The Almighty Ring

Chapter 1373 - One Against Three Ultralisks

Chapter 1373: One Against Three Ultralisks

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

It was physically impossible for Jiang Fei to fight against three planet-sized Ultralisks. However, Jiang Fei had no intention of fighting them physically. Instead, he would fight them in a battle of psychic power!

They may be strong and scary on the outside, but on the inside, mentally speaking, they were as weak as a baby. That being said, their psychic energy was still lethal to those without the aptitude for psychic manipulation.

But Jiang Fei was not like any other fighter. He was particularly skilled at controlling his psychic powers, which just so happened to be the greatest weak point of all three Ultralisks.

The leader of the First Squad quickly reported to Jiang Fei when he saw the Drifter turning towards their general direction, “Sir! One of them is headed our way!”

As the Ultralisk set its monstrous eyes on Jiang Fei’s puny little asteroid, it unleashed an uncountable amount of tentacles to attack all surrounding outpost soldiers. Those that even slightly touched the tentacles instantly turned black and died not of an injury, but of its potent poison. So far, none who touched the tentacles had ever survived the poison.

The number of the Drifter’s many kills was on par with the other two Ultralisks. The Slasher was enjoying its slashing spree, chopping and dicing up soldiers of the giant races, and feeding on them later. The Shocker only needed to splurt out powerful electrical plasma onto its prey and gobble them whole while they were paralyzed.

The first in the long line of kills were those of the giant race. At ten times the size of a regular Valsalrian, they were huge. But even so, they weren’t enough to satiate the Ultralisks’ appetites. The naturally strong and brimming with energy giants were the first to be killed and eaten.

The others continued to fight despite knowing full well that their stronger comrades were no match for the Ultralisks. Even so, they continued on, with no expression on their face. It was as if they had completely rid themselves of all emotions, until the moment of their deaths.

“Confound it! How are we supposed to fight these monsters?”

“Wait for your orders! The commander is still thinking of a plan!”

“Shut the f*ck up! How could he fight such a beast?”

Compared to the veteran outpost soldiers, Jiang Fei’s soldiers panicked at the sight of the gruesome killing. As veterans in their own field, they’d had their fill of war and seen enough death to be numb to it all.

However, they had never battled against an Ultralisk before, let alone faced three of them at the same time. Throw them into the middle of the Federation War and they wouldn’t even complain about a lack of firearms, but a battle against three Ultralisks had them at their wits’ end.

The Drifter extended its countless tentacles as it closed in, continuously killing and feeding on the outpost soldiers, all while drawing closer and closer to Jiang Fei’s position.


Out of the blue, one of the Drifter’s tentacles zoomed across space, targeting one of the soldiers near Jiang Fei.

“NNNG!” yelled the soldier.

He tried to move away but was too slow to avoid the thick tentacles. Just as he was about to embrace death, Jiang Fei flashed across the asteroid and sliced the tentacle with a hot plasma blade.

The hot plasma pouring out of Jiang Fei’s gauntlet was a product of advanced weapon technology that Jiang Fei had ‘stolen’ from Aino’s treasure vault.

The Psiblade was a powerful weapon to begin with and when Jiang Fei infused Origin Force into it, its energy output had gotten so strong that cutting such a large tentacle was as easy as sliding a hot knife through butter.


The decapitated tentacle wriggled about on the ground, leaving the Drifter with one less tentacle. In response, it was agitated. When it was surrounded by outpost soldiers, it had merely reacted instinctively.

When Jiang Fei cut off one of its tentacles, it ‘woke up’ and was not at all happy. A wave of killing instinct drowned the asteroid, one which Jiang Fei knew all too well.

“Get back! Get away from me!” bellowed Jiang Fei as the Drifter attacked him with several tentacles at the same time.

With intricate footwork, Jiang Fei dashed about, slashing all the tentacles that were coming his way. “Come one, come all!” he scoffed.

“OUUUGH!” growled the Drifter.

Even without intelligence, being hurt would make any lifeform react with either fear or anger. In this case, the Drifter was clearly agitated. Instead of focusing solely on feeding, as per its original purpose for approaching the settlement, the Drifter now ignored the rest of the soldiers and focused solely on killing Jiang Fei.

“Try it, ugly! I’ll cook you up good!” roared Jiang Fei. The beast’s killing intent kept pouring over him. “Ugh… try this one!” he yelled, having had enough of being overwhelmed by the killing intent.

Jiang Fei concentrated his psychic powers and sent out a saturated psychic needle into the mind of the Ultralisk.


A loud, deafening growl was unleashed across the cosmos, followed by an eerie silence. Reacting to its cry for help, the two other Ultralisks turned towards the helpless Drifter. In no time, the Slasher and Shocker were ignoring their basic instincts too, wanting nothing more than to kill Jiang Fei.

“I need to finish this quickly,” thought Jiang Fei.

Though he could do it, he did not want to fight all three Ultralisks at the same time. Before the other two could arrive, Jiang Fei threw out more psychic needles and psychic hammers to completely destroy the mind of the Drifter.

Having mastered such techniques, Jiang Fei successfully fully discombobulated the Drifter, rendering it unable to attack or react to any physical stimulus.

After being bombarded by psychic attacks, the Drifter was now at the brink of death, despite not sustaining any physical injuries. It hovered about in space, unmoving except for sudden jerks and involuntary flinches. It was so defeated that it could not even escape from the battlefield.

Turning a few toggles on the Psiblade, Jiang Fei maximized the power of the plasma. He then kicked off from the ground, sending himself far out in space and into the Drifter’s body.

Due to the beast’s sheer size and the fact that it was unable to move a muscle, it was easy for Jiang Fei to penetrate its outer skin, reaching all the way to its inner organs.

As he carved his way deeper and deeper into the Ultralisk’s body, he came across a glowing crystal that was emanating a concentrated amount of pure energy. The crystal was round in shape and surrounded by thick veins. Judging by its appearance and location, Jiang Fei could only deduce that it was the heart of the Ultralisk.

The crystal was as large as a wrecking ball with an incredibly potent concentration of energy inside it. If Jiang Fei could figure out a way to use it as a power source, he would literally be able to power a Hypercruiser for three months or more.

Jiang Fei cheered happily, “Heh. Loot!”

Freeing the crystal from all the veins attached to it, he deposited it into the ring. Since there was no gravity in space, Jiang Fei had no idea which direction was ‘out’. It took him several turns and tries but he managed to get out of the Drifter’s body by simply slashing in one direction.

With that, Jiang Fei had killed the 8,000,000 combat level Ultralisk.

A few moments later, a pool of electrically-charged plasma came hurtling through space towards the deceased Drifter. Seeing one of its own kind killed, the Shocker unleashed a mass of electrically-charged plasma goo to attack Jiang Fei.

Unlike the other Ultralisk, the Shocker relied on its projectile plasma to attack. Since it was stronger than the Drifter, Jiang Fei didn’t dare to touch the plasma, fearing that he might be burnt and electrocuted at the same time.

“One down, two to go,” said Jiang Fei to himself.

He toggled the Psiblade to normal output and charged towards the floating eyeball. At the same time, he conjured a psychic hammer and smashed it into the eyeball.


When the attack landed, the eyeball was in the middle of excreting plasma goo but failed to discharge it properly. As a result, the plasma scorched its rear tentacles and caused a significant amount of damage to itself.

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