Two-Faced Husband, Have Some Decency!

Chapter 415 - The Name Liu Ronghua Sounds Familiar To Me.

Qi Chenglin grunted in reply, completely content.

Ruan Danchen glanced at the time, it was 4, but didn’t remind him. It was rare for him to be this relaxed, and so she massaged him for a while longer. However, she would not neglect to pick up Qi Youxuan.

It turned out that Qi Chenglin’s estimation of time wasn’t too far off, and opened his eyes to look at the time. He took her hand, and stopped her. He turned to look at her and gave her a peck on the lips, smiling warmly, “let’s go.”

Ruan Danchen nodded, taking Qi Chenglin’s arms and left, Jiang Yuan following behind them.

Because contacting the Shen Family was his responsibility, Jiang Yuan followed them, and he called up Xiao Yang to drive them there.

Jiang Yuan drove his own car, trailing behind them.

While they were on the road, they received a call from the principal of Jixia Elementary School, and it turned out that there were a large number of reporters outside the gates.

According to Qi Chenglin’s instructions, the principal had mobilised a substantial amount of security guards, and even called the police. When the dispatched officers arrived, it took them a considerable amount of effort to maintain order outside the gate.

Because the number of reporters were too great, it affected traffic. The traffic police had to seal off the road leading to Jixia Elementary School’s gate, barring entry to the reporters.

Usually, Jixia Elementary School did not allow vehicles that did not belong to staff to enter the compound. Despite the school being owned by the Qi Family, they had never asked for special privileges.

However, on account of the chaos outside, the principal specially approved Qi Chenglin to enter the compound and park within it.

As Qi Chenglin’s Mercedes and Jiang Yuan’s car pulled up, the reporters rushed forwards with wild abandon.

While the Mercedes’ tinting was very dark, there were reporters who still pressed close and almost mashed their face against the windows in the hope of catching a glimpse of Ruan Danchen inside.

Ruan Danchen felt nervous but bravely kept her composure so as to not embarrass herself.

Qi Chengling quietly held her hand, and absentmindedly squeezed it. His actions slowly assuaged her fears.

The security guards did their best to keep the reporters at bay as the school gates opened to let the two cars in, before slamming shut and preventing any reporter from slipping in.

As the car pulled up, they did not get out. Ruan Danchen couldn’t help but to open her Weibo, and saw that there was a new album of photos, and she quickly called Qi Chengling to look.

Qi Chenglin took a look, and saw that someone had taken photos of them dropping off Qi Youxuan in the morning.

There was even an article enclosed with it, as though to prove the authenticity of the news. It specifically mentioned that the author had heard with their own ears that Qi Youxuan introduced Ruan Danchen to others as his biological mother.

The article also suggested that a lot of people at the gate heard it, and they could be proof of this.

Qi Chenglin smirked coldly, but said nothing. He was extremely displeased that Ruan Danchen and Qi Youxuan’s privacy had been violated like that. He told Jiang Yuan to make some calls to have those photos taken down.

Jiang Yuan’s call was only a few minutes long, but when Ruan Danchen refreshed her feed, the photos were all gone.

After a while, Ruan Danchen received a call from Shen Jialiang, and spoke to Qi Chenglin and Ruan Danchen, “Shen Jialiang and his daughter have arrived.”

Qi Chenglin nodded, Ruan Danchen could see Qi Youxuan walking out of the school building in the distance, and immediately got out of the car to pick him up.

The parking lot was not visible from the school’s main entrance, so she was not worried about being photographed.

When the little boy saw the Ruan Danchen was already there, he ran over in joy. Looking at the car behind her, he also noticed his father was there.

“Mommy, why are you guys so early today?” Qi Youxuan asked, his eyes sparkling.

Ruan Danchen got him into the car first, sitting between her and Qi Chenglin, before telling him about what was going on in Weibo.

She did not know if Qi Youxuan could comprehend the matter, but she felt relieved that Qi Chenglin had already told the family the truth. Qi Youxuan knew about the matters in the past as well, so that now, when matters came to a head, there was no fear that Qi Youxuan would be unable to bear the shock.

