Rise of the Undead Legion

Chapter 550: The Mist

Chapter 550: The Mist

"Alright, Diluk, you\'re our best arsonist, go get him!" Warlord shouted, a guy behind him holding a great sword smiled and said "With pleasure." The player charged alongside Dave and jumped at the beast\'s face, spamming sword attacks that were imbued with fire all the while, laughing like a mad man on steroids.

"Is he alright?" Dave asked.

"He gets like that when he has stuff to burn, good kid, crappy personality." Warlord jested and the group piled on the damage.

Dave didn\'t pull back his punches. Every time he stuck with the gauntlets, blistering heat emerged and shot down at the plant. His hand moved rapidly, creating ninja seals then he blew through them, calling upon forty-eight infernal dragon skulls that flew out of Dave\'s hand growing in size as they grew closer to the Calamity, then they all flew up surrounding the beast in a massive circle of fire then they all breathed out a pyro shower at the plant.

The calamity screeched as it was being cooked alive then suddenly fell down.

"Pile up the damage! It\'s down!" Warlord called and the rest of his army charged the creatures.

"I guess I\'m not needed here at all you got this, right?" Dave said.

"Yeah, thanks for the help, and about the loot."

"Send me what you think is worth my time," Dave said and left the area.

"Where now?" Ralph said in the party chat.

"To help Valentine," Dave said.

"No need," Perfect Shot said.

"Why is that?" Dave questioned.

"I just got news from Heaven Dawn, Wan Yi, and White Ghost are already there with Valentine."

"Shouldn\'t they be protecting their territory?"

"I guess not, the sandworms did the bulk of the work, actually eating up calamities in one gulp."

"Damn, I guess the world of Conquest went badass and didn\'t want to have pesky ass calamities fucking with it," Dave said.

"Not only there, heck even the Wilds got wilder, the monsters there are no longer fighting among each other but are actually helping each other kill the calamities." Perfect Shot said.

"That\'s a reporter for you, you got some juicy news. Good, this will make our job easier."

"But, not all is good, the North, so far we heard no news of any calamities invading it."

"Probably it\'s too cold for them?" Dave stated.

"I doubt it, the last one to attack was that big bull. I doubt that no others will invade afterward." Ralph said.

"Let me contact Zoe, she\'ll have news if anything is up," Dave said and sent her a private message to ask about the situation.

Her reply was such, "It\'s too calm here, calmer than it should."

"I think something is wrong, let\'s head north," Dave said.

"I\'ll go wherever XP is," Ralph said.

"Aight, TNT Roll out!" Flanker said and the group teleported to the north.

When the group arrived in the northern capital, they noticed something different.

It wasn\'t snowing, but it was far colder than it should. The atmosphere was much harsher than the last time they were here.

The winds never picked up. It was as if the weather had died; everything felt like a funeral.

"The players here don\'t seem too bothered with this cold," Flanker said as he shivered.

He then proceeded to drink an anti-cold potion.

"I think they\'re used to it but true, this is far too cold for the usual. Anyway, let\'s look around and see what\'s going on." Dave said.

The group began looking around town, seeing if they could figure something out.

Flanker asked some of the players about the weather condition but didn\'t get any adequate answer, most of them replied that it was unusually cold but nothing out of the ordinary, as this was the North the Land of Ice and Steel.

Dave walked out of the capital and surveyed the area. There was nothing but mountains, a few were barren even from ice, and only had a thin layer of snow that fell probably sometime this day. This was where they battled the giant ox head.

Suddenly, he paused and gazed upon something he thought to be out of the ordinary.

A random player walked up by Dave, wanting to enter the capital but the latter stopped him.

"Hey, you see that?" Dave pointed.

The player looked at where Dave was pointing and saw a large cloudy area, "Fog maybe? Not that unusual in cold areas bro."

"I know, but that\'s not what I mean, if there is fog there, why isn\'t it anywhere else? And from the looks of it…it\'s getting closer." Dave said.

"Now that you say so," Perfect Shot\'s eyes turned green, his marksman\'s ability to zoom in on far objects.

"Still, I can\'t see anything. Just fog."

"Perfect, your Shark Shot, how far can you shoot it?" Dave asked.

"If you want me to shoot it into the fog, I can. But why? It\'s a high cooldown skill."

"Humor me once, I have a feeling that that fog isn\'t that simple."

"Right then, here goes nothing," Perfect Shot knelt on one knee, drew an arrow then dragged it across the ground and in one motion, nocked it and shot it forward.

The arrow howled as it transformed into a massive shark made of water. Once it made contact with the cold atmosphere, the water shark began taking a harder shape, turning into ice as it shot forward like a rocket.

The shark flew forward and continued until it disappeared into the fog.

"So?" Flanker asked.

Perfect Shot stood up, looked behind him, and said, "I made contact. But…"


"I got more than twenty hit marks…"


"That means that the fog is so packed with enemies that Perfect\'s Random shot hit more than twenty enemies," Dave said.

"Meaning?" Flanker asked again.

It was Fortress that replied, "If they\'re all calamites… the north is screwed."

"ATTENTION WARRIORS OF THE NORTH!" Dave\'s bellowing voice shook the soul out of his own teammates.


Dave\'s shout woke everyone from whatever they were doing.

"We\'re gonna fight this?" Flanker asked.

"We have no choice, if one of the four kingdoms fall, the rest will follow. We must fight. Undead! Head my call and come to our aid!" Dave gave the command and every one of his own divisions came. A legion of undead rose to Kis\'Shtiengbrah\'s aid.

Undead by massive numbers, so many of them that they looked like a giant black patch that shouldn\'t belong to this pure white ice domain.

"Undead! We don\'t know the enemy, but they also don\'t know us. Creeping Death Formation!" Dave gave the order and the undead began moving.

Doom Knights holding the flanks, Death Knights acting as the vanguards, casters, and archers in the middle. While Dave and his friends were at the front of the formation.

"Death March!" Dave called and the undead moved forward, a step at a time, and all harmoniously sounded, their stomps on the ground vibrated like an earthquake. Millions of undead were too much for the ice to bear, as it shook under their boots, giving way to the undead to walk forward.

The fog kept creeping forward, while undead marched like a tank through rough terrain, it didn\'t shake, and if it found a hurdle, it crushed it in its way.

The fog got closer and closer, then finally unveiled itself, revealing calamities in numbers so massive that Dave believed that a few more and they\'ll match a quarter of his own legion in numbers.

"NEVER HUNGER!" Dave called and the first wave of the calamities crashed into the Death Knight shield wall.

The charge forms the enemy didn\'t even cause a dent in their wall. It stood, and withstood the calamitous charge.

"Never Tire!" And the Death Knights struck down. Their sword finding purchase, digging deep into the enemy. And causing many of them to bleed.

These atrocious monsters were too numerous, but they were clearly much weaker than the calamities that assaulted the other cities of Conquest, these were fodder. But Dave\'s hammer didn\'t care if the enemy was fodder or the real deal.

"NEVER FEAR!" he laughed out and charged out of the formation. For anyone, that would have been a death sentence. But for Dave, he grabbed his sword with two hands and swung diagonally, as he used [Weight of The World].

Durandal Grew in size enough that it looked like a massive polearm about to swat an army of ants.

Dave swung, the sword, sliced, broke, and threw off hundreds upon hundreds of calamities away from the front of his army.

"FOR THE LEGION!" Dave called and the undead behind him followed in a shout.

Today was a day everyone would remember.

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