Everybody is Kung Fu Fighting, While I Started a Farm

Chapter 541 - Jiang He: When I Had Ever Fought Unprofitable Battles?

Chapter 541: Jiang He: When I Had Ever Fought Unprofitable Battles?

The Six Saints of the Three Realms were sighing endlessly.

Their faction had been fighting the Gods, Demons, and other races over endless eras, with life becoming increasingly difficult after many lesser races defected to the Gods and Demons.

None of them expected that the situation was completed turned around by one of their juniors who came out of nowhere.

In the few short years since he made himself known to the world, he first ambushed the legion of the Hundred Races alliance so that their homeworld had nothing to worry about, before charging into the Grand Luo battlefield to slay every hostile Grand Luo belonging to Gods, Demons, and their vassal races!

And now, even with the Gods and Demons intent on assassinating him, he took the initiative to attack them instead, wiping out fifteen Demi-Saints in one swift stroke after less than a month had passed.

How much more glorious of an outcome could they ask for?

After getting all emotional, the Saints then discussed about Jiang He.

The two Saints of the Western Sect, clothed in kasaya and having a Buddha’s glow around him, gasped in surprise. “The kid’s cultivation really is Grand Luo... but how did he managed to improve his combat abilities to the level of the best Demi-Saints?”

The Western Sect did not actually know much about Jiang He, let along the fact that he simultaneously cultivated immortal arts and martial arts.

After muttering quietly to himself for a while, the Lesser Saint pinched his fingers to make a divination.

Being one of the rare few Saints present in this world, the Lesser Saint was quite confident himself. After all, could there be anything simpler to divine a Grand Luo’s fortunes with his abilities?

On the other hand, the Primeval Lord of Heaven’s gaze twitched at that sight.

He lifted his tea cup and calmly had a sip.

Divining Jiang He?

It’s impossible... I was left coughing blood from it. As for you, Lesser Saint of the Western Sect? You are going to embarrass yourself.

But despite Primeval Lord of Heaven’s own thoughts, he was looking forward it a little.

However, he came to a realization when he noticed that Taishang Laojun, Lady Nüwa, and the Grandmaster of Heaven were all averting their gazes guiltily but also looking as if they were going to see something interesting... all three of them had divined Jiang He before as well.

And just as expected, in the very next instant—

The Lesser Saint of the Western Sect’s face fell and he could not help exclaiming, “No, that’s impossible... blargh!”

He coughed out a mouthful of blood into the distance, his head then drooping as he went unconscious.

“Junior Brother!”

Confused, the Great Saint of the Western Sect pinched his fingers to make a divination as well, before groaning dully and bleeding from the mouth like his sect brother.

However, he was much stronger than the Lesser Saint and could withstand the backlash from the divination. Holding the impulse to spit out blood, he said, “I’ll be going on ahead then, brothers and sister.”

As he spoke, he cut a rift out of thin air and left, carrying the unconscious Lesser Saint with him.

Taishang Laojun glanced at the Grandmaster of Heaven who was beaming cheerfully then and said, “Brothers and sister, we should not be idling. After Jiang He has revealed his exceedingly frightening talents, I would not hold back from eliminating him if I were a Saint from the God or Demon races, even if the cost was starting a war between Saints.”

The Saints were stunned at that, with the Grandmaster of Heaven exclaiming in shock, “Would those two old-timers from the God and Demon race really dare? Especially after you have gained your current level of abilities, Senior Brother?”

“I definitely have what it takes to hold them down, but...”


Meanwhile, at the edge of the universe, in a great realm consisting of a single colossal continental plate, it was half the size of the Primeval continent in surface area alone.

And yet, this place was endlessly barren.

Dried-up valleys and deserts stretched on everywhere in this realm.

However, this realm was stirring restlessly, with blood rain pouring all around.

In one particular location, a massive mountain chain was quaking violently, and it began to collapse within itself for five thousand kilometers!

Elite Stoners embodying powerful auras all swiftly flew there, their faces falling at the sight.

“The Third Ancestor has fallen...” one of the elite Stoners muttered.

Aside from their patriarch who was famous across worlds, the Stoners had three other Demi-Saints.

