Infinite Competitive Dungeon Society

Chapter 186. Skill Synthesis (5)

I could always unsummon the elementals if things got dangerous, but tamed monsters were a bit more troublesome. Both Plene and Lotte made a fuss about coming with me, but Plene wasn’t suited as an elite force. She couldn’t defend herself well, and her ability wasn’t suited for direct fights. Plus, I didn’t know how much her ability worked against these brain-eating worms. Although I felt sorry for leaving her out, there was nothing I could do.

On the other hand, Lotte didn’t lose to many in terms of strength. Plus, now that she could transform into a human (I was curious just how she obtained that ability), her range of activity increased as well. She was all around a reliable companion to have.

For the record, I made sure that she wore proper clothing when she was in her human form. I gifted her some elastic leather clothes. Although she refused to wear clothes at first, when I pouted and acted sad that she wouldn’t accept my gift, she frowned and put the clothes on. Huhu, I was getting more skilled at handling my subordinates!

Lotte looked smugly at Plene when I told Plene that she couldn’t come but Lotte could.

“Huhuhu, you see, Fish? This is the Hero’s choice.”

“I’m not a fish! I’m a siren!”

“No... It’s just that your ability isn’t suited for what I’m doing, Plene. Wish us a safe return.”

“Hic... Okay.”

“You’re weak! Do you know why, Fish?”

“I’m not a fish! And I’m not weak! Shin said I was a good singer!”

“You are weak because you are lacking. In training...!”


“Yeah, yeah, let’s go, Lotte.”

Ever since she transformed into a human, she was learning lots of weird things.

Regardless, there were only 5 minutes left until I had to go see Lebuik at the pub. I hurriedly left the resort with Lotte and headed to the First Dungeon’s Residential Area. The first thing I did was accepting the Dimensional Mercenary request. Then, while I was making my way to the pub, the people’s attentions became focused on me.

“It’s Revival’s master.”

“Earth’s Hero?”

“Did you check the guild rank? It’s already B.”

“Hey, don’t even think about messing with that guild. An administrative guild has its back.”

We’re different from Desert Scorpion! We have no intention of abusing an administrative guild’s authority! Though I wanted to tell them off, I didn’t. Lotte became angry instead.

“Are they cursing Hero? Not that I think highly of Hero, but it is true that Hero is strong enough to make me submit. How strong are they that they’re cursing Hero in the middle of the street? I must test their strengths!”

“Lotte, please. Also, don’t use words like ‘submit.’”

“Hero should be proud. Hero made me submit without using force. That shows how grand Hero is!”

Our surroundings became noisy.

“Hey, did you hear that?”

“I was wondering if it was a new woman. It’s as I thought...”

“Without using force... That must mean...”



I grabbed Lotte’s hand and ran to the pub using Gale Track. There, I saw Lebuik with a solemn expression on her face. She wore a set of upgraded armor from the last time I saw her and she had a large black claymore on her back.

“Y-You’re here. I thought about it for a long time, but if I could see Ren-nim’s face one last time, I’ll have no regr— Kyak!”

“Let’s go!”

If I stayed in the Residential Area any longer, my reputation is going to plummet to the point of no return! Lebuik seemed to be giving excuses as to why she was going to Panan, but I was too lazy to listen to her. She should just say she wants to see Ren!

“Alright, Dimensional Travel!”


“Too late!”

The Residential Area melted down. As if to paint over the now blank canvas, a new world appeared. The sky was pitch black with not even a single star in sight. Everything was quiet. We were in a small open area in the middle of a dense forest.

“I said wait a bit, Roo...”

Lebuik was just about to say something to me when she suddenly stopped. She froze and seemed to be staring at behind me. Then, she fell as if her legs gave out.

I turned around. There, I saw Ren, who was staring at me with widened eyes.


“You really... You really came, Crown Prince...? Damn, I told you not to come, so why?”

When Dimensional Travel was used for a Dimensional Mercenary request, the user was naturally summoned next to the person who made the request. Otherwise, the user would be summoned to the friend-listed person. Of course, I would have ended up next to Ren regardless.

Ren’s voice was quiet unlike usual. In fact, his voice seemed to be suppressed as it didn’t travel well. I closed my eyes, then opened them back up after a brief moment. I had analyzed the mana in the surroundings.

“Is it an artifact?”

“Yes. I obtained an item that prevents sound from traveling far. The dungeon sure is a nice place.”

Ren took out a pentagonally shaped pendant and smiled. Then, he frowned again. He seemed to have remembered what he was talking about.

“Wait, don’t change the subject, Crown Prince. It’s not too late, you should—”

“If I think it’s too dangerous, I’ll run away on my own, so don’t worry.”

“... Now that you say that, I’m hurt.”

Ren’s perked up lion ears drooped. My fists cried at the cuteness unbefitting of Ren’s face, but I swallowed down the urge.

“In any case, I’ll prevent El Patiz from aiming for Crown Prince, even if costs me my life. I won’t stop Crown Prince now, but if it gets dangerous please do go back when I give the signal.