“Therefore in the next few days you may have reporters surrounding you, but don’t be scared. If you don’t want to answer them, you don’t need to.” Qi Chenglin looked down at his son drinking his milk greedily, and feeling as though his son’s character was passed down from him.

Qi Youxuan nodded, swallowing a mouthful of milk. “Daddy, I’ll play it by ear.”

He then continued to drink his milk greedily, his large eyes scanning the surroundings from the car. Even though he had already seen the school and explored it so many times, looking at it from the outside had a different feel about it, and it was all rather new to him.

Ruan Danchen rubbed the little boy’s head, he may be fine now, but when the reporters crowded around them in a while, she did not know if he would be afraid.

Even though Qi Chenglin had already vaccinated Qi Youxuan, it was prudent to prevent direct contact with the reporters as much as possible.

Qi Chenglin told Xiao Yang to drive towards the school gate. As they turned the corner, they saw a black Cadillac stopped outside the gate. The passengers of the car were not as fortunate as them, and the car was already swamped with reporters.

It seemed as though the reporters had increased in number, and word must have gotten out that they were here, which attracted the reporters like a swarm of gnats. Compared to their numbers previously, it was like they had descended in torrents.

Shen Jialiang and Shen Zhijing wore sunglasses as they got out of the car. They had also very prudently hired bodyguards to bolster the security available at the school. Their combined strength forced the reporters away.

Xiao Yang stopped the car not too far away from the school gate, and this was noticed by reporters, who yelled, “Qi Chenglin and the others have come out!”

The swarm of reporters immediately split into two bands, one of which still surrounded Shen Jialiang and Shen Zhijing, while the other crowded to the school gate, looking as though they might try to squeeze through the gaps in the fencing in their rush.

“Have they gone mad?” Qi Youxuan’s chubby hands held on to his milk box, his eyes wide.

“Stay here. Don’t open the window, we’ll be back.” Qi Chenglin told his son, before turning to Xiao Yang, “Xiao Yang, stay here with Youxuan.”

He then led Ruan Danchen and Jiang Yuan out of the car.

They did not leave the school compound, but kept the school gate between themselves and the reporters. The cameras of the reporters snapped like volleys of gunfire through the school gate, all sights aimed at them.

Looking at the voracious nature of the reporters, Qi Youxuan watched them in worry from the car.

At the same time, the other children were all finished with class, and they were kept inside by the press of reporters, the parents outside were also unable to get in.

“Mr. Qi, is what was said on Weibo today true?”

“About Ms. Ruan’s affairs, does your family know?”

“What is the Qi Family’s reaction to this?”

“If everybody could keep quiet, if you’d like to know the truth about this matter, and hear what Young Master and Mrs. Qi’s statements, please be silent.” Jiang Yuan bellowed, suppressing the waves of questions from the reporters.

Upon hearing Jiang Yuan’s words, the reporters finally stopped talking, though there were still murmurs of conversation.

Qi Chenglin slowly opened his mouth, “the article on Weibo today is nothing but baseless drivel. Except for the fact that Youxuan is both me and my wife’s biological child, nothing else is true. Furthermore, Youxuan being our biological child is no secret. Ever since we told the Family and the boy, we never made any attempt to hide it, and we would always openly represent ourselves as such to people outside. Just this morning, my son introduced my wife to his teachers, classmates and parents. During the banquet, I introduced my wife in the same way. As long as they are in our circles, they know.”

“Furthermore, there was no small number of service staff and outsiders at the banquet, and so the information was spread to many people, and not just limited to those that me and my wife know. I imagine that even those of you here today, would know about it.” Qi Chengling smirked, “as long as someone would like to know about this, it’s not difficult. Furthermore, the intention of the Qi Family was to let everybody know.”

All the reporters were silent as they listened. They really did know about this matter, and the Qi Family never did try to hide the truth.

“As for the so-called shocking truth in the article, all I can say is, the author truly has an imagination.” Qi Chenglin’s lips curled in laughter, his eyes scanning over the reporters at the gates. The reporters felt a shiver of fear up their spine as he looked at them,

It was as though anyone who had fallen for this so easily was intellectually challenged.

