That Person. Later on…

Chapter 99

I bumped into a telephone pole.

I got careless and overslept. I thought it was fine to sleep a little longer because I live in dormitory nearby.

Because of that I had no time to eat breakfast. Keyla-san who is working in dinning hall, made delicious food.. It’s regretful that I couldn’t eat that.

I noticed that I’m going to be late as soon as I opened my eyes. I wore my blazer in a hurry and leave the dormitory at once.

I should make it in time if I run. It seems to be safe because I had moved my body quite a lot recently. I also got invitation from the school track team lately because of my speed.

However, I want to be excused from club activities whatsoever. I don’t want the time to hang out after school reduced.

I keep running and manage to arrive at school before the chime rang somehow. I pass through the school gate where the members of disciplinary committee are waiting.

It seems that today the member of discipline committee conducted a surprise inspection at the school gate. I’m going to be late at this rate so I try to pass them without attracting their attention.

[Wazu-san, wait a moment!] (Sarona)

Saron-san the chief of disciplinary committee calls me out for some reason. I reluctantly stopped my feet on the spot while floated a wry smile towards her.

[I’m sorry Sarona-san. I’m going to be late for class, so can you let me go?] (Wazu)

[It’s not good] (Sarona)

Sarona-san approaching me. Her hair smells good. Sarona-san raised her hands slowly and grabbed my loose necktie.

[Please make yourself look neat!] (Sarona)

[Ye-Yeah..... Doing this early in the morning, it seems like a routine of newlywed couple] (Wazu)

I murmured the second half part but it seems Sarona-san hear it.

Sarona-san’s face turns red. She put more power on her hands which are used to tighten my necktie. I got strangled.

[It’s painful~] (Wazu)

[S-Sorry, you may go now!] (Sarona)

[O-Okay!] (Wazu)

I was surprised to suddenly get strangled by her. I walked slowly to the school building while checking my neck.

Looking backwards, I think that our eyes meet each other, but then she averted her eyes from me in great momentum.

Umm, did I get hated because said a strange things?

I’m entering the school building. I noticed that my finger is bleeding a little when I was going to put on the indoor shoes.

It seems that I had cut my fingertips somewhere before I realized it. It may have happened at the time when I bumped into a telephone pole.

I’m heading to the infirmary to get a band-aid.

But, I’m really going to be late at this rate..... no, treatment of injuries is a good enough reason for that.

When I entered the infirmary, the school nurse Tata-san was sitting on a chair gracefully.

(TL : Is this called nurse, right? Or is doctor?)

[Hmm? What’s wrong, Wazu-san? You are going to be late. Or maybe, do you really want to see me no matter what?] (Tata)

[Please don’t make fun of me. I seemed to have cut my fingers somewhere so I came here to get a band-aid] (Wazu)

[Oh, that’s bad!! Even just small injuries, bacteria can enter from there. Come this way, I will disinfect it properly!!] (Tata)

I sat down face-to-face following Tata-san’s instruction. Her hands gently hold my hand while tending my wound. It’s a secret but the temperature of my face slightly rose because of that.

[It looks like not a big scratch. It will be healed soon~] (Tata)

[Thank you. But holding hands in this position, it looks like I’m about to make a love confession] (Tata)

I telling a joke to hide my embarrassment, but Tata-san’s face turns red for some reason.

Hmm? I thought, why is this!?

Tata-san frantically dumped disinfectant more than needed to my wound. The sudden pain blew away my train of thought.

[It’s sting......!!!] (Wazu)

[Oh, sorry!! Geez..... because Wazu-kun suddenly talked about love confession, I got a little happy.....] (Tata)

I couldn’t hear the second half part because the pain.

I leave the school infirmary after I got a band-aid and headed to the class room. When closing the door of infirmary, I saw the appearance of Tata-san mumbling something with her face turned red was impressive.

I arrived to the class room and headed to my seat. It’s the second seat from the back, near the window. Orlando my best friend who sat behind, spoke to me right after I take a seat.

[Yoo~! Wazu. You are late today as well. What happened? Overslept?] (Orlando)

[Orlando, don’t ask a question that you already know the answer!!] (Wazu)

Orlando is clearly a handsome guy. There are many girls who like him. No just in this school, his handsome face is also well-known to the girls from other school. His character is also good.

Good grief, a handsome man with a good personalities, just how perfect he can be!? For good or bad, I got stuck with this kind of guy.

Well, we have some kind of story in the past but setting that aside, I hope he can quickly get a girlfriend or two. But for some reason, he put the top priority to hang out with me.

His excuse was : [I’m not interested with that stuff now. It’s fun to hang out with Wazu moreover love is something that suddenly falls anytime, isn’t?] (Orlando)

Yup. When I heard his words, I thought he should apologize to all men all over the world who aren’t popular like him. Well, I forgive him because he is my best friend......

