Everything will be my way!

Chapter 535. Arc 7 – Rosarrio

Chapter 535. Arc 7 – Rosarrio

  Previously‌ ‌in‌ ‌Everything‌ ‌Will‌ ‌Be‌ ‌My‌ ‌Way‌ (chapters 476-534):

  Lovr entered the order, pursuing three goals: to take away Juno\'s development, fulfill the condition of the 0th general and prepare Roman and Rose to collect darkness, simultaneously taking revenge on them.

  Kyon learns that representatives of the dark and light races are studying in the order: two twins named Clementine and Seraphima, as well as Timothy, the former Brown (he will run away from Rosarrio due to the murder of several students).

  Over the following months, Lovr thoroughly turns Roman and Rose against him. He also "gives" Rose radiation sickness and, pretending to be Dr. Albert, turns his life into a living hell under the guise of gratuitous help.

  Kyon found out that Juno has the ability to read the intentions of the soul, and the connection of souls (due to one frequency of the soul) can be bypassed if you enter a dark or light state. He tried to take revenge on Juno by taking her development through sex, but suddenly a call came from the 0th general with a new condition: to control the Token wedding of Juno and Roman. At the wedding 4 months later, Lovr replaced Roman right during the wedding night and raped Juno, however, due to the same frequency of soul fluctuations, it was not possible to take away the development.

  Elsa became very attached to Kyon, even though she found out that he was "The Dark Baron". For trying to hand him over to the empress, she will have to obey him for one year, because the messenger of the goddess is blackmailing her with the life of her beloved sister, Juno.

  At the tournament in the forests of Regan, Kyon meets succubi, in particular Astarte.

  Suddenly, letters from Valeera stopped coming. In an attempt to find out where she disappeared, Kyon in the guise of Zosimos returns to the clan headquarters, but there he is surreptitiously caught by the 0th general and delivered to the empress. Lovr, in the presence of 5 witnesses, takes an oath from Lanatelle that she will let him go as soon as he purifies all her keys by 99%, however, the woman breaks the oath, referring to the fact that she is not "Russell", and almost cuts off the man\'s head. Kyon survives as long as he can, but realizes that it\'s not enough. When suddenly Eve and Leila, who regained their memory, find and save him. They decide not to kill their ex-father for what he did to them for the last year, but instead place explosive formations on him to deprive each other of the opportunity to approach him.

  Kyon understands that Valeera must still be alive, that she is somewhere in the depths of the palace and that she can still be saved, but in order to get there, he needs to ingratiate himself with the empress by becoming her disciple.

  The tournament of the strongest takes place, where Kyon, Juno, Roman, Rose, Clementine and Seraphima are in the top 8, thereby being awarded the title "junior disciple of the empress".

  Exclusively by the will of Lovr, Elsa takes the 1st place, becoming the empress\'s senior disciple, for which she is very grateful to him.


  In the mightiest empire of mankind, in the largest palace, two people sat side by side at a large round table of a meeting room: a father and a son.

  One of them was a middle-aged man with a thick black beard. He was distinguished by strict facial features and an unusually piercing gaze. It seemed that he could subdue any person with just a glance. His name was Magnus, the emperor of Saturn, a living legend who excited the soul with his mere presence.

  A well-groomed black-haired guy of 25 years old was sitting next to him. He could fascinate anyone with his beautiful elegant appearance, and the bottomless depth of his blue eyes caused instinctive awe, as if he were a great hero. No wonder, because Christopher is the first prince of Saturn, the unsurpassed genius of the entire empire and a symbol of perfection.

  «Dear father, I have asked you about this many times, but I have not received a clear answer… Please tell me why… Why do you refuse to give us your blessing so persistently? Why do you forbid me even to see her?»

  Magnus realized that his son had returned to this unpleasant topic again, and his face clouded.

  «Father, you know better than anyone that Valkyrie is a legendary flower in a musty swamp. She is insanely talented, exorbitantly beautiful, comprehensively developed, and also the granddaughter of the patriarch. Our marriage will strengthen the relationship between the Walders and the prosperous Torreses! There is no more suitable candidate for the role of my wife in this world… Tell me, why are you against our marriage?» – Christopher spoke calmly and measuredly, as befits a wise, sedate person. He was definitely guided by prudence and common sense rather than emotions.

  The authority of the emperor is unshakable and omnipotent. Even the crown prince has to reckon with him. Since Christopher is from the Walder family, his father completely controls him, especially when it comes to a potential bride.