“I met my wife 8 years ago, when she was 19 and still at university. I liked her very much back then, but she was too young, and I was already 26. I had seen more than her, and this was her first romance. For a young girl who knew nothing of the world to like me, and be willing to give everything to me, is to be expected.” Qi Chenglin held Ruan Danchen’s hand, looking down at her with a warm smile.

An originally cold and blustery day turned warmer just because of Qi Chenglin’s smile.

That face and eyes that were full of love, just could not be faked.

Ruan Danchen blushed as she looked up at him, thinking that he said that other people were good at lying, but he was the one that knew how to tell tall tales.

Qi Chenglin’s mouth curled, as he squeezed her hand. He turned back to look at the reporters, “and that was the year, she got pregnant. In the beginning she did not know it herself, but when she did, I had agreed to be engaged to Shen Zhijing due to my family’s request.”

The reporters looked at Qi Chenglin’s remorseful expression, and watched as he looked down at Ruan Danchen, sharing an apologetic connection with her.

Ruan Danchen was speechless.

It was a waste that this man did not make a career of writing novels.

“At the time I had very low self esteem, and had no respect for women. I always thought that Danchen liking me meant that she would stay by my side and sacrifice for me, and I never considered her feelings. I even thought, that even if I married Shen Zhijing, but I loved Danchen, and treated her just as well, I would not be exploiting her.”

“Qi Chenglin...” Ruan Danchen furrowed her brows, and squeezed his hand. Telling a lie was one thing, but why was he making himself look bad?

He clearly was not that kind of person, but for her he had made himself the bad guy, so that others would point fingers at him and berate him.

Ruan Danchen’s heart ached and she clenched her teeth, but she saw Qi Chenglin smiling at her, and shaking his head at her. He was telling her it was fine.

If they did not tell a good story, how would they expect people to believe them.

This was all thanks to Qi Chengyue and Lu Nanxi becoming good friends. Apart from reading Hentai comics all day, Lu Nanxi also read romance novels, with many plans in the plot. He also recommended a lot of them to Qi Chengyue.

When things played out on Weibo, the first thing Qi Chengyue did was to contact Lu Nanxi. At that time the only thing he told Qi Chengyue was to fully disclose Ruan Danchen’s identity, and turn what was on Weibo into rumors.

“Ah yeah, isn’t this just reunion after separation? My boy certainly has a lot of plans!” Qi Chengyue slapped the table in joy. He then proceeded to tell Qi Chenglin a few ploys that he got from novels. Even though they were somewhat exaggerated, Qi Chenglin still chose one from the list.

“After that Ruan Danchen gave birth, but she could not bear to see me marry another woman, and so she left.” Qi Chenglin took a deep breath, his eyes darkening, as though he were looking back on the past, looking pained.

Qi Chenglin’s heart ached as he thought of the idea of Ruan Danchen leaving him while he spoke.

“After Ruan Danchen left me, only then did I know that I loved her.” Qi Chenglin smiled tightly and in pain, “isn’t there a saying? You don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone. I was just that indecisive back then, only knowing that I loved her after losing her, so I could not marry another woman. Therefore I could only cancel my engagement to Ms. Shen. All these years, I have been looking for her. It was only last year that I found her again. My family knew all about this, and have accepted her. As for those things on Weibo, it is all drivel, and baseless rumours.”

Qi Chenglin spoke in a measured cadence, and the reporters were all silent, stunned as they were as they listened.

Somebody in the crowd murmured, “this is just like a movie!”

“That’s right” Shen Jialiang continued in a timely manner, “at the time there were rumours that Zhijing was pregnant or something, and our family just could not be bothered to deal with it, and those who believe such rumors, well it just speaks about their own intellect. Zhijing was never pregnant, and never suffered a miscarriage. Chenglin had approached us to call off the engagement, and while we were furious, we too were aware of Youxuan’s existence, and could only understand. However for us to let this go without gripes is impossible, so that’s why over the years, the Shen Family and the Qi Family’s relations have not been great. As long as the Shen Family has appeared somewhere, Qi Chenglin was afraid to anger us, and did not show up. Conversely, wherever the Qi Family appeared, we would also not show up in view of the past.”

