Carefree Path of Dreams

Chapter 569: Negotiation

Hei Zhong and Ge Nie carried their swords and observed the commanders’ meeting in progress coldly.

They had both undergone Fang Yuan’s training programme and had become formidable warriors. Prince Pan had received them into his camp unhesitatingly and held them in high regard. They were even allowed to attend meetings at the highest level.

Although they only had observer status in these meetings, many of the other officials envied them greatly.

"The Dongyi alliance is being led by the Jiuli Division. Their fighters have unruly shocks of hair and painted faces. They are armed with bronze and are extremely ferocious in battle...the Jiuxiong is the largest among the Dongyi tribes and has contributed 30000 men to their war effort. Their leader has declared himself the King of Dongyi and Lord of the Tribes..."

"The Dongyi army, numbering 80000, has crossed into Shang lands and has taken the two cities of Hui and Ye, where they have conducted massacres."

"Our army has reached Huaishui. We will face the enemy in 3 days!"


Prince Pan looked magnificent in his role as commander-in-chief.

"Good! The Shang army is powerful and organised. The enemy soldiers must have become ill-disciplined after all the plundering and pillaging. All we need to do is to stick to our battle plan and we will defeat them in a head-to-head clash!"

Many of the nobles nodded in agreement with Prince Pan’s words.

The Shang Dynasty was definitely more powerful than the Dongyi alliance and there was no way that they would lose as long as they avoided risky manoeuvres.

Even Hei Zhong and Ge Nie were impressed with the Shang’s orthodox battle strategy. It was simple and straightforward, yet effective and efficient.

"While setting up camp, we have to make sure that the basics are covered and that the men are spread out...also, arrange for guard duty to be done throughout the night so that we can prevent ourselves from being caught unawares by the enemy!"

Prince Pan had obviously done his homework beforehand and was explaining his ideas in detail. With assistance from the other officials, a comprehensive plan was drawn out in no time.

"With Prince Pan in charge, a victory for the Shang army is more or less guaranteed...what was Master even worried about?"

Ge Nie pondered as the discussion went on. Suddenly, he furrowed his brows.

"Ding Ring Ring!"

The blue sword in his arms let out a ring and startled everyone present.

"There is someone here!"

Ge Nie threw out his sword immediately.


The chilling aura of the sword drilled into the ground and unleashed a fountain of blood.


A human head flew out from beneath the ground and landed on the floor. Prince Pan and the other officials were shocked.

"An assassin!"

"Mister Ge Nie is unparalleled in swordplay. There is no one who can rival your skill in the immediate vicinity!"

The faces of the officials had all turned pale. When they had all calmed down, they lavished Ge Nie with praise and were intent on naming him the best swordsman in the whole of the Shang empire.

They did not know that Ge Nie was confused himself as he sheathed his sword.

Ge Nie was very sure that he had not thrust out the sword of his own volition. The sword seemed to have a will of its own and had discovered the assassin by itself!

’Is this what Master means by the difference between ’the man wielding the sword’ and ’the sword wielding the man’?"

Ge Nie reflected silently.

"This must have been a Dongyi assassin!"

One of the officials examined the black tattoos on the decapitated head and came to a conclusion.

Hei Zhong and Ge Nie shared a solemn look.

Although the dead man had been from Dongyi, this burrowing technique was extremely rare and seemed to have been deliberately utilised.


Although Prince Pan was unharmed by the assassination attempt, the security of the entire army camp was on high alert.

On the next day, the frontlines of the Shang army finally clashed with the Dongyi army.

Plumes of black smoke rose from the small city lying in front of them. The air was thick with the smell of blood and fire. Screams and crying sounds were coming from the direction of the city.

"Damn it! We were too late!"

Gentleman Lian was now the commander of over a thousand men. He gritted his teeth as he saw the burning city lying ahead of them.

"We will continue to advance and slaughter every Dongyi man in our path!"

"Yes, sir!"

The Shang host moved forward slowly and before long, an entire company of Dongyi soldiers rushed out from the city gates. They wore animals skins and had savage looks on their faces. They had tattoos all over their bodies and wielded a multitude of weapons. They were bloodthirsty wild beasts.

"How dare you barbarians invade our country and massacre our people! We will butcher you for this!"

Lian roared as hundreds of Dongyi soldiers rushed towards them.


Lian was more rational than the Dongyi soldiers and did not let his rage get the better of him. For starters, he ordered his archers to fire a wave of arrows.

"Swoosh! Swoosh!"

Blood spilt everywhere among the ranks of the Dongyi soldiers as they fell to the ground with arrows sticking out of their bodies. The attack sobered them up as they realised that the Shang soldiers were different from the peasants they were so used to slaughtering.

"Foot soldiers, forward!"

Er led the charge and brandished his bronze hammer menacingly after the order was given.

He could feel the divine power surging through his veins as he brought the wrath of the bronze hammer upon the Dongyi soldiers in a whirlwind, leaving broken bodies in his wake.


Er let out a booming laugh as the Dongyi slashed his body with their bronze swords. He did not bother to defend himself as the blows ricocheted off his body harmlessly.

"This is the kind of fight that I was looking for!"