  Magnus inhaled noisily through his nose and fell silent for a while.

  Christopher had noticed long ago that his father was hiding something important about Valkyrie from him. Every time the conversation turned to her, the man reacted the same way.

  Magnus spoke delicately: «Son, it\'s not that simple… Valkyrie, she…» – he obviously wanted to say something, but abruptly changed his mind. – «You should understand, it is not appropriate for a future emperor to be led by his emotions. If you spend more time with her, you will certainly fall in love with her, and this will not affect your life for the better…»

  «Father, I\'m almost over thirty! I\'m not at the age to fall in love!» – Christopher was angry, but he quickly suppressed inappropriate emotions. – «And even if I fall in love, so what? And there is nothing shameful in loving your wife, especially if it is mutual. Tell me, please, what is the real reason for your persistent refusal to even consider her candidacy? Where did this prejudice come from? Do you hate the Torreses? Or don\'t you like Maria?»

  When it came to Valkyrie\'s mother, the prince caught a barely noticeable tension on his father\'s face, which caused even more questions to arise in his head.

  Magnus winced as if he had eaten a whole lemon. For him - the emperor of the strongest empire - to make a decision for such a long time is truly an incredible event. And although the son is right in everything, there is one huge "but" that no one in the world should know about - that\'s why the man resisted persistent persuasion so much.

  Finally, the emperor came to the conclusion that he did not want to spoil relations with his son, therefore, looking expressively into his eyes, he humbly said: «So be it.»

  Christopher\'s sharp eyebrows went up: «Really…»

  «Don\'t get ahead of yourself.» – Magnus raised his hand. – «I\'ll just give her a chance to prove herself, and then maybe I\'ll change my mind about her and allow your meetings.»

  «Will you make her pass the test?»

  «Yes, I will. I will give her a task – to collect "tribute". Let\'s see how she will cope without outside help, how she will prove herself in such a delicate matter.» – said the emperor.

  Christopher tilted his head in surprise. Usually the tribute is collected by the most trusted people of the empire, as this is an extremely important matter. Would he entrust it to Valkyrie? Or maybe he wants to set her up somehow, making her look incompetent?


  The same evening.

  The great emperor and thirty-two respected elders gathered at a round table in the meeting room. In one of them one could recognize August, the father of XiaoXiao Walder, who had previously sent people to capture Juno.

  August raised his hand and, seeing the emperor\'s nod, stood up, cleared his throat and reported: «My lord, the plan to seize control of the dark and light ones has failed. All the representatives of the two factions we found are only minor subordinates who know nothing about the plans of their masters. They only know that the leader of the dark ones named Morgan Kagan has settled in the demon empire, and the leader of the light ones named Amon Amra resides in the empire of the supreme beasts. We do not know what exactly their plan is, but we know for sure that their task is to destroy the opposite faction. I dare to assume that a world war will begin in the coming year…»

  There was an oppressive silence. The elders looked at each other dejectedly. The atmosphere was extremely tense.

  XiaoXiao\'s father added hesitantly: «However, the demon emperor and the empress of the supreme beasts are well aware that we, humans, are extremely strong and dangerous… They won\'t fight each other, giving us a chance to swat them both… I\'m afraid humans will be the first target… My lord, we all expect bold decisions from you.»

  Everyone present shifted their excited gazes to the head of the empire.

  After thinking for a while, Magnus said hoarsely: «I\'m afraid we won\'t be able to prevent future events in any way. The only thing we can do, in addition to careful preparation for war, is to stop feuding with demons, reducing their insane bloodlust towards humans.»

  The elders pricked up their ears with interest.

  The woman raised her hand and after a nod from the emperor, she spoke: «My lord, how can we achieve this? After all, every child knows that when a demon meets a human, only one of them will survive at best… Hundreds and thousands of years of bloody history have made us irreconcilable enemies. In addition, emperor Lucius will die from the poison of the manticore in the coming years, and then the strongest demon in the young generation of the Phoberos, Rodan, will sit on the throne, and we all know how much he hates humans.»

  «It is true, Rodan wants to avenge the death of his father by spilling rivers of human blood!»

  «This filthy demon will do anything for retribution… Damn bone in our throat!»

  Magnus abruptly raised his palm up, causing the elders to instantly fall silent, and shrewdly said: «We all know that Hybris died by the hand of Lana with the assistance of Gina. We all know how the demons hate these women. We will reduce the intensity of enmity between humans and demons by capturing the heads of sects and sending them to the demons as a present.»