Qi Chenglin had expected as much from Shen Jialiang, that he would try and score some cheap points. But these points did not cost Qi Chenglin much, so he was happy to let Shen Jialiang have them.

Ruan Danchen held on tightly to Qi Chenglin’s hand, for the sake of helping her, Qi Chenglin had made himself the bad guy, and still needed to be taken advantage of by Shen Jialiang to win some cheap points. She hated herself for being so useless, and bringing him trouble.

As she looked at Shen Jialiang, her hand was squeezed gently by Qi Chenglin. Ruan Danchen looked up at Qi Chenglin, and saw him smiling at her comfortingly, warm and at ease, like a clear moon and gentle breeze on this cold day.

Ruan Danchen took a deep breath, and really wanted to hug him, but she had to endure.

“I’ve read that article on Weibo” Shen Jialiang said, “as for whatever that article said about my daughter being pregnant, it’s just too much! I can even go to the hospital and ask for a report to be issued. I just want to ask the original poster, what proof does she have, for her to accuse my daughter like that. Her empty words are easy to write, but how does that affect her in the future? Just because of her irresponsible words, she will destroy someone else’s life, how shameless can someone be?”

Shen Jialiang was getting agitated, his breathing intensifying. Some reporters finally started to respond, and asked, “but Mr. Shen, that article spoke very definitively, back then Madam Liu Ronghua and Mrs. Qi, along with the Shen Family had planned this. According to the article, if one looks into that year, Liu Ronghua entered the Shen Family, and Mr. Qi and Ms. Shen got engaged. After all these years, Liu Ronghua still hasn’t gotten any recognition.”

Shen Jialiang was stunned, unable to respond as he did not know what to say.

Previously it was Jiang Yuan who contacted him. His position was not enough for Qi Chenglin to contact him personally.

He had worked out the details with Jiang Yuan, but never thought that the reporter would ask such a question.

Qi Chenglin however, felt that this suited his purposes. It was as though someone had given a sleepy person a pillow, and he looked approvingly at the reporter who asked the question. The reporter had an uneasy feeling as he saw Qi Chenglin looking at him, unsure what the Young Master Qi had in plan.

“Speaking about Madam Liu, that article has another lie in it.” Qi Chenglin smiled coolly, his expression self-confident, drawing attention to himself. “The article says that Madam Liu is Danchen’s mother. But the reality is, she was only Danchen’s adoptive mother. Her reason for adoption was also only to use Danchen. She always mistreated Danchen, and even Danchen’s living expenses and tuition fees in university were covered by Danchen herself by working. At the time she was adamant, and even when she was with me she refused to use my money. Afterwards, I hurt her and she left, and even more so she did not seek out Liu Ronghua, she bore it all herself.”

“Liu Ronghua therefore is just using her adoptive relationship with Danchen, and keeps on squeezing her. Not too long ago, I gave her a sum of money, and since then she has had nothing to do with Danchen. On the one hand she took my money, and then suddenly this information comes out. I imagine Liu Ronghua is not too happy, as she has no way to exploit my wife’s fortune?” Qi Chenglin smiled coldly.

“I can attest to this, because I promised Zhijing after her mother died, that I would never find another woman to be her stepmother. So I never gave Liu Ronghua the title, and so she has very strong views about my family.” Shen Jialiang said, implying that Liu Ronghua had something to do with this affair.

The reporter listened, before following up, “Mr. Qi, are you saying that this affair all stems from Madam Liu Ronghua not being happy, and wanting to take revenge?”

“Those are your words, not mine. It wouldn’t do for me to be sued for defamation. I gave her so much money, so she definitely would be able to hire an attorney.” Qi Chenglin said snidely.

The reporter was speechless.

Was he still afraid of being sued?”

“I originally did not want to come out and speak about this entire matter online, especially since it has no bearing on our lives, and I do not have any interest in entertaining the masses. That article online, has some truth to it. However, as it involves the reputation of my wife and son, I have to come out and explain it to all of you, but only this one time. As for whether or not people believe it, and still maliciously wish to drag my wife, I really don’t care. But if anyone does do so, they can wait for my attorney’s letter. Please make sure you add that into your reports so everyone will know about it. This afternoon, the main players on Weibo have already received my attorney’s letter of demand. As for the one called A Cover Is A Must Online, I will not rest until I find them.” Qi Chenglin said blankly.

