Everything will be my way!

Chapter 489 - 489

After returning home, Kyon immediately started making medicine with a high content of yang extract. Once Kara, using the services of an alchemist, prepared the same one, but with a much greater concentration, which almost allowed her to seduce Juno.

After 2 hours, a bright orange pill was lying in his palm. An ephemeral heat emanated from it, perceived not by the body, but by the soul.

Meanwhile it was getting dark.

Kyon put on a mask and approached the gorge in the rock, where he was stopped by two of Juno\'s guards.

«The entry price is ten thousand spheres or one hundred points.»

«No problem.» – Lovr counted out the required amount and went inside. And although the order has its legal tender, Juno, apparently, was allowed to accept payment in money.

Many martial arts masters regularly visit this place in the hope of improving their skills by observing the battles of the brilliant student, especially after her victory over the master Zheng. And indeed, as soon as Kyon reached the end of the gorge, he found several elderly spectators, some even with their students.

Meanwhile, Juno pushed her rival out of the arena.

The girl shook herself energetically and returned to the ring. The fight continued.

{What the hell?!} – using a simple analysis, Kyon quickly found out that the girl fighting with his «investment» had six fighting fists… Is some student as skilled as one of the dozen archmasters in the whole world?! It\'s absurd!

Minute after minute, and Lovr\'s suspicions intensified. Whoever Juno\'s rival is, she has plenty of money: she has already squandered a million, and there is not a single hint of regret on her face, as if such spending is a common thing for her!

«I constantly see this girl next to Lady Juno… It\'s kind of weird.»

«Yes, she trains with her for several hours every day.»

«Seriously? Where did she get so much money?! Who is she anyway?!»

«Stephanie Russell, granddaughter of the Minister of Finance…»

«Vladimir Vladimirovich?!»

«Quiet! That\'s right, he\'s her grandfather… I\'ll give you some friendly advice: stay away from her.»

After overhearing the conversation, Kyon scratched his chin thoughtfully: {Stop, isn\'t the politician\'s granddaughter studying abroad? Okay, whatever. Let\'s say I can understand where she got the money from, but how can one explain her archmaster-level combat prowess? Is she so gifted that she achieved six fighting fists in several hundred training sessions with Juno? And this name and appearance… What a stupid coincidence?!}

Stephanie Russell looked very much like Stephanie Stone, the pesky girl who had helped him a little earlier. However, she is cute at best, and the beauty of Juno or Elsa is like the moon to her.

Time passed.

A new viewer appeared in 20 minutes. Kyon, to his complete shock, realized that this was the same guy he had defeated at the tournament of families in Boston with the help of "The Annihilation Sphere". He used to have the surname Brown, but now he has lost it.

Timothy was damn handsome and elegant. Black shaggy tousled hair, an icy expression on his face and a piercing hawk-like gaze gave him the image of a detached, laconic loner. It has changed dramatically over the past year and a half. There was no trace of the old arrogance in his gaze now. Apparently, that defeat in the family tournament served him as a good lesson.

After 5 minutes, it became clear that Timothy is not one of those amorous young men who recklessly fall for beautiful and talented girls. He watched Juno\'s duel with interest, but without fanaticism.

{What? How can he be a lord phaser at the peaking stage?} – feeling the development of the former Brown, Kyon had a lump in his throat. How did he manage to develop one and a half phases in 20 months? Especially considering that it would have taken him at least a year to recover from a chest injury! Is he dark or light one? Were his powers sealed? Something doesn\'t add up! They invaded the planet 8 months ago, but this guy has been here for a long time…

Lovr remembered that he had once heard that Herman Brown had adopted Timothy, and everything fell into place. It turns out that the guy does not belong to the human race…

After another 5 minutes, Roman Clinton joined the audience. His appearance immediately attracted attention, in particular Juno and Timothy\'s - the guy crossed his arms on his chest, and his gaze became stern.

«Great and terrible, I wish to admire the duel of my future wife!» – Roman declared smugly, proudly puffing out his chest and lifting his chin.

