Two-Faced Husband, Have Some Decency!

Chapter 123 - What Did You Say to Me Just Now? Could You Please Repeat It?

Just like today — others would have treated her as a part of the Qi family, simply because they were seated at the same table.

“Sister, I just wanted to get close to you. If you’re so against it, I... I will never touch you again.” murmured Yu Keyao, her low voice making it seem like she was hurt. Wringing her fingers, she bit her lower lip.

Song Yu looked at her coldly. Squeezing out a polite smile, she said, “I’m sorry. I didn’t expect you to grab my hand, so I retracted it out of reflex. The next time you want to do so, give me a heads up.”

“Ah! It’s getting rather cold” said Grandmother Qi suddenly, her timorous voice impressing her point.

Glancing toward Grandmother Qi, who was rubbing her elbows, she, too, extended her hands toward the radiator.

Qi Chenglin asked Qi Youxuan, “Do you have any other competitions?”

“No,” replied Qi Youxuan, stuffing in the last piece of sushi.

Qi Chenglin then turned to look at Wei Ziqi.

Wei Ziqi too shook his head, “We’re done.”

“Well, why are we still here, then? Let’s go home and warm up.” In a single, swift motion, Grandmother Qi rose up. She then began hurrying the rest of her family.

Yu Keyao and Yu Kexin were obliged to rise along with the rest of the Qi family. Yu Kexin intended to gather Zhou Jingqi and Yu Keyao and take their leave, however, Yu Keyao stayed where she was.

Grandmother Qi laughed, “Heh heh. Well, girls, since you’re here, why not come with us?”

“Sure!” agreed Yu Keyao with such speed that it left no room for Grandmother Qi to, potentially, retract her offer.

The speed with which the reply was given stunned Grandmother Qi.

It made her reconsider the offer.

She intended the offer to be a customary one, given out of civility. Likewise, she had expected the offer to be declined, as per the rules of social etiquette. By accepting, Yu Keyao had just sealed Grandmother Qi’s opinion of her as an ignorant young hussy.

Yu Kexin, too, was in a state of shock. She had intended to decline the offer, as one should, but Yu Keyao had interjected before she could.

The offer, to anyone, was clear: an offer made out of politeness.

It was akin to the superficial statement, “I’ll get the next bill.” No one would be so foolish as to demand the exact time and date of the proffered meal.

Noticing Grandmother Qi shocked state, Yu Kexin felt a deep embarrassment. It was too disgraceful.

She snuck a glimpse at Yu Keyao, who was blissfully unaware of the strain she was placing on Grandmother Qi. Yu Keyao was staring intently at Qi Chengzhi, who stood behind the old lady.

Forcing a smile on her otherwise gloomy disposition, Yu Kexin said, “Madam Qi, we have something we need to attend to. I will not be joining this time, but I’ll be sure to pay a visit next time.”

“I see!” Grandmother Qi sighed in relief. Her smile was more natural, “Well, if that’s the case, I won’t force you to come. Do visit us some other time!”

Yu Kexin smiled and nodded, “Of course, of course.” Yu Keyaou, unthwartable, turned around and said, “Elder sister, if you are busy, you may go without me. I’m rather free today, so I will be joining Madam Qi.”

Grandmother Qi’s relaxed smile froze. She had been looking forward to furthering her relationship with Song Yu, but that no longer seemed to be an option.

Now, even Yu Kexin was stunned silent. She could no longer hide her dismay.

Even a simpleton would see that Qi Chengzhi had put on a show designed to fend off irritants. It was clear that a reserved man such as he would not show affection in public save for such a purpose.

Resolving not to disgrace herself, she declared, “If that’s the case, I will depart with Jingqi.”

After Yu Kexin departed, Qi Chengzhi, his voice flat and devoid of emotion, announced, “Song Yu and I will not be returning to the old mansion. There are other things we need to attend to.”

Grandmother Qi heaved a sigh of relief. The only reason she said it was cold was to drive away Yu Keyao.

Grandmother Qi had wanted to separate Song Yu and Yu Keyao like her grandson desired. She could not have foreseen Yu Keyao’s tenacity.

Yu Keyao lowered her head in disappointment. She had forgotten to find out whether Qi Chengzhi would be accompanying them. Nonetheless, she consoled herself with the thought of using this opportunity to get into the good graces of the Qi family.

Qi Chengzhi left alongside Song Yu and Wei Ziqi . As Qi Youxuan had blurted out that he wanted to play with Little Muran, Qi Chenglin took him with them.

For the remainder, Grandmother Qi quickly got hold of Xia Wenna’s hand and said, “You will ride with us. Keyao, did you drive here?”

Yu Keyao shook her head. Grandmother Qi then assigned Yu Keyao to Qi Zhongxun’s car.