The reporters around them were here to take Qi Chenglin’s statement, and Qi Chenglin had cooperated, laying out his explosive love story to all. The reporters had no further questions to ask.

Therefore, Qi Chenglin took Ruan Danchen back into the car, and the school gates opened, letting the cars drive out, and the reporters had no choice but to make a way.

Qi Chenglin had not greeted the father and daughter pair from the Shen Family. Today the Shen Family had used him to whitewash themselves, and that could be considered payment for their cooperation.

Qi Youxuan was in the car, and did not hear anything that Qi Chenglin had said. Qi Chenglin saw that the boy had finished drinking his milk, and crumpled the empty box, before pulling out a plastic bag from a pouch and put the box in it. A very thorough and responsible attitude.

Ruan Danchen saw that the boy was so responsible, and was overjoyed, stroking his head. She couldn’t help but to kiss his cheeks.

Qi Chenglin sat with them in the back, but it did not feel crowded, since the little boy did not take up much space.

“If you see any news regarding me and mommy, don’t believe it. Just believe what we told you back then.” Qi Chenglin said.

Qi Youxuan nodded. At times lies were necessary, especially when dealing with people whom they would rather not deal with. The little boy who considered himself as having a very realistic worldview did not see anything wrong with that.

“Tomorrow at school you may hear some nasty things, but don’t believe them. If you feel mistreated let us know, don’t keep it to yourself, okay?” Ruan Danchen said softly.

The little boy looked up earnestly at Ruan Danchen, his face serious, “you’re my mommy, and that’s all I need to know.”

Ruan Danchen was moved by him, and was unable to speak for a moment.

Qi Chenglin was very pleased, and said, “tonight you may have some potato chips.”

Qi Youxuan’s eyes immediately shone in excitement, but a guarded look flashed across his face, “I spoke truthfully to mommy, not to get to have snacks.”

“Even better. Then there’s no need to eat it then.” Qi Chenglin nodded with approval.

Qi Youxuan had no reply.

For a 7 year old child like Qi Youxuan, to have outplayed himself again, made him sad.

Cocking his head to look at his father’s handsome features, Qi Youxuan felt that he would need to grow up quickly to be Qi Chenglin’s match.


Ruan Zeer was at the living room of the house, scrolling through the debate surrounding Ruan Danchen on his iPad. The comments were particularly toxic, those netizens were so irresponsible with their words.

They relied on the anonymity of the internet to make brazen and unscrupulous comments on people, without considering the effect it would have on others and how they would feel, focusing instead on their own entertainment. They would think that their words were clinical and was the only correct opinion. They never thought deeply about it, and thought that they were the ones on the right side, and that their opinions mattered, and pretentiously judged other people’s actions, telling them right and wrong. These people thought they were the authority on right and wrong, and only their opinion was the right one.

Occasionally voices of reason would cut through the vitriol and attempt to refute the rumors, but would be quickly drowned out by spurious replies. Some of them were refuted with logic and facts, and so Ruan Zeer ignored the refuted points. Even though Ruan Danchen had never spoken, and suddenly she had to point out that she never said this, and what was the truth.

As he looked on, Ruan Zeer felt that these people were laughable, and were just making themselves turn into pretentious fools.

It came to a point that some people felt that just because Ruan Danchen refused to step forward to answer, that she must be hiding something, and so they grabbed on to this self-devised point and fanned the flames.

Another group of people felt that Ruan Danchen did not respect them, and abused her online in their own search of self-existence.

But what amused Ruan Zeer the most was, there was another kind of person, who pretentiously did not lace their words with profanity, and commented wilfully on Ruan Danchen’s affairs. They pretended to take the moral high ground, but still gave Ruan Danchen a lecture, then added as an afterthought, this is my personal view, if it displeases you, please do not respond.

Ruan Zeer laughed coldly. He hated this kind of people the most. You can give people a scolding, but after you finish you say that it’s your personal viewpoint, and others may not respond in kind.

The words ‘if you’re displeased, please do not respond’ is truly omnipotent!

