Black Tech Internet Cafe System

Chapter 470 - The Ocean of Zerg

Chapter 470: The Ocean of Zerg

Translator: Noodletown Translations Editor: Noodletown Translations

“Senior Gu, how come your base is golden?!” Zong Wu sneaked a glance and thought, “I’m still trying to figure out how to use the gun, but Senior Gu’s base is already looking so grand and majestic.”

On the center of Gu Tingyun’s screen was a huge pyramid-like building standing proudly in the wasteland. Pale blue light flowed on the metal plates on the surface of the building while the energy crystal on the top flashed blue spiritual light. The whole building looked beautiful in an exotic way.

Standing before it, humans looked tiny. The huge building was awe-inspiring when one looked at it either from the ground up or from the sky down.

In the distance, one could see a vast wasteland and the dark blue sky with hues of red. The violent gusts swept up the dust on the ground like ocean waves, and few plants grew on the ground. Obviously, the climate and environment in this place weren’t pleasant.

This old man knew nothing about the situation. Luckily, a Protoss assistant explained to him the functions of things like the base and the probes.

Hearing Zong Wu’s question, Gu Tingyun stroked his beard and said with a smile, “I’m playing the Protoss! They are the existences that controls that spiritual ship you had just seen!”

“You can actually command Protoss now?!”

Hearing Zong Wu’s exclamation, many people looked toward them. Some people not sitting nearby even walked over to watch from behind.

Soon, a large group of people gathered behind Gu Tingyun.

“Can we choose Protoss directly?!” Tang Yu looked at his character who was still patrolling with a rifle, wondering why someone could now command the Protoss!

“Senior, how did you do it?!” Yue Bai stared at the screen intently.

“I want to command the Protoss too!” The big white deer jumped, but it was even shorter than Jiang Xiaoyue when it stood on all fours. “I want to watch it too!”

Surrounded by the crowd, Gu Tingyu smiled and said, “This is the multiplayer mode, and you can choose Protoss at the beginning in this mode!”

“Can we choose Protoss like this?” The Baoping Spiritual Master said in surprise, “Commanding such a powerful race, you will be unrivaled, right?”

Gu Tingyun said, “Of course! In the battle, I chose seven zerg as my enemies; I’m sure I can handle them.”

Zong Wu laughed and said, “Senior, you never make mistakes in calculations. I’m sure you will be invincible when commanding this race!”

Mr. Fang was also looking at the multiplayer mode. Instead of playing, he was reading the rules of this mode.

Since it was a real-time strategy game, this mode was different from the campaign mode.

The campaign mode was true to the original storyline and simulated the battles in the plot to a high-degree. They could choose one battle and ignore the lengthy and tedious parts leading to it.

However, in the multiplayer mode, one must build their base, mine, and develop their forces. The lengthy process would bore the players, so the multiplayer mode made some adjustments to make the game more enjoyable. For example, it adjusted the length of time to build infrastructure, the number of base units like SCVs required, and the length of time spent on extracting minerals.

After all, if it took a long time to establish a prosperous base like real life, there would be no time to command the battle at all since the computer time would have run out for the day by then.

Under the advice from the assistant, Gu Tingyun studied the buildings that he could put into construction.

He built a gateway.

Then, he trained some zealots.

In the multiplayer mode, the commanding methods of different races were almost the same.

Besides the verbal instructions, there were some small differences.

For example, the Protoss’ psionic link could help the commander control a few soldiers in the battle, and the controlled soldiers had different combat power depending on the players’ performances.

The human commander could direct the battle from the distance and even control some machines in emergencies with commands without the drivers’ participation.

The zerg units could respond the fastest to the commands of the Zerg Overmind among the races and could make subtle and swift adjustments in individual zerg units.

Looking at the sharp psi-blades on their wrists and swift movements of the zealots and the psionic spheres around them, the audience became envious.

Zong Wu offered a plan after a moment of consideration, “With such powerful soldiers, I think you should move swiftly and give the enemies a heavy blow!”

“You’re right!” Gu Tingyun sent out all three zealots while continuing training probes and zealots; he sent the zealots to explore the map.

It was a desert, but the terrain looked good. There was only one exit situated in the southeast end of this vast valley. The three zealots walked out while Gu Tingyun talked about the development plan with the others around him.

“I think you can block this entrance!” Tang Yu said, “Then, no one can enter your valley, right?”

“Yes! Good idea.” Gu Tingyun said with a nod, “We must move steadily. Even though I’m in the advantage, I can’t be careless...”

“Where are my zealots?!” Staring at the commander screen in the base, he froze for a moment. “Where are the three zealots I just sent out?”

Standing nearby, Mu Qing watched while sipping milk tea. She said casually, “Maybe they surrendered to the enemies?”

“How could they?” The audience had been watching Gu Tingyun build a photon cannon, how could three soldiers surrender to the enemies?

“Unlucky!” Gu Tingyun shook his head. “This gateway is so unreliable.”

He glanced at the four zealots that had just come out of training. “This time, I’ll train them myself!”

Then, he sent out the four zealots.

Controlling one of the zealots himself, he waved the psi-blades heroically and led the others out of the valley. “Come with me to hunt down the traitors!

They followed the path that the previous three zealots had taken.

“Look! What’s that?!” After walking a long distance in the wilderness, they saw that the ground before them was covered by a blanket of purple slime. Before they could react, groups of zerglings swarmed up.

With a scream, one of the zealots was pierced by a thick spike from the ground before it could react.

Meanwhile, several zerglings swarmed up like ocean waves!

The zealots that Gu Tingyun controlled twitched twice and died.

The screen turned pitch-black again.

The audience exchanged a look and remained silent.

“Hurry up! Assistant! Build some more photon cannons for me!”

About ten minutes later, the audience saw a giant herd of zerg units like an ocean wave had come to the outside of the valley where the base of the Protoss was situated.

The Hydralisks shot out their needles, filling the sky like black raindrops. Instantly, the foremost photon cannons exploded.

“Look over there! What’s that?!” Groups of ugly monsters with wings and dragon heads quickly flew over the base like gusts of wind.

Among the zerg units, there was even a huge mammoth-like beast with long tusks that was several stories high. It lifted one foot and stomped a dragoon into pieces!

The audience looked at each other and then at the sight in a daze. “...”

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