Then, when I and Orlando are talking about random stuffs, a guy who sit in front of me finally came.

[Good morning Wazu-kun] (Freud)

[Isn’t that a bit..... unreasonable?] (Wazu)

It’s Freud.

[Is that so? I think that I’m pretty well-dressed though?] (Freud)

[No, I feel that you are nothing but out of place. We are certainly not of the same age] (Wazu)

[What are you two talking about since a while ago?] (Orlando)

[ [That’s what I want to know] ] (Wazu/Freud)

He is a suspicious guy as usual. There is no way to grasp his line of thought at all.

Regan-san our homeroom teacher comes in when we are in the middle of talking.

Yup! Today it’s also a splendid bald head. His head reflecting the light.

It seems that he’s targeting Keyla-san who works in dining hall. Let’s pray that he won’t succeed.

It’s the lunch break time. Orlando had appointment to eat lunch with some girls.

Orlando himself isn’t very enthusiastic, but it seems a large number of girls are going to raise a riot if he keep on refusing. Because of that, I headed to the cafeteria alone.

Freud always disappears somewhere when it’s lunchtime.

Sitting in empty seat, I put my set meals on the table. Before long, another two portions of set meals are placed in front of me abruptly.

I look at the other side of table, there are the famous twin of double student council president, Naminissa and Narellina smiling faces.

[You are here as expected] (Naminissa)

[How about you accept our invitation this time?] (Narellina)

[Invitation to join student council again?] (Wazu)

These sisters always invite me to join student council everytime we meet. They even keep the vice president position open just for me. But I keep refusing because I don’t feel like it.

[I have said it many times, but I don’t have any intention to join student council] (Wazu)

[Don’t be like that. If you join student council, you can eat like this with us everyday, how about it?] (Narellina)

[We have been eating together everyday, aren’t we?] (Wazu)

[Th-That might be true.....then, I will also put "Aan~!" service as bonus] (Naminissa)

[It’s also has been done as well, isn’t it?] (Wazu)

That’s right. This two people always appear at lunch break time to eat together with me. They also always forcibly feed me food when no one is watching. I do not know the meaning at all. But someone will be misunderstanding if they see that.

[That’s right, but..... ugh, this is tough] (Naminissa)

[However, please be careful. People will think that we are going out or something if we keep doing this everyday] (Wazu)

[ [ Eeh? ] ]

As soon as I said so, the face of two girls in front of me turned red. They mumbling something like --[Indeed..... it’s not bad.....]-- or --[It’s an established fact.....]-- as if lost in their own world. I don’t understand them at all.

Well, these two people have excellent grades so they must be thinking about something difficult that I don’t understand.

While thinking about such a thing, I shifted my gaze towards the clock that was hung inside cafeteria. I noticed that the lunch break time is almost over.

I eat the remaining food in front of me in a rush. I stand up and call out the two who are still lost in their thought.

[Excuse me. I have to change the clothes for physical education class next, so I’m going ahead!] (Wazu)

[ [ Eh? What!? Waiiit!!] ]

I quickly leave the cafeteria.

When the school is over, I’m waiting alone for Orlando and Freud in front of shoe locker to go hang out with them. Currently the two are being called by Regan sensei. It seems there are things that he would like to ask the two regarding school event matters.

While doing that, there is a voice who calls me from behind.

[Wazu senpai.....] (Haosui)

In response to that voice I turn around behind. There is Haosui an underclassmen who also a member of track club, come approaching me.

From her clothes, it seems she is heading for her club activities.

[Yoo~ Haosui. You’re always working hard in club activities every day. Do you like running so much?] (Wazu)

[I like it..... It feels good to run forward. So, when is Wazu-senpai going to join the track club?] (Haosui)

[Sorry but I don’t have intention to join (Wazu)

[That’s regretable because Wazu senpai is good at running] (Haosui)

I won a short distance game against Haosui once before and we often talked after that. She also enthusiastically invited me to join the track club. Well, I don’t feel like entering though.

[Don’t you have to go practicing? The competition is close, isn’t it?] (Wazu)

[..........Yeah, but I don’t have enough motivation~] (Haosui)

[Then if you win, you can ask me anything as a reward. But of course it’s in the range of what I can do] (Wazu)

[Understood..... You better to be prepared] (Haosui)

[Be prepared?] (Wazu)

Haosui looks so happy for some reason after I said that. She is heading for club activities with a beaming face.

Be prepared? What should I prepare?

Because Orlando and Freud come when I’m lost in thought, I put that matter aside for the time being and go out to play with them.

This is the ordinary time that I spend every day.

I don’t have a girlfriend yet.

Aah~ I want a girlfriend.....

**Proofreader : Niel Dade**

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