The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 876 - A MYTH

Chapter 876 - A MYTH

Kai was listening to the news on the television while laying still on his bed, the voice of the news reader felt like a fading background in a different horizon and he was unable to catch what she was saying.

The fatigued feeling that Kace felt a week ago, was now becoming worse and worse with each passing day. He didn\'t even know what was wrong with his body.

Both his parents had taken him to see a doctor, yet the doctor couldn\'t find anything wrong with him.

And even after the third visit to a different hospital, the result was same ; he wasn\'t sick in the first place, or was he? they stopped trying to find what\'s wrong and left Kai to lay down on his bed, staring in to the dark sky in a daze.

Most of the people couldn\'t remember when the last time the sun shone clearly past these dark clouds. It almost felt like the sun had completely disappeared from their lives.

This situation didn\'t just bring the negativity in a human\'s life, but apparently this affected most of the citizens\' mental health too.

People tended to become more sensitive and negative in this kind of situation.

And no one knew what was the actual cause or when this would finally end.

Kai sighed when he heard the news reader saying that there would be a solar eclipse soon. What was different from an eclipse now? Since the sun couldn\'t even be glimpsed, there wouldn\'t be any difference whether it was a solar eclipse or not.

Kai moved his hand to reach the remote control and turned off the television. He felt awful and far from his useful self.


"What are you going to do now?" Lilac looked down at the spell-casters down the hill, who were staring at her viciously.

They were talking something to Jedrek, but the king completely ignored them as he focused on what Lilac was saying.

"Kill them all, of course," Jedrek said, with a tone that almost sounded like; is that even a question?

"They outnumbered you," Lilac pointed out the fact. She had tried to use her power, but for some reason, it became difficult for her to break through their protection.

Though, it was not impossible, but it would drain her energy, while the result wouldn\'t satisfy her. Those witches must have added another layer of protection to tackle her power.

"Really?" Jedrek raised his eyebrows suggestively.

And at the same time, from the dense trees behind them, they could hear a buzzing sound.

Lilac looked at Jedrek questioningly, but the lycan just smiled back at her. When the sound got louder and louder, Lilac turned around right in time to witness thousands of faes emerging from the trees, flapping their wings, armed with scythes.

Lilac was amazed by the number of faes, but then she remembered that the house where she had been put into a deep slumber for a year, thanks to Jedrek, was near the village of faes. However, she wouldn\'t have thought of seeing these many faes at a time before.

"When?" Lilac was flabbergasted as she watched those faes flying above their heads as one of them flew toward Jedrek.

Her blue wings stopped fluttering as her barefoot touched the ground and she greeted Jedrek. "Your majesty," she nodded slightly to Jedrek and Lilac. "My queen."

Lilac returned her kind gesture, but she still couldn\'t stop wondering when did Jedrek was able to contact them. How could he be this certain that the meeting with the spell-casters would come to this?

Aside from spell-casters, faes\' magic wasn\'t something that could be trifled with and with these many faes, the five hundred spell-casters shouldn\'t be a problem for the two hundred lycanthropes.

[I have this all planned, even before we left the city.] With Lilac beside him, Jedrek would not slack about taking all the necessary precautions. He indeed didn\'t bring many lycanthropes with him, but he had another army that would back them up.

A perfect army to handle the tricks of the spell-casters.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click /book/the-love-of-a-lycan_13952362506619705/a-myth_50295075632107149 for visiting.

[And you didn\'t tell me,] Lilac mind linked him sullenly, but Jedrek just grinned, before he turned serious and addressed the fae.

"Be ready."

"On your command, my king."


"I think the phoenix belong to purple, the fae that guards the library in Rieka," Raine said to Torak after she and Hope finished telling them what actually happened when they were teleported to the frozen river.

From the expressions on their faces, they could clearly tell that their mates were beyond pissed right now to know that the girls were being exposed to such a dangerous situation.

Kace didn\'t stop to scold Hope for being so reckless for not telling them that the dwarf suggested to go to the frozen river.

Meanwhile, though Torak didn\'t say much, Raine was pretty sure she would get a piece of his mind once it was only the two of them.

However, right now, filling them with this information was the priority. It could be something important.

??Yes, the phoenix belongs to her," Torak replied without doubt.

"How do you know that for sure?" Kace asked him.

They were still inside the cabin, listening to the guardian angels\' story, but at the same time Torak and Kace also waited for the dwarf to return.

Even though they didn\'t say it out loud, but it seemed that the two of them had a tacit understanding regarding this matter; the dwarf should learn from his mistake, so the next time he would remember before messing around with them.

"Because the fae belongs to our pack," Raphael said simply.

And it was a well known fact that a phoenix was one rare creature which would only serve a single owner for its lifetime.

So, it was very possible that the creature flew back to its owner. And, from what Raine said about the possibility of other creatures residing deep in the frozen river, like the nine-headed snake: the Hydra. They would need that phoenix.

"It happened long time ago when purple lost the bird during that fight," Torak told them. "She thought the bird was dead when it submerged into the ice cold river water along with the hydra, but if the phoenix managed to survive, so did the other creatures."

"Hydra, I thought it was a myth," Kace said contemplating.

"I also thought all of you are a part of some myth," Hope replied, but she was rewarded with a glare from Kace.


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