Shift! The Side-Character Heroine

Chapter 197

This was probably the reason why Ma Yun the president had said that, creating Ali (Baba) was the most regretful thing that he had ever done in his entire life. Many people thought that he was being sarcastic but he wasn’t!

There was a Ma Yun, Ali, and Taobao in this world, but there was no Jingdong. Instead, the Tencent E-Commerce was like Jingdong, boasting that their products were authentic, whereas the products on Taobao were all fake.

Right now, Zhao Youyue was also talking to her deskmate Jiang Qing, saying, “I truly regret having flying colors for my exams. It’s difficult for me to have bad scores. In the end, my results are so good that problems have started coming up my doorstep.”

“Someone asked me to join the Student Union, someone asked me to be class cadres, someone asked me to share my study experiences, someone even asked me to give a speech during the national flag raising ceremony next week!”

“That is really too troublesome!”

“I’ve realized that being a passerby is the most suitable role for me, always staying out of people’s business as a bystander.”

She seemed to have realized something, out of the blue.

She used to be very most displeased about her ‘passerby’ attribute, always egged on by the desire to cause trouble. But now, she missed the feeling of being unknown and lurking in the shadows.

However, Jiang Qing truly wanted to strangle this Lady Zhao, who was getting better at showing off. She wanted to choke the life out of her.

It turned out that the results of the following monthly test after the mid-term of this semester had come out. Zhao Youyue got the second place throughout the entire school. The science subject was rather difficult, therefore her total score was just behind Huang Zongchao’s by a hair.

However, this totally proved that Zhao Youyue had joined the top elite scholars’ list. Even the headmaster had an eye on her. She would definitely a young successor of the Capital University or Chung Hua University.

Many students admired her results as well.

After all, no student did not hope to have flying colors. It was just that some students were very unlucky. They were not only less intelligent, but they were also unable to put in effort.

However, that was not a problem. Students with bad results could still be successful in the future, because their parents were successful people.

After finishing this bowl of ‘poisonous chicken soup,’ she could continue to enjoy being carefree during her school days.

She is finally known throughout the school. This was not because of her appearance or her family background, but because of her results.

This could be considered as her successfully achieving the little target within her heart. At the same time, it was also the reflection of ‘Xu Jing’ card’s power.

Regarding family backgrounds, it seemed like many students had some misconceptions towards Zhao Youyue. This was because she wore the school uniform at all times. She would not even change into prettier clothes during weekends. Students who were not close to her thought that her family was not very rich. If not, why could she be so low-key within her high school age group? At this age, a person would love to show his or her personality and uniqueness the most!

Moreover, looking at Zhao Youyue, who was getting more and more focused into her studies, many male students who read the novel “Pure Romance” before would automatically relate her image to the goddess ‘Xu Jing.’ This was not a problem, because Zhao Youyue would occasionally switch on her ‘Xu Jing’ card. Once the switch is flipped, she would release Xu Jing’s aura. Fortunately, she did not tie her hair as a single ponytail. If not, she would have looked almost alike.

Of course, Zhao Youyue wanted to force herself to completely master ‘Xu Jing’s ‘passionate learning’ skill. But sometimes, her old, slothful nature would call out to her. In that kind of situation, she would have to forcefully switch on the ‘Xu Jing’ card.

This created misunderstandings among more students—— “Maybe she’s the Xu Jing in 3D. She still has a dad who’s lying in bed, a mum who’s a street vendor, trying to maintain the livelihood, while still being beaten up by the urban management...”

For a moment, many male students in class looked into Zhao Youyue’s eyes with pity. They spoke within their hearts, “It’s not easy for her at all. Her family’s in such a tough situation, and she’s still able to so focus on her studies. She may even need to do house chores and cook for her mum when she returns home. She’s truly virtuous, she’s the perfect wife material!”

Unfortunately, those who wanted to start a romantic relationship in high school were mostly hoodlums. As great people have said, love relationships that were not for marriage, were all actions of a hoodlum.

But the truth is that nowadays, be it men or women, they all loved to act like hoodlums. If you aim for marriage in your first relationship, you would scare your lover away, instead.

This is the generation when no one wants to take responsibility, utilizing youth as the most significant form of capital and reason.

Those who considered themselves lady-killers in school were not willing to pursue Zhao Youyue, who seemed to be a girl that could not be easily rid of, once hooked up with. Instead, her best friend Jiang Qing was more popular, as she seemed to be a girl that was gullible and nave enough to play with, as she had big b*obs and was so talented, to be able to sing that well.

In the eyes of some boys, a girl like Jiang Qing seemed to be the representative of a flirt, one filled with the sense of a sexy lady. In fact, it was similar to Zhao Youyue’s situation of being misunderstood as an elite female scholar from a low-income family. This was also a complete illusion!

Although Jiang Qing was extremely popular among the male group, she treated them rather coldly. This was probably because she was aware of how they viewed her. Therefore, she had a wall built up against the boys. If not, girls like her would easily get involved in rumors. The boys very much loved to spread rumors about girls like her as well.

As people reminisce their school days, they would probably remember such types of girls, the ones who would have slept with about every boy in school, while changing boyfriends during every alternate week. In the end, they realized that those were simply rumors. Just because that she spoke a few more sentences with some boys and just because they had walked together a few times. It was not of her own will, but the boys who took the initiative.

Therefore, Jiang Qing the little angel found her life unnecessarily difficult as well. She had to suffer from the jealousy of some female students and pay attention to keeping a distance with the male students.

Luckily, there was Lady Zhou who would always protect her.

Zhao Youyue did not face the same trouble. This was the benefit of being low profile. Moreover, her elite scholar identity came as a shock as well. Everyone probably would subconsciously assume that a top-10 girl would not want to be in an early love relationship.

Zhao Youyue was quite popular among the girls as well. This was probably due to the boasting by Jiang Qing, the little angel. All the female students knew that Zhao Youyue was unfathomable, since Jiang Qing had provided examples to testify her boasts. She would even often receive presents from Zhao Youyue. Some gifts, such as skin care products were not cheap, as Lady Zhao was rich!

One indeed could do whatever he wants as long as he had money...

Thus, many female students in class have tried to get closer to Zhao Youyue, such as Zhao Youyue’s ex-deskmate, Zhou Fang, not because that she was rich, but because of her results.

Zhao Youyue had totally conquered Zhou Fang. She seemed to have forgotten entirely that she once felt pity for Zhao Youyue, to see her studying within the last minute. But now, she finally realized——

Zhao Youyue and her were the same, they were both good children who were passionate in studying.

Zhou Fang was so happy, that she wanted to invite Zhao Youyue into a study group that she had organized. It is said that most elite scholars in the class have joined the group. Of course, as this was just on the class’ level, the highest ranked among them would only be positioned in the top-30’s when it comes to the schoolwide board.

“I’m so sorry. I’m just a bit serious during class. I actually don’t like studying much. I prefer playing my mobile phone in my free time...” Zhao Youyue rejected indirectly.

Zhou Fang was especially disappointed, because she knew that this was the truth.

The truth in this world was that only very few among the students with best results were extremely hardworking. Most students only needed to pay a little attention during class, complete their homework a little more seriously, and they would be able to win the college entrance examination...

It turned out that the poisonous chicken soup was not poisonous at all. It was just spitting out the truth regarding lots of matters.

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