Everything will be my way!

Chapter 481 - 481

«They want to take Lady Juno to Saturn and force her to serve XiaoXiao!» … «Damn, damn, damn! Why did everything turn out this way?! She won an honest victory!» … «We can\'t know that… The master knows better.» … «He just couldn\'t accept the humiliating defeat!» … «There\'s nothing we can do anyway…» … «Roman, why are you just watching your future wife being kidnapped?! Save her immediately!»

The pale Roman was trembling, clenching his fists until his knuckles crunched, watching two strangers forcibly take his future wife to themselves. Clinton lacked the courage to object to master Zheng. And what\'s the point? He won\'t change anything.

Kyon watched the scene with a gloomy look, his arms crossed over his chest. The impudent master not only drove him into a deep lack of points, but also took away the precious «investment», and now some bastard XiaoXiao will use it to increase his talent! What to do?

«Let me go, you shameless old man! I\'ve almost won, but you just didn\'t have the heart to admit defeat in front of the girl!» – screamed Juno, trying to escape from the grip of the old man while he pulled her by the hand from the arena.

«You should thank heaven that from now on, my disciple XiaoXiao Walder, who comes from the greatest family in the world, will be your master.» – master Zheng replied dryly. – «There is no greater honor for a Rosarrian than to serve Walder!»

«I don\'t care what family he\'s from! A-a-a-a! Save me, they want to kidnap me! A-a-a-a!» – with a plaintive face and wet glittering eyes, Stone turned to the students of the order. One look at her face could melt even the coldest heart.

«LET HER GO!» … «Leave Juno alone!» … «SHE\'S NOT GOING ANYWHERE!» … «UUAAA-AA-AA-AA!» – Juno\'s fans broke loose, rushing to save their favorite. They were also joined by the guards hired by the girl.

However, two Walder bodyguards suppressed the uprising with just pressure, and the most desperate madmen were punched in the back of the head to calm down.

«Hmm, and Juno has a lot of fans here. It\'s a pity that they are all worthless.» – XiaoXiao grinned, looking forward to spending time with Juno with trepidation.

Watching the abduction and having no way to prevent it, some students could not hold back their tears. The nasty smug grin on XiaoXiao\'s face was getting on everyone\'s nerves. Just the thought of what he would do with the beauty that night made everyone sick.

The outsiders showed complete control over the situation. They took what they wanted, and no one could stop them. Even if the accusations are false and far-fetched, and everyone present knows or guesses about it, this will not prevent the master from taking the girl with him.

Kyon was about to intervene when something unexpected happened.

Master Zheng, who was pulling Juno by the hand towards the exit, suddenly froze and tensed. His eyes widened and his face turned deathly white. XiaoXiao and the two bodyguards did the same. They all trembled like puppies in the cold, and their eyes showed primal horror.

Juno managed to escape from the old man\'s grip, after that she immediately rushed to the arena.

«W-what\'s going on?!» … «Did he let her go?» … «Why did they turn so pale?!» … «A?!»

Kyon squinted suspiciously and suddenly raised his eyebrows in surprise: {Juno has a patron! Someone strong enough to intimidate the sovereign phaser at the beginning stage! But who?!} – the director of the order, whose identity is covered with a veil of secrets, immediately fell under suspicion. He had just apparently given a mental message to the strangers and reinforced it with pressure.

Master Zheng reluctantly turned to Juno and, bowing to her, spoke in an emphatically guilty tone: «Lady Juno, forgive this arrogant old man from Saturn. My accusations were hasty. I was wrong. You honestly defeated me.» – with the last words, he swallowed all his pride of the great master, and they, together with XiaoXiao, laid out property worth a little more than a billion from the ring on the ground. After that, with their tails between their legs, they quickly left.

«Are they gone? Come on?!» … «Did Master Zheng admit his defeat?!» … «Wha-a-a-a-a-at?!» – the disciples of the order instantly exploded with shocked exclamations. Roman looked especially happy. It was as if his soul had been returned to his body.

Juno opened her lips in disbelief, flapping her eyelashes in puzzlement, then smiled knowingly and boldly ran to the pile of money, which she immediately grabbed into an armful and placed it in a ring with an extremely satisfied look. Many people were happy for their favorite. The applause and screams did not subside for a long time.