Juno\'s pretty face contorted with an expression of obvious contempt. Her weak guards are unable to drive away the damned Roman. It remains only to endure his presence and the sticky glances with which he almost licks every movement of her graceful body. Disgusting.

Finally, Stephanie left the arena, deciding that she had enough for today.

Juno took a minute break to drink water.

«How about fighting with me?!» – with a brilliant smile, Roman jumped into the arena.

«Get out of my sight, loser!» – the blonde demanded rudely. She had already once accepted his challenge, and then this disgusting parasite, instead of worthily accepting instant defeat, increased his development until he equaled her, after which he unceremoniously began to touch her ass and harass her in every possible way in front of the audience.

«Baby, don\'t be so harsh… I love you! And I am your future husband after all.» – Roman, with deceptive playfulness, broke into a wide grin, trying to hug the beauty around the waist, but she deftly dodged the annoying hugs.

«If you want to win my favor so much, then defeat Rose!»

«He\'s my friend… We are like brothers. Did he do something bad to you?»

«Are you completely brainless?!» – Juno approached Roman and hissed in his face. – «You know better than anyone how much I hate Elsa, and still don\'t understand why I want my future husband to surpass her boyfriend?! If you are inferior to Rose in everything, then how can I look at such a nobody like you with respect?! You better go and train instead of spoiling my mood with your presence!»

The smile slipped from Clinton\'s face. He lost all sense of excitement. For some reason, next to the beauty, he rarely manages to stay in a good mood for a long time, as if someone is pulling the strings and depriving him of any motivation to fool around.

Meanwhile, Kyon swallowed medicine with a high content of "yang" and immediately felt a warmth inside his soul. The feeling is akin to a hot sauna. Even the body was covered in sweat. If he had prepared medicine incorrectly, he could have died now.

He then entered a dark state of soul and approached the guard.

«Payment with points or money?» – the man asked dryly.

«Money.» – Kyon held out the required amount.

Lovr was not worried about the duel with Juno, although duels were forbidden to him. The fact is that all the conditions of the 0th general pursue only one goal: to make it difficult for the messenger of the goddess to pass the final exam. And if he wanted the guy not to reveal his strength, then he would separately set the appropriate condition, but there is no such prohibition. The conclusion is that any bet not on points will not cause problems.

The guard accepted the money, explained the rules and asked to take off the mask. When the young man obeyed, the man changed his countenance: «Oh no, no, you can\'t participate… Let\'s just say that your external data does not fit the standards of Ms. Juno.»

«I bet a million.» – Kyon objected coldly.

«I\'m afraid there\'s nothing I can do to help you…»

«Oh, damn it, you again, you fat ghoul!» – Roman\'s face twisted when he accidentally noticed a familiar unsightly fat man near the arena.

«Benji, what\'s the matter?» – Juno walked to the edge of the arena and bent down. Seeing the fat man\'s face, the girl even recoiled in disgust, but after a second her eyebrows crept up.

«See what you\'ve done, you bastard?! Get out of here!» – the guard got angry.

«Stop!» – the dazzling blonde exclaimed, staring intently at the chubby freak.

«Lady?» – the man was surprised.

«Let him fight me… I allow it.» – Juno felt an inexplicable desire to fight with the fat man, as if her very soul was begging for it. And his appearance suddenly quickly ceased to seem frightening and disgusting.

All the spectators present, especially Timothy, were confused.

«Are you going to fight with him, but not with me?!» – Roman exclaimed resentfully.

«Get out of the arena and don\'t stop me from earning!» – the lady retorted.

Clinton snorted and jumped down, only saying at last: «Break his arms, and then I won\'t bother you in this fight club of yours for a whole week.»

Stone grunted with interest. She liked Roman\'s suggestion.

Kyon jumped into the arena, almost bumping his forehead with a girl.

Juno widened her big clear emerald eyes and took a step back. A strange comfort visited the soul, as if after a walk in the cold she got in a warm tub.