Er cackled as he ground the Dongyi soldier in front of him into a meat paste with his hammer.

This unfortunate fellow seemed to have been the leader of this Dongyi unit, for the surviving Dongyi soldiers ran screaming back to the city upon his death.

"This city is newly taken and the Dongyi units probably wouldn’t have had the time to resemble yet...I smell a great opportunity!"

Lian’s eyes shone.

"Chase them into the city and exterminate the Dongyi men!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Er understood his father’s intention. He was virtually invincible and could easily pass off as a demon lord. He chased the Dongyi soldiers all the way into the city and destroyed the collective composure that they had tried so hard to maintain.

"Although the Dongyi soldiers beat our frontline soldiers in terms of numbers, they are motivated only by weapons, treasure and women. Just how powerful could they be?"

Lian rushed into the city after these soldiers and put them to the sword!

Lian was right. The Dongyi army was ill-disciplined to begin with and had become ungovernable after taking the city. There were Dongyi soldiers dressed in silk and others were carrying women and valuables. They crumbled in the face of the organised Shang army.

By dusk, a flag embossed with a picture of the Black Bird hung from the city walls. The fires had been put out as well.


Er waved his arms excitedly.

"Each of us here can fight ten Dongyi soldiers and together, we can destroy a 10000-strong unit! When we finally defeat the Dongyi army and reclaim our cities, you will be greatly rewarded for your efforts, Father!"

" son, the commander-in-chief will decide who he wants to reward. It isn’t up to you!"

Lian laughed in reply. He was in good spirits. Still, he noticed the torn and tattered appearance of Er’s clothes, caused by the swords and axes of the Dongyi soldiers, and frowned.

"My son, you must be careful!"

"Don’t worry, I have the powers imparted to me by Teacher and am untouchable. No one will be able to kill me in the whole wide world!"

Er laughed madly, He was a reckless fellow alright.


Lian exhaled helplessly.


"The Dongyi army has lost in the head on clash with the Shang army?"

The news had spread and reached Mo Ge’s ears. He squatted in a cave with a severe look on his face.

"No way! I can’t let the Shang army continue to enjoy success!"

Mo Ge knew what his Young Master wanted.

The Shang army was allowed to win, but it had to come at a great cost. It would be even better if the Shang army suffered serious losses, including the death of Prince Pan.

However, it seemed like the Shang army had achieved this victory with barely any difficulty. This made Mo Ge extremely worried.

"The assassin we sent had gotten killed before he had even achieved anything at all. Sneaking him into the Shang camp was a waste of my efforts!"

Mo Ge got to his feet and exited the cave. He surveyed the Shang camp from afar.

The layout of the Shang army camp was well organised and it looked as unassailable as the mountains. Mo Ge felt a chill in his heart and bowed to the man standing beside him.

"I’ll have to trouble you to help us, Sword Sage!"

This man had eyes that were bright like the stars and he carried an ancient sword in his hand. It was indeed the Sword Sage Cao Qiu!

A light flashed across his eyes as he listened to Mo Ge.

"I owe the Marquis of Western Zhou a great deal and will help him...but this will be the last time!"

A man like him would never allow himself to be controlled like a puppet in the long term.

"Of course...according to Young Master Wu, as long as you fetch him Prince Pan’s head, he will write off all of your debts!"


Cao Qiu was silent for a long while before he spoke again.

" must come along with me!"

"Of course!"

Mo Ge gritted his teeth and agreed.

Although he was well-versed in the Five Elements Escape Technique, breaking into the Shang army camp was no easy feat.

Nevertheless, he had to say yes so as to increase the chances of success and to put Cao Qiu’s mind at ease.

’Considering how highly-skilled the Sword Sage is, as long as I manage to sneak him into the commander’s tent, Prince Pan will be dead meat.’

Mo Ge gave himself some encouragement.

As for how Cao Qiu was going to escape after he had killed the Prince, and how his disciples would have to deal with retaliation from the Shang Dynasty, Mo Ge did not care.


It was not going to be a peaceful night.

Just as when Mo Ge and Cao Qiu were preparing to strike, Fang Yuan had arrived at the frontlines to meet with someone.

Not a person, but...a god!

Although this was a normal forest that Fang Yuan was in, everything around him changed when the god descended.

Fang Yuan found himself standing in the middle of a battlefield where he could hear the clanging of weapons and the screams of horses. The smell of blood filled the air.

A large and formidable-looking warrior let out a roar as he clashed with enemy soldiers.

"This is...a flashback of the war between the witches and the Xia people!"

Fang Yuan seemed to understand as he saw how witch blood was being spilt on the battlefield and let out a cold laugh.

"Are you still unable to let this go, my lord?"

"Buzz! Buzz!"

In a split second, flower petals fell from the skies and golden lotuses erupted from the ground.

The battlefield had disappeared around Fang Yuan. All that was left was the materialisation of a human figure from the falling light.

Fang Yuan had seen the true form of the War God Chi, but never his human form.

A middle-aged man wearing golden armour stood in the distance. He had strong features on his face and a charismatic air about him. His eyes shone brightly as he looked over at Fang Yuan.

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