Ruan Zeer could not help but be worried for Qi Youxuan. Even though he had only met the child once, and not for long, he could not help but like Qi Youxuan.

They had even traded numbers, and he did not know what was on the boy’s mind, to call Ruan Zeer from time to time to chat with him.

Thinking about the little boy’s unforgettable features, Ruan Zeer couldn’t help but smile.

Before today, Ruan Zeer did not know about Ruan Danchen’s maternal relationship with Qi Youxuan. He had nothing to do and was on Weibo, and saw that it was buzzing. He had seen Ruan Danchen and Qi Youxuan’s names, and thought that it couldn’t be a coincidence, was it really the same ones?

He then saw Qi Chenglin’s name, and he could not disbelieve anymore.

It was unthinkable, for people he had met by coincidence, to have such distinguished positions.

Ruan Zeer furrowed his brows in worry, and wanted to call Qi Youxuan to ask what was going on, but he knew that this was a very testing time. Should he call him, he was unsure if the adults in the family would grow suspicious, and feel as though he were there to exploit the situation.

Ruan Zeer had not yet made up his mind, and brought his cell phone with him to the bedroom.

Ruan Keshan glanced at the iPad that Ruan Zeer left on the coffee table, and picked it up. Ruan Zeer’s mother Chen Minxia was in the adjoining dining room wiping down the dining table, preparing it for dinner.

Seeing Keshan holding the iPad, furrowing his brows in thought, Chen Minxia walked over, “what’s wrong, what are you thinking of there?”

“Nothing.” Ruan Keshan continued to furrow his brows, looking at his wife, “just... this name, Liu Ronghua, it sounds familiar, as though I’ve heard it before. Do you remember?”

Chen Minxia shook her head, and looked at her bespectacled, scholarly-looking husband, “no, I don’t. You usually attend so many conferences, and go on exchange programs with so many universities. Did you hear about it there, but forget where exactly?”

“Perhaps.” Ruan Keshan did not push it, but thinking about the name he saw just now, his mind had a flashback, but it wasn’t clear. Now when he thought about it, he could not make sense of it, and so he gave up.

Chen Minxia smiled, her husband was a well-known researcher in academia, and no matter what the question, his mind was always active, but in other matters, his memory could be confused.

If it would sound familiar to him, it may be that their family would know of them, and Chen Minxia kept that thought, saying, “don’t think too much about it. I’ll go and find out, who Liu Ronghua is.”

Ruan Keshan nodded, and did not think much more of it.

Chen Minxia returned to the kitchen to cook, before telling Ruan Keshan to call Ruan Zeer out for dinner.

After dinner, Ruan Zeer contemplated it a while more, then decided to give Qi Youxuan a call.

At the time the little boy was doing his homework, and Ruan Danchen was watching him from the side. He was good at everything except his concentration. If he were to be left alone to do his homework, he would write a few lines then go off on another tangent.

Right now Qi Youxuan was doing some basic mathematics, when his Totoro Children’s Phone rang with the Detective Conan theme song. His pale and chubby hand grabbed the phone and picked it up, “Brother Ruan!”

Ruan Zeer squinted, he had told Qi Youxuan multiple times not to call him that, it sounded too much like ‘Brother Soft’. He was an 18 year old in the prime of his youth, nothing about him was soft!

However, every time Qi Youxuan called him that, he knew that it was unintentional. He had been called that multiple times, and couldn’t be bothered to correct Qi Youxuan.

“You seem upbeat.” Ruan Zeer did not ask directly, hearing the little boy speak with such gusto, he knew that Qi Youxuan was not sad, and so he was at ease.

“Yeah! Daddy let me eat a pack of potato chips tonight.” Qi Youxuan said happily.

Ruan Zeer did not respond.

“Brother Ruan, what’s up with you?” the little boy asked.

“Oh, nothing much. I thought about you, and called to hear your voice. Am I interrupting you doing your homework?” Ruan Zeer could see Qi Youxuan was not affected, and so chose not to bring it up.

Qi Youxuan glanced at his workbooks, and said arrogantly, “those things onlt make my mind go through the motions.”

Both Ruan Danchen and Ruan Zeer had no response to that line.

If it were so simple, why didn’t you finish it quickly?

