Tales Of The World Devouring Serpent

Chapter 457: Impasse

Chapter 457: Impasse

Translator: Yamir Moon


“This… This attack power is completely different from before? What happened to this giant serpent? Did it grow further? Upgrade? Evolution?”

The Great Elder Murray looked at the image of the giant serpent with a look of shock. Since they met the great serpent, its power has grown several times.

Of course, it’s also possible that this great serpent has hidden its power in their previous confrontations, but this possibility is very small because they drove the great serpent into precarious several times. If it has enough strength, it should be fully used to annihilate their fleet instead of escaping.

“In such a short period of time, it has evolved so many times. If we give it enough time, the extent of its growth will be unimaginable.”

Murray’s face was already gloomy to the extreme. His heart was heavy, and for some reason, he started to panic a little.

When he came here before, he was also full of confidence and felt that with this powerful fleet, it will be impossible for the great serpent to escape, but now he doesn’t feel as confident anymore.

“My premonition won’t be fulfilled, right?”

Murray muttered indistinctly, his heartbeat accelerated to the extreme.

“What’s wrong, Elder Murray.”

King Zahan asked after seeing the strange look on Murray’s face, to which the latter said.

“Your Majesty, I have a feeling that our actions won’t be smooth this time.”

“This great serpent seems to have grown in strength, we have to be careful.”

After hearing Murray’s words, King Zhan’s brows scrunched slightly. After a moment of silence, he said.

“Murray, you are too cautious, this time, the fleet that is taking action is Lord Roy Berg’s fleet.”

Roy Berg nodded in agreement from the side.

“The strength of this giant serpent is indeed quite impressive, but compared with my fleet, it is still far behind.”

He said with a hint of pride between his brows.

Roy Berg is very confident. Although the strength of this giant serpent is indeed different from what Murray and his entourage have said, he is still full of confidence.

“Well, Murray, don’t think too much.”

King Zahan smiled, then patted Murray on the shoulder, Murray was silent, and finally nodded. During their short conversation, Fang Yun destroyed another Norton-class battleship.

Roy Berg’s face sank a bit upon seeing this. His fleet has only 9 battleships. Although he doesn’t care much about Norton-class battleships, losing two at once still caused him to be uncomfortable.

“Release the space fighters.”

Compared with planet destroyer battleships and cargo spaceships, space fighters are undoubtedly much more flexible, and because of their smaller size, it’s not easy to hit them.

The moment he released the order. Countless locusts-like space fighters were released from inside the cargo spaceships.

Fang Yun sensed that a large number of spacecraft were approaching. He doesn’t really like space fighters. They are not only very small and not worth much bio-energy, it’s quite hard to accurately hit them. Most importantly, their constant harassment doesn’t feel good.

It’s almost like countless mosquitos flying around him.

For now, he doesn’t have wide-range effect skills capable of dealing with countless 10 to 100 meters long space fighters over hundreds of thousands of kilometers.

“Ultimate Gravity” can destroy space fighters close to him, but if the distance between the enemy and himself is too far, the power of this skill is not so obvious.

The power of gravity might be very effective at short range, but the farther away, the weaker the effect.

Now this skill doesn’t have much use to him now, but things might be different if an advanced version of this skill appears.

He is still looking forward to a black hole-like gravity skill. This is a celestial body capable of reducing planets and even stars into cosmic dust!

Unfortunately, no similar skills have appeared yet, but things might be different in the future.

When a large number of space fighters flocked toward Fang Yun, countless small laser beams landed on his body. The power of these laser beams is far from that of the planet destroyer battleships, but its countless numbers caused Fang Yun a lot of pain.

“Damn it!”

Fang Yun, who felt like being pricked by thousands of needles all over his body, cursed angrily.

He locked a space fighter not far away, opened his mouth, and jumped on it, but he was dangerously dodged by the dexterous space fighters.

To reach sub-light speed or even light speed, he needs some time to accelerate, and before accelerating enough to reach these speed levels, these space fighters can dodge his physical attacks.

“Whoosh! Whoosh!”

Fang Yun fired a laser beam at the closest space fighter. The pilot reacted with superb insight and sensitivity, almost escaping the laser beam, but he was still hit in the end, exploding in the dark space.

Not far from the explosion, Fang Yun noticed that three space fighters got closer and were heading towards him at a rapid speed.

This is a good opportunity.

Fang Yun immediately used “Ultimate Gravity” on them, pulling the three space fighters together and squeezing them into a single dense metal ball.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

“What’s the matter with these three space fighters?”

In the control center of the command ship, Murray, King Zahan, and Roy Borg all said in amazement after seeing this scene.

The three fighters collided with each other without the slightest reason.

“One of the three fighters, the one in the middle suddenly exuded a terrifying gravity, similar to that of a Star.”

Their instruments detected that the mass of the fighter in the middle had skyrocketed. This definitely has something to do with the great serpent but they don’t know how he did it.

As Fang Yun rarely used “Ultimate Gravity”, it was documented in a short sentence and rarely paid attention to hence the three of them didn’t immediately recognize it.

The three of them looked at each other with an awe-inspiring expression on their faces.

“Let all the space fighters spread out a bit, don’t get too close to each other.”

After Roy Borg pondered, he immediately gave orders. He is sure that this is the great serpent’s doing, but through just the few information they collected and what he saw, he came up with countermeasures. This skill has its flaws.

It’s plainly obvious that this skill has a distance limit. As long the space fighters keep a certain distance between them, this skill has no threat!

Some relatively close space fighters immediately spread out, then started firing laser beams at Fang Yun.

Fang Yun felt annoyed, and after cursing bitterly, he immediately rushed forward, his goal being those huge battleships.

“These space fighters are really annoying.”

Fang Yun was a little annoyed. These fighters continued to fly around him and attack with their weak laser beams. Their speed isn’t slow. Fang Yun thought that the only way he could get rid of them was by accelerating to the maximum, far beyond their speed and the reaction speed of the pilots, then constantly flying around, colliding with them and destroying them using the huge kinetic force.

Although it will take some time, he can get rid of them neatly and completely, the problem with this method is that the kinetic force not only acts on them but also on him.

With each collision with a space fighter at light speed, he will receive an injury. After destroying thousands to tens of thousands of space fighters, his body will be in tatters.

He might be able to regenerate to the peak at a rapid speed, but it will take at least 10 to 20 seconds, and during this time, he will be vulnerable.

The enemy’s battleships won’t waste this opportunity, hence although this is the only way, Fang Yun will not put himself in danger to destroy these space fighters.

He has one life, if he is killed, there will be no chance of come-back.

The densely packed space fighters formed layers of nets, blocking Fang Yun’s way forward. The endless laser beams kept bombarding Fang Yun and exhausting his physical strength.

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