He got bored of walking around so he decided to open the interface and use his potential points to level up his abilities. After pondering for a while, he decided to level up [SACRED PROTECTION], [SOUL GRAPPLE], [ELEMENTAL SUMMONING : LAVA HOUNDS] and [FROST FLAME] to level 5 which unlocked additional effects of these skills. He chose these skills because these were the skills that were suited the most for his current combat technique.


You\'ve unlocked four bonus effects!

• [ELEMENTAL SUMMONING : LAVA HOUNDS] : All stats of summoned hounds increased by 12%, strength and HP increased by 15%.

• [SACRED PROTECTION] : HP deducted after successful activation of the skill is reduced to 17% of Max HP.

• [SOUL GRAPPLE] : Probability of successful capture increased by 7% and the duration of the skill increased by 5%

• [FROST FLAME] : Continuous true damaged increased to 11%, the duration for which the target is [frozen] increased by 5 seconds


He used the remaining potential point to level up [PLASMA SHIELD] to level 2. He then opened the <rewards> tab and took out the Attribute enhancing potion <Medium>, and drank the a blue coloured liquid in one gulp.

It tasted spicy, while it slowly entered his stomach, he felt like a hundreds of ants were biting down his throat. The pain only lasted for a few seconds before a soothing feeling that spread throughout his body.

He looked at the interface, there was a new notification waiting for him.


You have consumed Attribute enhancing potion <Medium> × 1.

You have gained 26 attribute points by consuming the potion.


Without wasting even a second, he dumped all of the points to his mystic stat which now had 71 points in it, meaning he could now generate a total 11 golems and 12 hounds.

"Hey, you\'re early here!" Joshua arrived in his car along with Orla. "I didn\'t know you were so desperate to party. Haha."

"Actually you guys are late. I arrived right on time." Arnold replied, hugging them both.

"And I thought we\'d be the first to reach." Orla smiled, she wore a short and shiny blue dress which barely covered her white thighs and matching heels. While Joshua was rocking a solid white T-shirt and black jeans.

"Don\'t worry you\'re the first ones to reach after me." Arnold smiled.

They waited for a while and soon the others arrived there as well, so after a quick security check they went inside the club.

The Club was designed with a beach theme, which was clear as all of the staff either wore a bikini or some other swimwear. There were fake palm trees scattered all around the club. The bartender was busy handling the clients, who were seated on the stools present in front of the counter and enjoyed the music. The dance floor was packed with people, some were requesting the DJ to play their favourite songs. Nothing was extraordinary in this club apart from the fact that most of the people present here were warriors from different guilds and agencies.

While the others went straight to dance and have a good time, Arnold headed towards the bar where Nathan was chatting with the female bartender. Nathan saw Arnold walking towards him and introduced the bartender to him.

"Michelle, this is Arnold, the newest addition to our family and Arnold this is Michelle, the caretaker/manager/bartender of the club."

Michelle wore a neon green shirt over a red bikini bottom, her hair was styled as a mohawk and she had a weird tattoo on the right side of her face.

"Pleasured to meet you." Arnold smiled.

"Hey, you actually managed to find someone polite and gentlemanly this time around. Would you like a drink darling?" Michelle asked.

"No thanks. I don\'t drink." Arnold shook his head. Even though he said so, what he actually meant was that he never had enough money to spend on alcohol and stuff.

"Well, I\'ll have the usual with lots of ice." Nathan interjected.

"We\'re out of ice at the moment, Nishi had went to get some ice. She should be back any moment."

"No ice?" Nathan looked at Arnold and continued, "Do you mind?"

"Are you serious right now?" Arnold rolled his eyes.

"100%" Nathan replied and passed his drink to Arnold, who sighed and placed his hands on top of the glass. Soon small cubes of ice were formed inside the glass.

"There you go." He passed the drink back to Nathan.

"Now if your little magic trick is over, would you like to dance?" Someone\'s familiar and polite voice asked.

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