Qi Zhongxun and Guan Liya were Qi Chengzhi’s uncle and aunt. There was no real benefit of weedling into their good graces. She felt rather morose by the assignment. She could not understand why Grandmother Qi would place her in their car.

Judging by her attitude, it appeared that the matriarch had chosen Song Yu, as inconceivable as it was. Giving no further thought to Yu Keyao, Grandmother Qi got into the car and addressed Xia Wenna. “Looking at them today, how can you still oppose the match?”

Xia Wenna remained silent. It was clear to her that any further opposition would be futile.

This was the first time in 30 years that she had seen Qi Chenzhi behave as such.

Grandmother Qi did not pursue the matter once it was clear that Xia Wenna was not going to deign her with an answer.



Qi Chenglin brought Qi Youxuan to visit Wei Ziqi and family, whereas Qi Chengzhi and Song Yu returned home.

The moment he set foot into the house, Qi Chengzhi dismissed Aunt Yang. One she had left, he went into the kitchen and began raiding the fridge.

Curious, Song Yu trailed after him. As she entered the kitchen, she saw Qi Chengzhi standing with a box of strawberries in hand.

As Song Yu stood there confused, Qi Chengzhi deposited a strawberry into her hand. “Didn’t you want to eat strawberries just now?”

Still rather confused, she accepted the strawberry and took a bite. It was then that she found herself, once again, drowning in a pool of his scent, as she stood beneath the boughs of his shadow.

Song Yu took a gulp. Her lips slightly parted, she looked up in shock. It had startled her, how quickly he could move.

His murky eyes darkened as his pale fingers brushed across her lips. She could taste both the sweetness of the strawberry as well as the smoky acridness of tobacco.

His eyes were clouded with lust as he lowered his head, his lips nearly brushing the tip of her nose. “I’ve been wanting to do this,” He murmured; his voice low and husky.

His lips brushed against her nose with every word. She could smell the tobacco that laced his breath.

Song Yu’s lashes fluttered gently. One could see the flush spread across her face.

Her fair and translucent skin made the blushes on her cheek all the more alluring. Her beauty was transcendental. Inhaling his raw odor, intermingled with the smell of tobacco, she was, all of a sudden, reminded of Yu Keyao’s tenacity.

Even though Qi Chengzhi had rejected her, Yu Keyao had continued to covet him; her eyes devouring him. Song Yu felt extremely troubled. She wanted to hide him away; bury him in her embrace, so that no one would see him.

She tightened her grip on his shirt. She pulled him closer. The lips that smelled like tobacco curled into a smile. From his vibrating Adam’s apple, he let out a deep, dazzling laugh. It was a heavenly melody that had no equivalent, even among all the musical instruments.

She found his smile to be vexatious. Why did he have to be so handsome? Why did he need to attract the gaze of others?

She found his ability of attracting flies to be abhorrent. She felt disgusted by it.

“You’re too handsome. Sometimes I wish I could just castrate you!” So frustrated was she that her face flushed as red as an apple. A part of it was because of how angry she was, and another was because of his teasing.

“If you castrate me, what will you do about your needs?”

“It’s enough for me to just be by your side.” She said, her voice quivering. She grasped his waist.

Qi Chengzhi stopped abruptly. His cold, handsome face was consumed by a barely tempered frenzy, and his eyes were a storm. Easily, he lifted her up, sweeping aside tabletop trinkets and decor with a powerful arm. Then, he placed her on top.

“Do you like me that much? That you’ve become so possessive?” His jet black eyes were dancing, his expression gentle. Dipping his chin further, he brushed his lips against hers.

A sudden redness crept across Song Yu’s face, so unprompted, it puzzled him. She buried her delicate and elegant features into his neck. Her warm, slow breathing tickled him, like the flutter of a feather.

“I love you.” She spoke with a soft and trembling voice. Qi Chengzhi almost missed it.

Once the words had escaped her, she clutched his shoulders and pressed harder against him.

The elation that filled him was ineffable. An odd quiver ran through his lean and firm frame as his arms came to embrace her like a vice.

“What did you say?” He asked softly. His deep, hoarse voice came out in an anticipatory shudder, breathless.

Song Yu was unwilling to repeat herself. Her face was still burning from her honesty. Suddenly, her scalp stung, the sharp bite of him tugging on her hair, trying to force her head upwards.

“Good girl. Look up. Look at me.” His hot breath flowed over the corner of her eye. Her eyelashes fluttered lightly, stroking his severe, thin lips.

Song Yu still had her head bowed. She shook her head and dug her nails into his shoulder. With his persistent persuasion, though, she finally looked up. Under his fiery gaze, her face burned red hot.

Those dark, dark eyes were searching for elucidation in her expression. She kept her eyes half-lidded, hidden beneath the thick boughs of her eyelashes. She dared not meet his gaze directly.

