The Sage of Einar

Chapter 343 - A Murder At Night

At night in the city of Asgard, everyone was enjoying the tranquility of the city when a man who was somewhat drunk.

Looked at something strange in one of the alleys because in the snow he looked at some strange footprints, which did not look like someone else\'s.

When he approached and looked in the alley, he could not control his stomach so he began to vomit, because in the alley there was a corpse of a woman.

Einar, who was sleeping in an armchair with little Katherine in his arms, was surprised when the bedroom door opened and Eskol entered.

"Herald Einar, we have found the body of a woman. It has signs of torture and rape.

The corpse is being taken to the morgue located in the cave below the imperial palace. "

Einar looked seriously at Eskol and subsequently looked at his daughter, who was sleeping peacefully in his arms.

"Dad has to work. I will see you in the morning."

After those words, Einar kissed Katherine and left her in her crib, knowing that Laisa would take care of her because she was a few meters away in bed.

Seeing his daughter lying in the crib, Einar nodded and put on a coat as he went out with Eskol.

"Is there information on the woman?"

Eskol took a notebook and began to read, "Her name was Minerva. She was a slave who came with Nelda\'s first expedition. She has a daughter and is a single mother.

From the quick investigation of Odin\'s Eye and reviewing the records, we know that she is one of many female converts to the Norse religion. "

Einar closed his eyes and worried for a moment, as the first thing that came to mind was that it was most likely a hate crime.

"That the guards and soldiers do double shifts of protection at night and in the morning to prevent a crime like this from being repeated.

I also need you to investigate as much as possible about Minerva\'s past. I want you to ask your neighbors and your daughter if they have any idea who the murderer may have been.

I don\'t want to have to come to the wrong conclusion. That is why I want you to investigate correctly, because if you see another murder case again.

Most likely it is a serial killer who kills people who profess the Nordic religion.

That is completely bad because in that case, finding the culprit or the culprits will be too complicated.

Either way, I\'m monitoring all the slaves and looking for anyone missing or not showing up for work.

In general, killing a person involves varied sensations in the body. Depending on the murderer, it could even be full of energy.

Unfortunately, the human mind is too complicated for us to understand."

After saying those words, Einar and Eskol took the elevator that would take them to the clinic below the imperial palace.

Once they arrived at that place, Einar opened a door and took you some concrete stairs. Those stairs began to go down and, after a few minutes, they reached a cave lit by torches.

In which there was a large room with glass. Inside the room there were large metal tables on which there were some corpses in different degrees of decomposition.

Einar and Eskol took a gas mask and put on special clothes as they would enter the morgue.

When they were fully dressed, the two entered through a door where a soldier sprayed them with a disinfectant substance.

Upon entering that room, they could then smell the scent of death through the gas masks, although Einar was used to smelling the scent of death.

He ended up frowning because the scent was too unpleasant. Eskol acts the same way as he could also feel the foul scent through the gas mask.

After walking through some tables, they came to one where they saw the corpse of a woman; the woman had brown hair and where the eyes were supposed to go there were only two empty sockets.

Which were full of dried blood. The face that once had been beautiful was now completely disfigured, as it seemed that they had been hitting it repeatedly.

The body that was completely naked and blue because it had been found in the snow had deep wounds and some other small ones in different parts of its body.

Einar noticed that the corpse also appeared to have wounds from whips and some ropes.

All of them appeared to be completely recent, but had traces that some of them had already coagulated and started to heal.

Using his hand, which had leather gloves, he touched some of the wounds that already seemed to be healing.

"Eskol,she is injured. They have already had time. I can assume that two things happened.

The first is that the warriors or soldiers are lying and have created a kind of Machiavellian place, where they are subjecting female slaves to brutal punishments while raping them.

The second is that within the slaves themselves, there seems to be a kind of hierarchy, even though they are still slaves.

I would dare say that they are possibly cults or something that was created in the course of which they were transported from their places of origin to the island.

I want you to start creating a special committee to investigate and identify these acts, as this does not appear to be a serial murder.

I do not know a murderer would take so long with the victim without us realizing it, instead it is easier for a group of people to collude and make it seem that the woman was always there when she was not.

This is a slightly more complicated case than anything we\'ve already seen.

You must be careful when you are conducting the investigation, because we do not know how they are going to act because they are not cornered like rats.

Well, I am sure that we are going to find those responsible; it is only a matter of looking in the right places.

Eskol will be the first important case and must be recorded in the annals of history as the mysterious death of Minerva.

We can say that his death served to create the first group of investigative police in the Nordic nation, a group completely different from the soldiers or the military police.

Well, their only mission is to investigate the crimes, to bring those responsible to trial in which they will most likely be found guilty.

And I can tell you that it will be so because I am the judge and I intend to bring those sons of bitches to court so that they can speak and say why they committed these barbaric acts against the Nordic population.

But there is no point in continuing to talk about it for the moment, let\'s just pass the scalpel, I\'ll do an autopsy of the body, just hand me my notebook.

After you give me my notebook, the investigation begins. You have no time to lose.. The more time we allow to pass, the more difficult it will be to find the culprits. "

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