Everything was resolved so quickly and suddenly that it was still hard to believe in what happened. Only a few people guessed that "The Ruthless Angel of the Stones" has a powerful patron, and interfering with the girl would be the stupidest mistake in their lives.

{One billion in ten minutes… I need it too.} – Kyon thought with an ironic grin. However, if Juno had not had a patron, she would have worked out her bad behavior by pleasuring XiaoXiao with her mouth.

The guests from Saturn maintained complete silence until they saddled the riding birds and moved away from the order for several hundred kilometers. It was obvious that they were upset about the loss of a fortune.

«M-master, who was that?!»

«I don\'t know… But I have never experienced such a fear of death, as if my blood is about to run in the opposite direction… Even the empire of the sixth rank has its own deep monsters. I had no idea that the girl from a third-rate family could have such powerful patrons. And so frightening…»

«And are we going to leave it like this? Some nobodies from Rosarrio dared to insult the descendants of the direct blood of the Walders! They won\'t get away that easy! We are the elite of the human race, and insulting us is tantamount to suicide!»

Master Zheng shook his head: «Nobody should know about this humiliation. My pride is more important to me than life. And you shouldn\'t give your father an extra headache. I hope no one will believe the rumors from Rosarrio. If anyone asks if you went to Rosarrio with me, say no! Got it?!»

«Yes, master, and yet…»

«If you like the girl so much, then use the power and resources of your father. But do it quietly! I\'m sure you\'ll be able to get Juno without too much fuss in the coming months. You will definitely have time before her wedding with that boy.»

«Thanks for the advice.» – XiaoXiao bowed with a fire of determination in his eyes.

Soon Juno left the arena, licking her lips.

Roman followed the girl, but suddenly realized that joy was replaced by annoyance and bitterness, because he did not even try to save his future wife from the master Zheng and XiaoXiao. Now the future wife definitely despises him even more and hardly takes him for a man at all.

Most of the students also went home, but not all of them. 30 students remained. The invisible Elsa got mixed up among them, she had previously recognized familiar notes in the fat man\'s voice. And given the proportions of his body, she had no doubts that Dick was in front of her!

Kyon was also about to leave, but he heard a sharp call from behind:

«And where the hell are you going, fat guy in a mask?»

Kyon turned around and saw a strong student of a hooligan appearance. Judging by the level of development, he is the weakest of those present. The stooge in the local hierarchy, obviously.

«Yes, I\'m talking to you! Juno just got a technical defeat, and you decided to leave without paying us points? That won\'t do!» – a guy named Kolya did not care at all what family the fat man of the pathetic superior phase belonged to. It is more important for him to prove to his friends that he deserves a better attitude towards himself.

«You\'ve made a mistake.The fat man who made the deal with you has already left. And I am his brother. I haven\'t made any deals with you. I\'m leaving.» – Kyon tried to deceive his enemies, backing away to the exit.

«Who are you telling lies to?! And who are you anyway?» … «I haven\'t seen you in the central zone before! What is the weakling of the superior phase at the finishing stage doing here?» … «Are you one of those who got into training through connections? We don\'t like people like you here!»

Kyon took off his mask and surveyed the students with a cold gaze.

Thirty young people reacted in different ways: «Hya-a-a-a-a! Horrible!» … «Well… Does it really happen?!» … «Where did he come from?!» … «This is Dick Baker! The one who destroyed the shadow clans!» … «Now it is clear how he got to the central zone!»

Elsa\'s eyes glittered, but she wasn\'t going to interfere. Curiosity got the better of him. She wanted to see how such a brilliant investigator would get out of trouble.

«Who cares who he is? Juno was cheating! Even if the master admitted defeat because of someone\'s threat from the outside, she deserved to lose!» … «That\'s right! You\'ve lost the bet, Dick! Give us our points!» … «Why are you silent? Don\'t you want to admit defeat?» … «It\'s better to do it in a good way, and then nothing will happen to you!» … «Give us our points, otherwise your whole body will hurt!» – threats rained down. When the only currency of the order is at stake, you won\'t get off easily.