“Yeah, yeah, I got it.”

“Then first, I’ll introduce you to the children. They haven’t been able to rest for a while, so they practically collapsed when they got the chance. Huhu, you’ll be surprised how cute they are.”

Ren’s ears danced and showed his affection for the children. At that moment, I fully comprehended Ren. I see, so the reason Ren’s trying so hard is... I nodded my head seriously and lightly tapped Ren’s shoulders.

“Ren... Huu, I understand Ren. It’s understandable.”

“Un? Thank you for understanding... But understand what? Rather than that, who’s the beautiful woman next to you? A Dimensional Mercenary?”

Ren, who didn’t have immunity against women, backed up after noticing Lotte. I introduced her.

“She’s my pet.”

“My name is Lotte, the Hero named me. Don’t trouble Hero, Lion.”


“Rookie, you’re the worst!”

“... Eh?”

And from that, Ren finally noticed the woman sitting on the ground. Lebuik quickly clasped her mouth with her hands, but it was too late. Ren discovered Lebuik and widened his eyes.

“Sir... Lebuik...”

“Y-Your Highness...”

Lebuik quickly dusted off the dirt on her armor and displayed her respect for Ren.

“So you really were alive, Sir Lebuik.”

“M-My apologies... Even if I have ten mouths, I have no excuses.”

Lebuik’s ears drooped and stuck to her hair. To be honest, just looking at their ears were interesting.

However, Ren burst into laughter. His ears seemed to be jumping around in joy.

“I’m glad! I’m extremely happy that you are alive, Sir Lebuik.”

“Your Highness...”

“I was worried that Sir would have missed the chance to go back to the dungeon. After all, Sir Lebuik’s loyalty was the greatest in our world.”

“N-No, Your Highness. I’m just a defeated cat that turned tail and ran in the face of our enemy.”

So she was a cat... While I was musing about the novel image of a defeated cat, Ren smiled bitterly and lightly tapped her shoulder pauldrons.

“Raise your head, Sir Lebuik. The only reason I’m alive now is all thanks to the swordsmanship Sir taught me. Plus, I’m touched that Sir didn’t forget about me and returned.”


Ah, her tail is shaking. The tail protruding out from a hole in her armor wagged gently and expressed ecstasy. To be able to show the appearance of a girl in love just by the movement of a tail, beastmen were amazing!

Worried that Lebuik would jump on Ren, I quickly shoved my hand between them.

“Alright, While I’m happy for your reunion, but let’s leave it at that. Ren, when are we setting off?”

“Mm, I want to let the children sleep longer, but we’ll probably have to leave before the sun rises. The assassins’ tracking techniques are truly vexing. Well, the El Patiz that took over the assassins’ brains, to be exact.”

“Your Highness, I solemnly swear that I shall protect Your Highness no matter what!”

“I’d rather that Sir survives.”

“Your Highness, no, I will...!”

“Those beastmen are weird. Why are they so bent on dying?”

“I was just about to ask the same question, Lotte.”

That’s what I said, but I knew Lebuik was planning on paying the price for abandoning Ren.

To be honest, when I told her about the situation, I only half-expected her to come. I couldn’t really understand if it was love or re-emerged loyalty that was pushing her to do this. I just hoped that her actions would bring good results for both her and Ren.

“A fruit.”

Lotte seemed to be perfectly familiar with her human form, as she jumped to the perfect height and grabbed a fruit hanging on a tree branch. She then wiped it off with her sleeve and took a bite. Her movements were rather wild. Even in her human form, there were traces of her true body. The biggest example was her sharp canine teeth. I took the fruit she held out after taking a bite and also bit down. Then, I asked Ren.

“Is flying a bad idea?”

“We don’t have a way of flying. Even if we did, the sky is filled with enemies. In fact, we’re in this forest so that we won’t be noticed by the enemy’s air squadrons.”

“Ren, can you draw the path from here to the coast?”

“I have a map. I’ll show you.”

“Rookie, you look pretty used to all this...”

“What about you, Lebuik? For a knight, you don’t look used to this at all.”


“Sir Lebuik has little experience on the battlefield. She was my guard knight and sword teacher. Please understand, Crown Prince. You have experience commanding an empire’s soldiers and fighting in wars. It’s not right to compare Sir Lebuik with Crown Prince.”

For a moment, I seriously contemplated what world’s crown prince he was talking about. I mean, didn’t I make it clear that I wasn’t really a crown prince!? But when I looked at Lebuik, who was tearing up, I lost the will to say anything. I nodded my head generously and took another bite of the fruit. Then, Lotte exclaimed.

“Hero, there’s a worm in that fruit.”


“Crown Prince!?”

From then, I trembled for 30 seconds, but thankfully, it wasn’t a brain worm. Thank god... but just when I was trying to show off! If there was a hole, I wanted to crawl into it!

Author’s note:

Ren is a lolicon saint!

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