“What did you say to me just now? Could you please repeat it?” He murmured in his low voice, as he caressed the back of his hand against her cheek, occasionally brushing through her eyelashes.

Song Yu was mortified. She did not know what had provoked the sudden rush. She could not repeat herself, especially not when he studied her so intensely, urged her on with such undeterrable insistence. Feeling cornered, she bit his shoulder and, once more, pressed her forehead against it. She could hear him laugh, that rich, throaty sound drawing her in like an inescapable magnet.

Song Yu stole a glance at his enamoring, hypnotic face. In his dark, somber eyes, she found only a reflection of herself. As the days passed them by, she felt her desire to claim this man for herself grow stronger. Slowly, her attachment to him built.

In a trembling voice, she murmured a hushed, “I love you.”

The three words stumbled over themselves clumsily, her voice shaking as though she was in tears. Once it was over, she circled her arms around him tightly, burying her face in the curve of his marmoreal neck. She wanted to never let go.

She thought she heard him mumble something from deep within his throat, but she could not decipher his words. All she knew was his feverish lips, and their intoxicating touch, mapping every slope and indentation of her face. When, at last, he found her lips, he stilled and kissed her passionately.



At the end of it, Song Yu was spent. She lay on the dining table, wondering if she would ever have a proper meal there again.

He carried her into the bathroom, leaning her against him as his strong arms took hold of her narrow waist. Every so often, he would press her pale skin between his fingertips, pinching her.

They were both bathed in sweat, and, where their skin came into contact, so did their perspiration intermingle.

Song Yu released a moan as she pressed into his sweat-slicked chest. Inhaling his acrid odor, her breathing, while faint, tickled him.

His chest trembled, and his slender, defined fingers drew her damp hair away from her forehead and behind her ear. Then, gently, he wiped away the beads of sweat that still remained.

“Qi Chengzhi.” She writhed in his embrace. The more her mind turned it over, the more agitated she became. She wanted an answer; so much so, that she was compelled to ask for it.

“Yeah?” He replied indolently in his gruff, unaffected tone. Content, his eyes were only half-open, and a soft, lazy smile softened his lips.

He began caressing her long, winding hair with half-lidded eyes

She looked up at him, smiling cool and calm. “Don’t you have anything to say to me?” Rid of intense passion, his expression had grown lax.

“What?” His lithe fingers twisting her hair, he brought a lock of it closer, and inhaled.

“I just said I loved you.” She jabbed a finger into his side, frustrated.

“I know.” He shivered, delighting in her disturbed repetition. The arms around her waist tightened. He pulled her closer, pinning her abdomen to his. Lifting his head, his lips chased hers.

Song Yu turned to the side, feeling his lips land on her cheek and failing to meet her mouth as he had intended.

“Do you really have nothing to say to me?” She turned back to him and pondered at his smile. It seemed like he was toying with her.

“What do you want me to say?” The curve of his lips was enigmatic, unreadable. A smile, yet a not-smile.

Her face dropped, aflame in scarlet. Struggling down from his embrace, Song Yu pushed his chest away and spun around to leave, but Qi Chengzhi was too quick for her. He easily caught hold of her waist again, and asked, “What’s wrong? Where are you going?”



Qi Chengzhi was nine when Song Yu was born. Upon her birth, Yu Qianyin had brought Song Yu along for a visit to the Qi Family.

Qi Chengzhi had looked at the fragile Song Yu on the bed. How adorable! He could not help but prod and play with her cheek — up, down, left, right.

Song Yu had tried to struggle away, but it had been futile. She had let out a huge cry, “Wah —”

Qi Chengzhi had let go. He had squinted and looked at the well-behaved Qi Chengji, who had been playing with his stuffed toy by Song Yu’s side.

When Yu Qianyin and Qi Chengzhi’s mother, Xia Wenna, had rushed over, all they could see was Qi Chengji kicking Song Yu in the face. One-year-old Qi Chengji had still been holding on to his stuffed toy. He looked at Qi Chengzhi innocently.

A few seconds later, Qi Chengji’s butt had had a slap mark. His cries had been heard all over the mansion.

Out-of-story interview:

Old Man: “Mister Qi, it seems like a lot of details for this chapter have been left out. We understand why, but what do you think about this?”

Qi Chengzhi: “It doesn’t matter. I don’t want this to be a public matter.”

Old Man: “...”

Old Man: “But this means you can’t prove your ability to perform.”

Qi Chengzhi: “As long as Song Yu knows. Being conspicuous about it only attracts envy.”

Old Man: “...”

Old Man: “What did you feel when Song Yu told you she loved you?”

Qi Chengzhi: “She’s mine. She can’t run away from me.”

Old Man: “...”

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