Tales Of The World Devouring Serpent

Chapter 224: Changes In the Ocean

Chapter 224: Changes In the Ocean

Translator: Yamir Moon

The reason why Fang Yun was able to improve his bio-energy so quickly was due to the turtle attracting so many ancient/mutant creatures.

Now that the giant turtle has left, he has to take the initiative to hunt those creatures once again. He can’t lazily lie down and wait for prey to come to his mouth anymore.

Furthermore, he needs to accumulate 80 million bio-energy points for the next evolution. This is a rather difficult task. At the very least, he has accumulated 20 million points.

In order to capture more food, Fang Yun spent a three)months journey back to the grass sea. He planned to go back to intercept the kaiju that gets out of there and eat it.

However, when he arrived there, he found that the kaiju that gets out of the grass sea are extremely scarce. The mutant and ancient creatures are basically the same, their number is far less than it was before.

In desperation, he returned to the ‘Panda country’ coast.

The mutated creatures in other seas were basically the same, but as time passed, Fang Yun felt that their number has gradually decreased.

The number of Kaiju is also getting less and less.

”Has the aliens given up on attacking the Blue Planet?”

The humans on the Blue Planet have also responded. They described the kaiju as the minions of the aliens. Now there is basically a sentence circulating in human society. Have they won? is the kaiju going to withdraw?

However, most humans still kept a clear head. They aren’t sure if this is a sign of withdrawal or are they just preparing to launch a greater attack?

In addition, the attack of ordinary kaiju isn’t that bad. Although they can cause some damage, its advantages actually outweigh its disadvantages. The problem is the level 4 and 5 kaiju.

Right now, ordinary kaiju are constantly decreasing. Which means that specimen for research and valuable energy sources are constantly decreasing.

In the ocean, mutated creatures and kaiju are decreasing, but on land, mutant creatures are booming. Currently, no one dares to approach a forest or a wild place without sufficient preparation.

In fact, even in cities, people are constantly dying inside their homes.

Whether it’s plants, animals, or microorganisms, after mutation, they can cause fatal harm to humans.

Indeed, it’s not just animals, plants and insects that are dangerous.

Not long ago, a pathogenic microorganism was found. This microorganism will parasitize an animal’s body and destroy its nervous system as it grows.

Using this method, it’s able to control the animal behaviors.

The parasitized animals will exhibit a strong aggressive behavior after being parasitized for a period of time. The purpose of this aggression is to allow newborn parasites to inhabit a new host.

After getting parasitized, the animal will also have some changes in appearance, but this change is gradual. First, rotten wounds will appear on the animal’s body. After that, the animal’s body will gradually turn blue, at the same time, its eyes will gradually rot, becoming a hollow in the end.

That’s the time when the parasite will give up on that body and search for a new one.

While exhibiting that aggressive behavior, the parasitized body will look very similar to the zombies in the movies. Furthermore, by biting or scratching other creatures, it’s able to spread the newborn parasites, infecting them and thereby creating new parasitized creatures.

In such a manner, these creatures were able to quickly spread. Fortunately, the government of the various countries took drastic measures to suppress them.

The emergence of those zombie-like creatures has caused mass concern and panic across the world. Fortunately, they were quickly suppressed, otherwise, humans would have been dealt a big blow.

Of course, the land creatures’ mutation wasn’t entirely bad news.

Some people have now discovered that a kind of arthropod that has an outrageous ability. This kind of creature enters a cocoon state after reaching the end of its life, then returns to its youth after getting out of the cocoon.

It can repeat this process many times, thereby achieving the effect of longevity or even possibly immortality.

The reason why humans haven’t proclaimed this creature immortal is that they don’t know if it can repeat this process unlimitedly.

This discovery has reminded many people of the “Life Elixir” of the giant turtle. Some people smiled at the thought of how cute the era of sea monsters was.

In addition, some people have discovered another important thing. That is a type of tree that can absorb the toxic gas emitted by level 5 kaiju, thereby purifying the air.

As for nuclear radiation, it’s already pretty controllable.

Whether it’s ‘Panda country’, the ‘Bald Eagle’ country, or the other major superpowers, they can already clone kaiju, and the kaiju can absorb the nuclear radiation in the air for growth.

From the current situation, the cloned Kaiju can continue growing through eating nuclear radiation. Furthermore, they still remain harmless to human beings.

After a lot of testing and making sure that the kaiju don’t turn aggressive after reaching a certain stage, the humans decided to use them as cleaners, and thus a natural and pollution-free vacuum cleaners were born.

While there is plenty of good news in the current world, there is no shortage of bad ones. For example, the energy crisis is getting worse.

That kind of energy-devouring organisms, oil and gas devouring bugs, that were discovered previously in the coastal oilfields and gas mines has been found inland.

In addition, other types of insects from the same genus have been discovered.

Metal worms have appeared in some gold and silver mines.

The first place where metal worms were found was in South Africa. A local tyrant who owns quite a few gold mines was in the midst of his daily routines when a servent has told him that something wrong has happened in his mine.

When he arrived there, he found that there were tiny bugs in his gold mine. These bugs glittered like gold beads as they ate gold like crackers.

”Laozi’s gold!!”

The local tyrant yelled madly. With bloodshot eyes, he lifted a hammer and smashed it into a worm. The worm was easily killed, and a golden liquid was squeezed from its body.

A few drops of liquid splashed on the back of the local tyrant’s hand. Later on that day, he showed a sign of heavy metal poisoning.

The emergence of the metal-eating worms has cast a heavy haze on the human world. This is a sign that the aliens’ civilization hasn’t given up on them. They likely preparing themselves, gathering their power and preparing to launch an all-out war against humans.


Fang Yun wasn’t concerned about the human situation right now. Since the giant turtle left him, the speed of bio-energy accumulation felt into the bottom.

It has now been more than half a year since the giant turtle left him. To be precise, nine months.

However, his bio-energy points have barely reached 50 million points, which is quite slow.

There are still kaiju in the ocean, but their number is quite scarce. Wild kaiju have become a rare sight, and they don’t attack humans anymore.

They are basically moving across the sea. From observing their movements and patterns, Fang Yun felt that they are like…investigating the situation of humans.

It has been more than nine years since the mutant creatures first appeared on this planet, and in the past few years, they have gradually lost their absolute control over the oceans.

Since getting attacked by the kaiju and losing many coastal cities, human activity has shrunk mostly to thousands of kilometers inland.

However, human beings who have once struggled to survive have got a buffering period.

Many people returned to the coastal cities that have become ruins and restarted constructions. The fishing industry has begun to gradually recover.

Although the kaiju and mutant creatures are gradually decreasing. The human leaders didn’t relax but rather became more nervous and urgent.

Research on new weapons has never stopped.

On the ‘Panda country’ side, tests of that new types of weapons are constantly being conducted. They call these types of weapons “K-Type” weapon. Which roughly means kaiju weapons.

Presently, they have made great progress. Even the “K-Type Rifles” has been greatly refined, increasing its stability and lowering its chances of exploding like before.

On the ‘Bald Eagle’ country’s side, their use of Kaiju’s blood energy is much more refined than ‘Panda country’. They have used fuels made from this energy to create more powerful aircraft and motherships.

Furthermore, the long-awaited “Kaiju vs Kaiju” plan has finally progressed.

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