Flowers Bloom from Battlefield

Chapter 46: A Playful Prince

46 A Playful Prince

Yan looked towards his sister, Ming Hui with grin. "Ming Hui, are you really that worried about your brother?"

Ming Hui stared at him coldly. "I\'m afraid you\'re inviting death to yourself. If you don\'t want to get beaten by Jun Min, you better stay away from her."

Yan was startled. It took him a few seconds to understand the meaning behind Ming Hui\'s words. He turned towards Jun Hua. "You\'re Jun Hua? I forgot that you\'re the most beautiful girl."

Jun Hua\'s mind blanked then she made up her mind to beat up this guy again once Yamin finished with her tasks and she could pass off as Jun Min again. She truly wondered how a prince of high status could have a mouth that was no different from a rogue.

Ming Hui truly wanted to face palm her face because of her brother behavior. She sighed.

"Yan, if you don\'t stop, even I will have to kick you out from this area."

Yan was taken aback by the change in Ming Hui\'s tone. Ming Hui rarely called him with Yan and when she did, it meant that she was really angry.

"Okay, okay, I won\'t do anything," Yan raised his hands in a defeated manner. "Anyway, are you okay with having her know this side of you?"

"It\'s alright, her brother had told her about it anyway."

Jun Hua smiled bitterly. It was not her brother who told her everything, but it was she herself who had seen it with her eyes. She looked at the two of them and finally understood why both of them became close. People who have a lot of similarities with other people would find themselves getting closer with them.

"Come on, it\'s time to go." Ming Hui was still standing near Yan, turned to Jun Hua. "We are sorry for bothering you, Jun Hua."

"It\'s alright Princess Hui. Thank you."

Ming Hui dragged Yan out forcefully without requiring too much of her energy as the guards were happy to do it for her. Jun Hua shook her head in amusement at the show in front of her. But she didn\'t understand one thing: what was the reason of Yan appearing here?

Little did she know that Yan\'s appearance had made the officials outraged, as their daughters were also staying there. They reported it to the emperor, and among those officials present, Jun Zhenxian was part of them, which made the lineup become more powerful. In the end, the emperor conceded and can only punish Yan by grounding him for a time.

"Now that you\'re grounded, you have to stay here," Ming Hui said, feeling annoyed.

Yan laughed. "That was my intention in the first place. Besides, if I didn\'t annoy that great ruler, I won\'t have anything fun to do."

"You can get beaten up."

"Soujin is not here and without him, we cannot carry out our plan," Yan said lightly. "Despite that, it\'s not like I cannot sneak out."

"I won\'t help you this time."

Yan was speechless. "After you found something interesting, even you are abandoning me now? You\'re truly a good princess!"

Ming Hui stood up, "I still have to prepare my birthday party while you enjoy yourself here. You better not forget about our plan."

"Rest assured, your brother is trustworthy."

Ming Hui glared at him before leaving his residence. Yan was still leaning on his chair as his smile became deeper.

"Shu, finish everything quicker. Soujin will be back."

"Yes Young Master."

Yan took out the paper Ming Hui gave him quietly. It\'s not like he really didn\'t have anything to do, but he needed to meet with Ming Hui without creating suspicions. What would be better than creating another trouble?

He stared at the paper as he read the content. Everything was going according to their plan. The emperor must be pleased with the surprise they have been preparing.

Jun Hua leaned back on her chair as she continued her embroidery. After practicing for so long, she managed to make a beautiful one. It took her quite some time, but she was still able to do it pretty well. Her eyes flickered for a moment then suddenly stood up from her seat.

Seeing her Miss abruptly stand up, Xia was caught off guard. "Is there anything wrong, Miss?"

"Yamin has returned. She\'s at the room below. You pick her up, Xia."

Xia acknowledged before she hurriedly went outside. Not long after that, she came back with a girl wearing servants\' clothes. Jun Hua stared at Yamin for a moment.

"Were there some unexpected things happened?"

Yamin nodded. "The way they attacked seems like probing our power. Your uncle thus limited the number of elites and merely used what the emperor has provided. He won\'t let them know our real ability."

Jun Hua\'s face turned solemn. "They are getting impatient. Probably our plan needs to be sped up. Yamin, can you get inside the palace as you wish?"

Yamin shook her head. She had taken some time to get inside this part of the palace since the guards were far more skilled and numbered more than the other places. It took her a long time before sneaking in and Jun Hua found out about her when she was nearing this place.

Jun Hua was not surprised. She had seen that the guards around here were indeed stronger. They were not like the ordinary guards from the imperial family.

"Then you don\'t need to come here often. Stay on Jun family residence and relay everything to my grandfather. After everything is done, call Yasha back."

"Yes Miss," Yamin answered.

Jun Hua asked Xia to escort Yamin out to avoid getting any suspicion towards them. She then turned to Xiao Yun who was looking very confused. Jun Hua smiled.

"You will soon understand that your Miss is not like the usual young girls from noble family."

Xiao Yun nodded. "Yes, Miss is unladylike."


The pureness of Xiao Yun truly made her feeling a headache, but it was really rare to see someone like her. Jun Hua preferred the girl to stay like this but it was impossible. Staying by her side would show her a completely different world from what she used to see.

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