Ruan Zeer left Qi Youxuan to finish his homework, and then hung up.

Ruan Danchen listened in on Qi Youxuan’s conversation with Ruan Zeer, and deduced that Ruan Zeer was worried about Qi Youxuan, and that’s why he called. Therefore, she stepped outside to call Ruan Zeer again, and invite him over to their place, since it’s been a while since Qi Youxuan had seen him.


Qi Chenglin’s words in the afternoon had missed the deadline for the print media to publish, but online, the news was already published. When the reporters returned to the office, they learnt that in the afternoon those commercial accounts involved were already served with letters of demand.

As Qi Chenglin’s story made its’ rounds online, naturally a lot of people did not believe it. Qi Chenglin also did not expect them to, and some comments started to flow out, this story is so exaggerated, it must be from a romance novel!

However, both Qi Chenglin and Ruan Danchen did not pay any attention to those comments, as they felt they had no need to let their emotions and lives be affected by the irresponsible comments of others.

In the evening, Ruan Danchen had put the little boy to sleep, and returned to tell Qi Chenglin about her inviting Ruan Zeer over for a play date. Qi Chenglin nodded. Seeing how Qi Youxuan enjoyed seeing Ruan Zeer, and also kept in contact with him, Qi Chenglin had sent Jiang Yuan to do some research into Ruan Zeer.

This young man was truly impressive, Qi Chenglin’s eyes glinted.

Ruan Danchen’s arms wrapped around Qi Chenglin’s narrow waist. Compared to hers, a man’s waist was still wider, but just based on looks alone, Ruan Danchen felt that Qi Chenglin’s waist was really very small, but solid.

Even his waist was firm, without any excess fat, and solid as a rock.

Ruan Danchen could not help but pinch his waist every time, with her face against his chest, squirming about until she found a comfortable position to rest, and take in the aroma of his body.

“You’ve been troubled today.” Ruan Danchen’s hands did not stay on his waist, and she pouted. She opened his collar, and pressed herself against his bare chest.

Qi Chenglin’s passions raged wilder and wilder as she clung to him, and he took hold of her, “wasn’t it said that women love a bad guy? I think I was pretty bad today.”

Hearing the smile in his voice, Ruan Danchen looked up, her soft hair getting rather unkempt from rubbing against his chest, and sticking out in strands like a cat with unkempt fur.

Qi Chenglin patiently brushed her hair, soft strands running smoothly between his fingers, like a feather falling on his heart, it itched.

Ruan Danchen looked up at his handsome face. He was supposed to be a man above reproach, but for her, today, he had allowed himself to be sullied.

Ruan Danchen held him tighter, and suddenly buried herself in his chest.

Qi Chenglin’s heart itched at her motions, and asked, “has your relative gone home yet?” [1]

Ruan Danchen blushed. “It’s not quite clean yet.”

Qi Chenglin said nothing, he had been holding himself back for a while now.

Ruan Danchen’s cycle ran like clockwork, every period was earlier than last month’s by 2 days. It had never changed, but every time it did, it took a long while, usually 8-9 days.

He had heard her say before, that when she was schooling whenever her period came, it would hurt so badly. She often heard from others or read online about some remedies. She never cared if they were actually helpful, or whether they were trustworthy, she would always give it a go, but it would never work.

After going to high school, Gao Xiaoyang had introduced an old traditional chinese doctor to her, and she took his medications for a year, but they did not change anything. Gradually, Ruan Danchen gave up, and just took painkillers as required, but they never really helped as well, they could only alleviate the pain somewhat.

When it came to childbirth, it still hurt, making Ruan Danchen think that the saying that it got better after childbirth was just a lie.

Recently, she had been introduced to a new painkiller from overseas by Qi Chengyue, who had been told about it by her friends in America. That drug did not stop other pain, only menstrual pain. No matter how painful it was, taking that drug would improve things considerably. Ruan Danchen had given it a try, and the results were surprisingly positive.

However, the timing was still as long as ever, and it made Qi Chenglin suffer. He always had to repress himself for so long ever month.

He also felt embarrassed to ask other women if their periods were that long, even towards his own sister, Qi Chengyue, he just could not ask.

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