Up close, the younger step sister seemed even more mind-blowing to Lovr. The soul being in a controlled dark state immediately reminded him of those terrible episodes in the mansion… There was a wild desire to beat and humiliate this little creature in such a way that every morning she would remember her past atrocities with tears. However, the purpose of this fight is different: to impose a formation on the blonde that transmits Synergy at a distance. The fact is that the subordinate formation has definitely been removed from her, but she must be controlled somehow.

Juno quickly came to her senses, moved away and took up a fighting position. Her disgusting opponent grinned unkindly, which made the girl uncomfortable.


Immediately after the signal, two complete opposites - beauty and the beast - clashed in a duel. It was scary to look at Baker, while Juno in her thin training uniform, fitting her long slender legs and hips, elastic ass, slim waist and neat breasts, fascinated the audience. Full of elegance and grace, the girl\'s movements resembled the martial dance of a great beautiful angel.

Timothy watched the duel with a slight squint, his arms crossed.

Roman almost choked with drooling. How beautiful she is! He just wants to touch her…

Kyon immediately noticed that Juno was trying to grab his arm. Does she really want to break it? It seems that she has not lost her cruelty and sadism for 13 years spent in an illusory world. However, this was clear even at the tournament of families, where the girl mercilessly humiliated and killed her opponent: Mr. "sandstorm".

In fact, Juno is not one of those who will mutilate other innocent people for their own benefit. If she breaks the fat man\'s arm, she will definitely settle with him, and even pay compensation. All she wants is for Roman not to bother her for a week.

Lovr wanted to punish the bitch for her villainous intentions, so he immediately used all 10 combat fists and quickly found a gap in her movements. However, as soon as he tried to use it, Stone leaned sharply to the side. Somehow, she not only instantly dodged, but also went on the attack.

Kyon frowned and tried again, and then again, but nothing changed. Juno seemed to know the future and skillfully turned this knowledge in her favor. It was not possible to drive her into a trap. Moreover, the pressure emanating from the noble lady defied logical analysis, as if she were a total lucky, and indescribable luck accompanied her every move.

{Ho-oh-oh, has my "investment" opened a new ability? Master Zheng was still right, accusing the bitch of using a unique body… So he had every right to take her with him to Saturn to let XiaoXiao fuck her there every day!}

Initially, it seemed that the greedy old man and his horny student decided to be arrogant, but the truth is that it was Juno who deceived and robbed everyone, and her secret patron allowed her to go unpunished.

{But where did she get this ability?} – Kyon wondered. He knew for sure that while making "The Divine Lotus of Development" medicine, he did not add any ingredients that would give its owner the ability to read the thoughts or intentions of the opponent\'s soul. It must be all about the girl\'s innate body, which she inherited from her mysterious daddy. It seems to have recently awakened.

One way or another, in the current realities, it is impossible to honestly defeat Juno in combat skills. Even if Lovr uses all 13 fighting fists, the girl will always be one step ahead.

{And what\'s next? I\'m definitely not going to lose to the mean girl.} – Kyon decided.

Meanwhile, Juno was frowning thoughtfully, not understanding why she was unable to read the fat man\'s style. There was something strange and vaguely familiar about his movements. And next to him, she felt inexplicable comfort and warmth, especially in the lower abdomen. Soul and body seemed to enjoy the duel with this monster in the flesh.

Meanwhile, Baker was already at the edge of the arena. Just a little more and he will lose.

{Do you want to defeat me? Dream about it, bitch!} – Kyon\'s soul succumbed to the urges of the dark state. He put his right hand under the grip, and when Juno reached for her prey, he grabbed the opponent by the neck with an incredibly fast movement and hung her above the ground, forcing the girl to helplessly swing her legs in the air, and then he ruthlessly slammed her into the floor.


All the spectators\' jaws dropped.

Even Timothy swayed.

Roman couldn\'t believe his eyes. Even master Zheng could not inflict a blow on his future wife, but some Dick succeeded?!

For a moment, Juno lost her sight from the shock, and her head was buzzing. She tried to get up, but realized that the fat man was still pressing her imperiously by the throat to the floor. No matter how much she resisted, young Stone could not move. She\'s trapped! In full power of this vile boar!

Kyon whispered in her ear with hatred: «Know your place, scoundrel!»

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