  Several elders took their breath away. Others opened their mouths in shock. And although most of them reacted more calmly, they were also surprised.

  The emperor explained his decision: «Desperate times call for desperate measures. We will save hundreds of millions of humans with little loss. Their sacrifice will not be in vain.»

  The elder stretched out his hand and after the emperor\'s nod, he stood up and spoke: «My lord, but they are legendary persons! How can we capture them?!»

  «With the help of the guardians.» – Magnus replied calmly.

  This time, amazement was on the face of every elder.

  The guardians are the strongest human practitioners on the planet, the last line of defense and an indestructible stronghold. Once upon a time, huge resources were invested in them. Being representatives of the older generation, they have long moved away from worldly affairs, have lost interest in power and money, and now they are only interested in one thing: watching their children\'s children carelessly rule the world. They don\'t interfere in their affairs unless absolutely necessary.

  «The guardians will quickly and imperceptibly capture the heads of the sects, and we will subsequently blame the invading foreigners for everything.» – Magnus explained his plan.

  The elders looked at each other in amazement, not knowing how else to react.

  After the emperor\'s nod, elder August, who had previously reported on the light and dark ones, spoke: «My lord, we have information that the sect heads disappeared six months ago… This information is confirmed by many sources.»

  Magnus chuckled thoughtfully: «There is still time before the world war. As soon as the heads of the sects show up, and this will happen sooner or later, we will begin to implement the plan.»


  Present time. Night.

  An extraordinarily beautiful girl, wrapped up in a thick blanket, unsuccessfully tried to fall asleep in a large soft bed. She couldn\'t get the image of her father out of her head, as well as the happy and carefree time spent with him. The life of the head of the sect was no longer enjoyable. It is impossible to rejoice at a small light, whereas a month ago you were basking in the rays of a big warm sun.

  Suddenly Lana opened her eyes, frowned and went somewhere quickly.

  A figure in a demonic mask appeared on the border of the territory of the Dance sect, high in the sky. She disappeared and in the blink of an eye covered a huge distance, ending up at the top of the mountain in the center of the sect, where the main temple was located.

  Not finding his target, the masked figure frowned.

  «Are you looking for me?»

  It seemed that an icy, but at the same time gentle girlish voice came from everywhere at once.

  The figure revealed his presence, turned around and saw an incredibly beautiful girl floating in the air. He calmly asked: «How did you find me?»

  «Who are you to appear on my sect\'s territory without an invitation?!»

  «Are you Lady Lana? I thought you\'d look older…»

  «I\'m asking questions here!» – her voice boomed throughout the sect.

  The man chuckled: «No, honey. You don\'t decide anything here anymore.» – he seemed to disappear from his place and suddenly attacked the girl at half strength to leave her alive.

  Lana, to the surprise of the enemy, was able to react to such a swift attack.


  The collision of the blows created a terrifying shockwave. Cracks snaked through the temple building. The mountain shook. The stones turned into sand. The sparse clouds dispersed.

  Both opponents were thrown from each other by 50 meters, which indicated the equality of their forces.

  The mask on the intruder\'s face cracked and crumbled.

  Seeing the old wrinkled face stretched out in surprise, Lana raised her eyebrows in amazement: she recognized this old man, one of the past human emperors. And since he is here now, the girl instantly came to a full understanding of the situation.

  «You are much stronger than we thought… Not bad, not bad. I could do it alone, but why take the risk?» – a wicked smile appeared on the old man\'s face.

  Lana felt the approach of three monstrously powerful auras, almost surpassing that of the old man. Her face turned pale, and fear arose in her heart.


  At the same time, powerful guardians appeared in the Virgo sect as well. They examined the temple and the surrounding area for the presence of at least one living soul, but did not find anyone.

  {Are there spies in the heart of the Walders? No… It\'s out of the question. But how did she anticipate our arrival? We attacked the sects at the same time… Is this woman really so smart that she could foresee our actions?} – suggested the guardian.

  Gina, having returned to the Virgo sect after the return of memory, received information about the situation around the world, analyzed it and really guessed about a possible attack by the guardians. Although the chance was small, she decided to play it safe: she left the territory of the sect and secretly took all its members to a safe place, and also sent a message to her sister, but, judging by the reports of the spies, it did not reach her. Is Lana really such a self-confident fool, since she decided that pure keys would give her the opportunity to fight with the guardian, or even several at once?! No, that\'s hardly the point… Someone deliberately didn\'t give her the message. She was betrayed by someone within her inner circle for some reason.

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