The Sage of Einar

Chapter 362 - The Power Of A Skald's Words

A few days later, an assembly was held in the capital of the kingdom of Denmark where Jarls, Earls, and tribal leaders from all over the Nordic world were invited.

This because it was intended to talk about the situation on the wall of Danevirke, which throughout the winter had been improved in many aspects.

Perhaps the most important was that a stone cigar was built in front of it to be able to withstand the blows of the siege weapons of the Christians.

Not only that, a great moat was built which was filled with sea water, creating a kind of small river which separated the wall from the mainland.

Fortunately, no Christian dared to take any action to prevent the construction of the improvements to the Danevirke wall.

They just stared from their bases as they were busier building their siege weapons, especially their stupid siege towers.

At the meeting in the battlement tower of the capital, everyone was seated at a large square table.

Outside that room were hundreds of warriors and Vikings who were waiting for their respective leaders.

Although in that room, it only seemed there were high-level people, there was someone who did not fit in with the rest of the leaders of that place.

A strong adult who was wearing simple clothes looked more like a warrior than some leader.

Some looked at him with curiosity, and others simply ignored him. It was not until Queen Malene entered the place accompanied by Sigurd Ring.

Her greatest warrior and main lover at the moment.

When Queen Malene looked at everyone, she realized that even next to Earl Risto, there was someone who did not seem to belong to the group of leaders.

"Earl Risto, you thought this was a meeting of leaders only. Why did you bring a warrior to the meeting?"

Earl Risto just laughed. "He is not a warrior queen Malene, he is a Skald who has information about a valuable ally in the north of the continent.

I think everyone in the place has heard the stories about the mythical explorer Eero Hermansen, the man who came to Miklagard.

Well, it seems that his grandson created a kingdom on a northern island ... "

One of the Jarls interrupted Earl Risto when he hit the table. "Those are bullshit. Everyone knows that we eliminated Jarl Eero Hermansen during the civil war of our fjord.

His successor Jarl Sven and the rest of his tribe cannot possibly have survived."

Risto laughed at what made Jarl angry. "Not only did he survive but his grandson, the Konungar Einar, created in just two years a kingdom that trades on equal terms with the Christian kingdoms.

He is married to the only daughter and he will inherit from the Konungar Vilhelm of Ireland, so he has two kingdoms in his power.

He is a powerful man blessed by Odin himself and the Skald Kol has the proof of it.

Show these unbelievers the proofs of the Nordic nation. "

Skald Kol took from a leather bag a wooden box which he opened and from which he took out a model of a tensegrity table.

"Take the model of the table and admire the power of Odin. The table is supported only by using ropes.

According to Skald Kol, Herald Einar can create tables and chairs like these using only ropes to support them.

It is one of the powers he obtained from the god Odin. The other is the cure for smallpox. "

Everyone was surprised by those words. Even Queen Malene looked seriously at him. Earl Risto "You must be lying, that disease is the punishment of the gods."

Earl Risto spread his hands and pointed to the pattern of tensegrity in the hand of a tribal leader. "See the power of tensegrity for yourself.

If he says that he has the cure for smallpox, it is because he has it; I trust his words because I sent my children on a ship to the mythical Nordic nation.

This is because I want them to be immune to smallpox because their mother died of that disease.

Only time will tell if what is being said about the Nordic nation is true, but for the moment, I believe in its history.

Not only that, but the Skald brings some other things that are produced in that place, just pass things from one place to another and looks at them carefully.

That they are part of something bigger than us and Skald Kol starts singing your song about the Nordic nation. "

The Skald smiled, and taking his flute, began to sing his song. While they did so, the small model of the tensegrity table created doubts in the minds of the leaders.

Many called themselves chosen from the gods or from Odin, but when they saw a table that was supported only by ropes and that could support weight.

It was something they could not understand; it broke the rules of what they knew and opened their horizons.

Well, if the mythical Nordic nation was the cure for smallpox, the lives of them and their families could be much better.

Because smallpox was a disease that existed in many places and to treat it, they only left the sick in a secluded place.

Where they were given food and left alone, in that place their destinies were decided because if they survived they were worshiped, but if they died, their corpses were burned in that same place.

When the song about the Nordic nation came to an end, many were surprised, especially the subjects of the Norwegian king.

For they knew that the Norwegian King had taken many warriors and Vikings to launch an attack on a place.

They never thought that the idiot would have attacked the mythical Konungar Einar.

Queen Malene, who was looking at the tensegrity table, looked at everyone seriously.

"Well, since we know that there is a mythical Nordic nation in the north of the continent, I think we must send a fleet to establish relations.

Unfortunately, as mentioned, the Skald seems to be a place with a strong Konungar that is not afraid of threats, so our approach with him must be one of peace.

We may not be able to demand that you help us in our war, but I\'m sure we can get you to trade with us.

Skald Kol, do you have any idea what products the Konungar Einar cares about? "

The Skald Kol nodded and took from his bag a document written in runes "The Norse nation accepts slaves, farm animals and grains such as wheat, as merchandise.

In exchange, a large quantity of material goods will be given. "

Queen Malene smiled and looked at everyone. "Well, since the Nordic nation accepts slaves, animals and grains as payment, I think we can meet the conditions.

All of us have thousands of slaves who die of cold or hunger, not to mention that in our robberies of the Franco empire we killed many people and animals.

I believe that now we have a place to send the slaves that we obtain as well as those animals that we cannot take.

I propose in this assembly to create a committee to initiate commercial relations with the Nordic nation. We all contribute with materials and receive a part of what is traded with them.

We also need someone to do diplomatic work to try to get the support of the Nordic nation against the Franco empire.

Although we are well prepared, we need all the help we can get. "

Earl Risto pointed out to himself, "I would like to volunteer to be the intermediary between this assembly and the Nordic kingdom.

For this task, I will take Skald Kol with me so that I can have a more reliable representative.

But I think we should use the name of the Nordic nation to create fervor among our warriors and fear in Christians.

At least we have the representative of a god. They have nothing. I think this is a sign from Odin that things will improve for us against those Christians and their crucified god.

May Valhalla wait for us with open arms because we will fight against all those Christians or we will die in the attempt. "

Everyone screamed with joy while Einar in his office felt a sensation of chill as well as a feeling of discomfort.

\'I feel dangerous things are coming. It\'s strange a long time ago that I didn\'t have this feeling.


It reminds me of the moments before the ambushes, however I will ask the soldiers to prepare for anything that might happen.


Better safe than sorry…\'

At that moment the noise of the merchant bell could be heard, so Einar smiled as he could assume that it was Nelda with new merchandise.

\'I hope they bring more slaves as we need to increase to 10,000 soldiers on the island in order to guarantee that our life will be better.


In the end, the number of soldiers guarding the island should be around 80,000. It seems to be a lot, but it is better to be safe than sorry.


Soldiers do not represent a financial burden to some extent, and even if they are, the economy will not be affected.


That is the advantage of having a well-planned nation from the beginning. Security is guaranteed in the short and long term. \'

Einar took his coat and left his office while on his desk you could see the plans of a fairly modern and easy to identify the weapon.

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