Together with the Stoner’s patriarch, they were the Four Ancestral Stoners.

And this sacred valley that collapsed was the birthplace of the Third Stoner Ancestor.

“Quick, inform the patriarch!” cried one of the Stoners.

Soon, in a certain place of the Stoners’ realm, a majestic valley that stretched on over fifty thousand kilometers quaked, and at its center, a mountaintop that reached into the clouds seemed to have come alive.

The mountaintop seemed to be shaking off the boulders from its surface, and soon revealed its true face.

It was actually an infinitely massive stone giant!

Still, its size rapidly shrunk after it took its first step, and it eventually became three meters tall. There was an ancient air to its stony face, and its profound gaze shows the sign of aging too.

“Third Brother died just as I was snoozing for a little longer!”

“It appears that human runt really has some tricks up his sleeve... no wonder both the Gods and Demons asked for me.”

As the Elder Stoner strode forward, the air before him split open.

His very figure hence disappeared from his realm.



At Sura, the Nether River Patriarch had been listening to a report from his underling in a palace above the Blood Sea, surprise showing on his face. “All fifteen Demi-Saints? The Sky Demon Emperor, Boundless God and Sectarian Moyin, all dead?”

The Grand Luo Sura who was making his report answered reverently, “That was what the Demons reported, Patriarch... their envoy even mentioned that the Stoner Patriarch is on the move, and that you would soon take action as well... the Demons had also offered assurance that Sura would be at peace after the deed is done.”


The Blood Sea churned.

The Nether River Patriarch strode out of the palace with a somber look on his face.

“That human brat grew to such extent in the blink of an eye?”

“He has to die, or I would never have peace!”

However, the Nether River Patriarch was just about to leave when he suddenly realized that the world around him was sealed, and he could not use his brute strength to tear a rift through the dimensions right then.

Surprise showed on the Nether River Patriarch’s face, and he could not help exclaiming, “This is a karmic matter between Jiang He and myself! Are you really going to stop me?”


The dimensions quaked, and the Primeval Lord of Heaven appeared behind him, clothed in black robes.

His expression was icy, and he looked at the Nether River Patriarch—one of the strongest Demi-Saints in existence—as if he was nothing more than an ant.

“I certainly would not interfere in karmic matters between yourself and Jiang He,” he said indifferently, “But the God and Demon races are preparing to assassinate him. That is why you are not allowed to join them, being a member of the Three Realms.”

“I’ve already turned my back on the Three Realms and founded independent Sura. Are you really stopping me here, Primeval Lord of Heaven?”

There was a dark look on the Nether River Patriarch’s face.

He was as old as the Primeval Lord of Heaven... and in the Nether River Patriarch’s perspective, the Primeval Lord of Heaven only became a Saint out of dumb luck.

For his part, he attempted to emulate Nüwa in creating humans by creating the Suras, just as he emulated the other Saints in founding sects, which he did by creating the Death Sect.

Even so, he simply fell short of Sainthood.


Abruptly, a glimmering jade back scratcher suddenly shot out and suppressed the Nether River Patriarch with a single strike, while the Primeval Lord of Heaven spoke flatly, “How dare you address me directly by my title? Nether River, the only reason that the Lesser Saint of the Western Sect could not kill you is because he is a piece of trash. Did you really think I would fail as well?”


Meanwhile, Jiang He’s face was filled with melancholy as he finished his meal in the Farm.

By now, Jiang He had reshaped the interior of his Farm into another world of its own.

It had its own sun and moon, and one could get a glimpse of the stars in the skies when they looked up at night.

Seeing the unhappy look on Jiang He’s face, Dumbo quietly asked, “What’s wrong, Master? Did some of the Demi-Saints managed to escape?’

“No, they didn’t.”

Jiang He forced a smile as he came to his senses. “The problem is that I had 280 Demi-Saints self-destruct without getting anything in return!”


Slamming the premium-grade immortal-tier rice bowl he crafted on the table, he stood up and said, “Hurry up and finish your meal, everyone. We’re heading to the Gods’ and Demons’ territories in the celestial battlefield soon and make up for our loss!”

“After all, would I ever fight unprofitable battles?”

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