Rise of the Undead Legion

Chapter 540: Semi Finalist

Chapter 540: Semi Finalist

Dave followed Dagla to the Dead Realm now situated in the capital of Qin, where he went up through the palace stairs until they arrived in Dagla\'s study.

Dave waited for the Arch Lich to start his mojo, as he began by drawing a wide purple colored magic circle on the ground. Slowly, he began adding \'mediums\' to channel the energy of the world into a spell that he was about to cast.

"Prince, please take a seat in the middle of this circle," Dagla said.

"Okay," Dave agreed and did what he was asked to.

Once Dave was sitting, Dagla handed him back the vial and said.

"Drink it in one go, and immediately disable the Azure Water rune."

Dave nodded, he drank the Chaos Essence and Disabled the calming rune, suddenly, magmatic veins popped up on his armor. Yet they soon disappeared. And instead of hot magmatic veins that cracked his armor as they charged him up with might, blue ones, quite similar to the ones that Oxen Head had when he was battling the players appeared on Dave\'s armor.


Precarious Balance.

You have attained a state where you can sustain the power of Chaos without it negatively affecting your body. You are one with Chaos. This state will be kept for as long as your HP doesn\'t fall below 50% of the time of activation. Once your HP drops you will return to Chaos Imbalance that is imbued in your Chaos runes.

In the state of Precarious Balance, all fire-related abilities will have increased destructive power.

You have obtained one new skill.


Self-destruct and deal the exact amount of HP you have before the use of the skill to all foes in the vicinity.

This skill will Execute you unless you have Unyielding Will.


"Okay, not so shabby. At least I will last quite longer using the Chaos Runes." Dave said.

"Not only that but now you\'re attuned to Chaos, when facing foes of the same type of energy, you will suffer less damage from their chaos attacks.

"Now that\'s a good buff."

"This will come in handy when facing Ashkar, I have made a great deal of advancement in regards to his abilities. His black Lightening is also derivate from primordial Chaos."

"How come? I thought Chaos was heavily related to fire, not Lightning."

"No, lightning can create and also destroy."

"Yeah, tengu told me that lighting was the thing that made life possible."

"Yes, but if you remove some of its beneficial properties, and increase the potency of its destructive side, you\'ll end up with a lightening that causes only death. You can think of Chaos as energy older than time. From it came everything, but to every coin are two sides. Though Chaos was destruction at first, from this destruction, and this randomness came life. Yet a great deal of it was harmful, what Ashkar did was derivate the destructive properties in Chaos and gave birth to his Black Lightning."

Ashkar made a motion with his hand and black sparks of lightning began dancing on the palm of his hand.

Dave took a step back, "How did you do that?"

"This is easy, if it\'s destruction and separating the properties of Chaos, everyone can do it, including you. But there is a great deal of difference between me and Ashkar."

"Care to explain?" Dave asked.

"Simply put, do you remember, when the legion fell, you had to battle the original Ashkar, and as you know the lightning user you\'re fighting was his disciple and took on his name after the original perished in the dungeon, consumed by the flesh wall."

"Yeah, I got the gist of it, but what does that explain?"

"The reason that I\'m able to do this, and Ashkar Jr can outmatch me, even if I\'m far better than him in the control of magic, and far older and far more experience is because of his unique talent the very talent that the original Ashkar saw in him and chose him to be his successor."


"Yes, exactly, I can only produce this much of chaotic lightning energy, and unless I directly touch something with it. I won\'t be able to use it."

"Does that mean you lack the mana to use it as a spell cast?"

"Not really, I have at least ten times the Mana that Ashkar has. And I\'m using a third of it just to make this spark."

"Good god, that\'s not good."

"Yes, Ashkar only needs to create a spark of this chaotic Lightning, then he can amplify it, unlimitedly so to create the lightning spells he is so proud of."

"That\'s a pretty nasty ability. Basically, he can amplify any spell he has."

"Yes, even a speck of sand could turn into a sand wave or a drop of water to a submerging sea."

"I guess I know who is the main character here now, still we can\'t let him get away with killing Balaam and unleashing all of the Calamities. We\'ll get him, I promise I will. But first things first, I still have two battles to do in the Clash of Gods before it is officially over. And it\'s gonna start soon. I\'ll have to go."

"Godspeed Childe, and may you bring glory never before seen in this world."

Dave nodded at Dagla and headed out, his next battle in the clash of Gods was going to start soon and it was the best way to test out his new abilities.

Dave opened the panel and submitted his character for the next battle, his turn was delayed until the morning of this day.

Dave thought it was a good time to log out, he has been playing for a while and it was time to take a breath.

Once he was out, Dave got his food and headed out to Desmond\'s place. Hours went by, and after the exhausting practice session, Dave headed back home. After a good meal and an afternoon nap, Dave woke up ready to game some more.

Once he logged in, his match was already found and he only needed to accept to battle the opponent. It was only natural as this late in the Clash of Gods, not many players are left and not many battles happen at the same time.

Dave accepted and entered the vortex that teleported him into Limbo, the place where the Clash of Gods is held.

On top of the platform, Dave\'s opponent was already waiting.

"Oh, now that\'s a nice surprise, I like the new armor," Dave said.

"Yeah, I never thought that you\'ll be the first one I\'ll fight using it. I guess it\'s the best tempering grounds."

Dave grinned, his opponent was none other than Wan Yi, the Berserker, and thanks to the battle against Oxen Head, this berserker has now obtained a new set of armor.

"Say, I\'ve read the description of your armor before handing it to you, add the fact that you\'re a berserker and the armor gives you the Chaos buff that also reduces your base HP and increases your basic damage, I bet you\'ll be dealing damage in the range of millions. Still, I won\'t go easy on you bro."

"Yeah, I was not expecting that anyway, this close to the end of the event, we all want to upgrade our legacies you too. I would not have liked it one bit if you went easy on me Skelly, so show me all your might."

"Good then, no need to hold back, [World Boss!]" Dave shouted

"Ah, fuck, I said don\'t go easy, not don\'t go world boss. Right, I wasn\'t expecting to win easily anyway still let\'s Dance! Barbarian God Manifest!"

From Wan Yi\'s skill, a giant avatar showed up, a fully tattooed muscular being, a man wearing a wolf\'s pelt over his head and wielded two war axes, roared at Dave then fused itself into Wan Yi.

"God and man as one!" Wan Yi\'s avatar was full of blinding colors, he then charged Dave.

"Damn, he is fast," Dave was surprised, the big oaf\'s speed was far too contradictive to his current speed.

"But, you\'re not the only one with a legacy, [Final Phantasm!]"

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