Kyon calmly warned the students: «The government sent me here on an important assignment. If anyone lays a finger on me, he\'ll be dealing with the Russells. I should warn you. It is up to you whether to believe my threats or not.»

«Nobody cares about you!» … «You even bear the surname of a family from another empire!» … «Kolya, beat him. Show him that we are not joking.» … «Why me?!» … «Because I said so. Go ahead if you want to prove that you\'re a normal guy.»

The frightened, strong boy of about 17 timidly went to the fat man. If he were 2-3 stages stronger, he would have been treated differently, certainly not as cannon fodder.

Suddenly Kyon fell on his back and desperately screamed: «I will defend every point I have to the last drop of my blood! You can kill me, but you will never take me alive!»

The students clearly did not expect such a development of events: «A-are you sick?!» … «Did you at least understand what you said?!» … «Why the hell is he lying here?!» … «Get up, bastard!»

Kolya has already regretted that he decided to hang on Dick at all.

Elsa\'s curiosity increased tenfold, and now she was watching what was happening with genuine interest.

A little earlier, Kyon used upgraded sweat glands and began to actively emit pheromones that are elusive to the sense of smell, but causing nausea and dizziness.

«Kolya, what are you waiting for?! Go and beat this jerk!» … «Go ahead, Kolya! Make him pay us!»

The guy swallowed and, suppressing the feeling of anxiety, came up and lightly kicked the fat man in the side.

«A-A-A-A-A-A! MY RIB! YOU BROKE IT! A-A-A-A-A-A!» – yelled Kyon.

The deafening screams of the victim immediately confused everyone present, especially the attacker. The fat man screamed so naturally, as if maniacs had gathered around, they cut him alive, and then fried the slices of meat and forced him to eat them.

Kolya kicked the fat man a couple more times with increasing uncertainty. The fat man\'s heart-rending screams made him feel sick. He felt dizzy and somehow uncomfortable. Every time he hit somewhere, a huge tumor grew there almost immediately.

«Look, he\'s already writhing in agony!» … «Damn it, Kolya, he\'s just a practitioner of the superior phase! Why the hell are you hitting him without holding back?!» … «Do you want to kill him?! You will bear the responsibility yourself, stupid!» … «Kolya, you\'re a psychopath!» … «Well done, Kolya, now you\'ve made him even uglier.»

The unfortunate «beater» began to stutter with excitement: «I-I barely touch him, but he yells and swells in a strange way!» – suddenly the guy doubled up and vomited the contents of his stomach under his feet.

«Ugh, that\'s disgusting! You cannot cope with even the simplest task!» … «Bravo, Kolya, now you\'ve crippled him. Deal with the resulting problems yourself, and I wash my hands of it.» … «Okay, the hell with him. He\'s already had enough. Let\'s get out of here, guys.»

Kolya once again kicked Dick in the side and hissed furiously: «Listen here, you jerk, it would be better for you to quietly get out of the order, otherwise next time my brothers and I will make your whole body hurt!» – having finished, he turned around and followed the others, but his brutal image of a bully spoiled another attack of vomiting.

Kyon smiled coldly to himself: as always, he got away with it! The disciples who made the deal with him left empty-handed. Obviously, they could not insist too actively, yet they did not lose a single point. But this is only temporary. Lovr was not going to leave them unpunished. They have to pay the bills. But how?

In case of a conflict between students, the administration of the order is ready to consider the application and understand the situation. As a result of the investigation, the points of the loser in a bet (dispute or duel) are forcibly transferred to the winner. And the costs of the investigation and the court are borne by the one who is found guilty. It\'s just like in ordinary life.

Lovr was going to make a lot of applications and send them for consideration, so that by the next morning he would receive all the points from his recent deals. Why is he confident of success? Because Juno won! This is the will of her patron – some important person from the order. It is unlikely that the administration will dare to contradict this person.

Meanwhile, the invisible Elsa tried to comprehend what was happening. She clearly felt that the force of Kolya\'s blows could hardly injure even an ordinary person. Nevertheless, Dick was covered with bruises and injuries as if he had been beaten by a group of imperial phasers.

{Is he allergic to bullies?} – suggested Stone.

When there was no one left around, the girl deactivated invisibility and approached the young man.. It\'s time to find out if he is somehow connected with "The Dark Baron".

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