The Hidden Myth of Ji Dara

Chapter 29 - Establishing Anderson’s Laboratory!

"Tim is that you?"

"I\'m up here!"

Tim replied as Kiki switched on the subbasement light, and instantly a gory image straight out of a horror movie appeared just in front of Jim\'s face…

It was the eyes of a lady who Jim was very familiar with that was staring straight back into Jim\'s life;


And it was in that moment that Jim became mentally scarred…

Tim and Kiki quickly rushed to help him up, but Jim\'s eyes were still wide and trembling with terror, as he brought his hand up and saw the blood of the lady on not only his hands but his clothes were drenched with it also causing him to faint on the spot…

Tim and Kiki set him down on the stairs to relax and wake by himself;

"Wait here with him…"

"Where are you going?" Kiki asked in fear when Tim instructed her;

"I have to go up ahead to check if any one of these service personnel is still here…" Tim replied;

"No, don\'t!"

Kiki shook her head vehemently with a fearful expression;

"What… why?" Tim asked seemingly confused…

He was going to search for a device that can make them call for help, and they also bought into the idea, but now that they were already this close, she was telling him not to go?

"What if the person who did this is still here!?"

Kiki gestured to the dead lady on the ground as she screamed silently…

It was only at that moment that Tim\'s brain actually thought of the possibility of the scenario, as he stretched his sweat drenched neck into the dark tunnel that went as deep as only Jim knows…

But after fearing for a few minutes and finding no alternative solution to the currently grim situation of the firm, Tim decided he would still go ahead with the mission nonetheless…

Grabbing a flashlight and pick-axe that was hung on the wall in case of a fire breakout, Tim hung the red axe on his neck as he looked towards Kiki who was staring fearfully at her Viking-like boyfriend, with a quick but deep kiss, she cemented the approval of his conquest as Tim switched on the flashlight which gave him a bit of relief because of the distance its beam could travel…

Calculating the flashlights range to about 10 meters, Tim looked to Kiki;

"If I am not back in twenty minutes, I want you to stay as far away from this place as possible…" Tim spoke as Kiki shook her head;

"No, promise me you will come back…"

She grabbed Tim\'s shirt tearfully before squeezing him in her embrace, but Tim who realized that the more he wasted time here, the grimmer the fate of the firm would become, pushed himself out of her embrace and jumped into the tunnel that looked very much like that of a subway train tunnel…

Tim walked slowly and quietly so as not to alert whoever it was that was within this dead quiet tunnel, as bullets of sweat ran down the sides of his face…

But after about five minutes of nervy walking, Tim finally got to the end of the tunnel, and he saw some concrete rubbles on the ground, walking like he was within a field full of vipers, Tim turned over and saw the dead body of a choked personnel there on the ground with its mouth open and neck twisted…

He gave a nervy but respectful bow as he took the man\'s flashlight and radio before bolting out of the tunnel in full flight, not even caring to inspect the man sized hole on the wall…

In less than two minutes, Kiki jumped in fright when she abruptly saw someone jump out of the abyss looking tunnel…

Tim looked over to Jim who was still unconscious with tensed up muscles, and pulled out the antenna of the radio with him…

Plugging something that looked like a micro-USB cable to the walkie-talkie, Tim opened up the massive book in his hand and began to flip through its numerous pages looking for a particular index within it…

After about three minutes of flipping through the pages, Tim finally found what he was looking for as he punched in a series of numbers and waited…


The phone began to connect through and after a few seconds, someone picked;

"Sukky\'s Beef… How may I help you?" A feminine voice answered from the other side;

"Hi, can you kindly patch me through to David?"

Kiki rolled her eyes in utter disgust when she heard the name Tim just mentioned…

"Please hold on a minute…"

The lady\'s voiced trailed off as it seemed like she was busy with something else, and after another three minutes, she retuned;

"Identity or passcode please?"

She requested, her tone more serious this time; this line was one which was called in extremely dire circumstances, and for it to be ringing and for the person on the other side to request for the head of their facility meant something terrible is happening within the firm, but first, she must confirm that it wasn\'t a prank;

"This is Shy Oak, there\'s an ongoing assault within the firm… I repeat; ongoing assault within the firm!"

"Requesting full security support ASAP!"

Tim spoke as quietly loud as possible as the lady on the other side responded;

"One moment, please…"

Then she trailed off once again, but this time, it only took her about half a minute to return;

"Hold tight and out of sight, Agent Shy Oak… Back up is on the way!"

"Ensure this platform is open at all times, help on the outside would require your discretion on the inside to effectively perform the recovery mission!"

The lady added before the walkie-talkie began to hum a flat line… Tim and Kiki locked themselves within the subbasement, using the axe to bar the door as they sat and waited for help to arrive…

About half an hour later, the walkie-talkie in Tim\'s hand rang;

"Hello, this is special agent Skywalker, am I speaking to agent Shy Oak?"

The deep, curt and smart voice of a no-nonsense man came roaring through the radio speaker;

"Yes you are…" Tim responded;

"Good, we will need your help to ensure this mission is a success, I will need you to explain everything you can remember about whatever is going on within the firm to me in full details…" Special agent Skywalker responded;


"Can\'t you just barge your way in and take control of the situation?" Tim asked seemingly confused;

"I\'m afraid not agent Shy Oak, we don\'t know if the culprit has any hostages, and until we can confirm that, we will not be doing any barging in…"

"So, I will need you to stay calm and tell me everything you know…"

Special Agent Skywalker spoke as calmly as he possibly could which worked wonders, because Tim heaved a huge sigh and began to recount the entire sequence of what transpired throughout the day, absolutely excluding the shenanigans between himself and Kiki earlier;

"You say this Sam is still within the building!?"

Special Agent Skywalker asked with a domineering tone, seemingly back to his usual self;

"Yes he is…" Tim replied;

"Good, I will need you to return to that tunnel and stand by the hole within the wall, my team would find the location of your communicating device and follow the same path into the building, whilst you will also be retrieved through the same path…"

"I am not alone…" Tim spoke;

"What!?" Special agent Skywalker seemed to have snapped;

"Agent Shy Oak, you should lead with such information next time!" He chided;

"Alright, I\'m sorry…"

"I am here with agent Fat Wolf and Sad Tailor… agent Sad Tailor is currently unconscious… I repeat; agent Sad Tailor is unconscious!" Tim said through the phone;

"I will need verification of agent Fat Wolf\'s presence!"

Special agent Skywalker ordered as Kiki spoke and gave some information about herself;


"Is agent Sad Tailor still alive!?"


The connections was now being scrambled and Tim could instantly detect that it must be Orchid hacking into Tulip and trying to cut off the connections;

"Fuck the procedures just move in already, we are on our way to the rendezvous point!"

Tim blurted and before Special agent Skywalker could respond, the connection disconnected;

"Fuck!" Special agent Skywalker cursed;

"Alright, Alpha team, bring in the chopper!"

"Delta team with me, everyone else secure the area and be at full alert!"

"Anything other than a verified personnel or us comes out this building, I want you to take them down!"

"Alive most preferably but not mandatory!"

Special agent Skywalker snapped orders at his team as one of them brought out a radioactive detecting device, as they went to the back of the firm and tried to find the path which those mercenaries had taken into the building earlier; and thus the inevitable recovery mission began!

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