Why Did You Summon Me?

Chapter 105

First, it was the sounds, and then the sight of birds frantically taking off into the air from somewhere deep inside the jungle. Moments later, and moments since, an increasing tremor started spreading towards the feet of the rescue party.

Then suddenly, an enormous black thing broke through the jungle, heading towards the crowd.

The black beast had a pair of long, corkscrew-like horns. It had the looks of a mountain goat but its size was at least two horses bodies combined. Its muscles were so solid that no predators would be able to pierce through it. Most damning of all was the eyes of the beast peering at them the eyes conveyed no more than incomprehensible animal hostility.

“What the hell is this bloody thing? The infamous Chimera?” The young sorcerer muttered under his breath in disbelief.

But his disbelief would have been better reserved for the rider of the Chimera. Mounted on the beasts mountain-like body, was a creature even more hideous. It looked arguably human-like, but its towering height about 10 feet tall made Baiyi looked like a child before him. Its arms were thicker than the entire width of Mias little body. Its body was adorned with an assortment of odd-looking ornaments, while its body was decorated with a palette of garish tattoos, making it look like a colorful pheasant.

That was probably the generations Huskar.

“ZARZAR! How many times have I told you to not let that foul bird peck my eyes!” That mountain of muscles jumped down from his mount, his two hands were placed in such a way that when he landed right between the two “tender” Divine Warriors, both his palms were planted at the top of their heads.

Then Muscular Man slammed down on those two heads.

When he lifted his hands, the two guys were already drilled into the earth up to their torso.

“Huskar! Your manners are embarrassing!” Zarzar protested as he pushed Huskars big palms away from his head. He then pulled his legs out of the hole his body had made. “Especially when our long-lost brother is present here!”

“It’s fine if you want to bully Zarzar, but why me?” CharChar complained as he pulled his own legs out as well. In a move of sudden retaliation, he turned around and swung a fist squarely on Huskars chest.

A gust of air appeared when CharChars punch landed, sweeping the vegetations around them away and stripping off a trail of grass off from the ground behind Huskar.

But when all of them looked at Huskar, the man-beast was just standing there expressionlessly, his muscles making the “brbrbbrbrbr” sounds of vibration.

What the hell?!?! The defense fighter could barely utter the words even in his own head. He was already appalled when Huskar had so apathetically slammed those two down with his ungodly strength He could have killed them in so many ways he could have snapped their necks or caused head traumas or broken skulls but those two were barely affected. Just watching them protesting to the big guy like it was nothing made his stomach churn.

“Are these even people?” He could not even speak without stuttering.

“They’re still alive ‘n’ playing? If ’twas me...” Big Brother Zhang gulped as he looked at his own chest.

The defense fighter looked back at the hole on his shield then looked at the barbarians. He shook his head at that flitting thought about winning against those people in any circumstances.

“I-I suddenly realized how lucky it is for us mortals that t-these, ah, people are satisfied with their mountains” Xillians cleared his throat. “If Master Hope successfully gain their aid, every complication in rescuing Lady Undine would be non-existent, right?”

“O’ coorse Master Hope ne’er wantit us, does he?” Second Brother Zhang grimaced. “sides, we are right over ‘ere ‘n’ we are awready scared oot o’ oor brains. What aboot Master Hope, right over thare wi’ th’ monsters?”

Although his accent made most of his sentences quite incomprehensible for Mia, the one sentence that suggested Mr. Hope might be in a dangerous situation did not escape her. She bit her lips as she yanked the end of Tisdales sleeve.

“H-hes going to be okay?” What if they play with him the way they played with each other just nowShe thought to herself.

“Hes going to be okay I guess?” Tisdale said hesistantly. Even if Baiyi was some ancient Rohserlian sorcerer, Tisdale was not too sure if their teacher could defeat the Alpine Barbarians.

Meanwhile, Baiyi found himself face-to-face to Huskar, as the towering warrior studied him like a hawk. Huskar put his hand under his chin as if deep in thoughts, then finally voiced out his suspicion. “You are a Soul Armature but why do you have the scent of a warrior? Why?”

The reason to his question was because due to some unknown reason, Divine Warriors or just warriors, to the barbarians could never be summoned from the dead as a Soul Armature. Huskar clearly remembered that and was therefore unable to decide how much he should trust the stranger in front of him.

“I am called Hope and Im Buvlizads proxy,” Baiyi replied good-naturedly, giving his name and the Cavemans. “This scent is from him I am a friend.”

Although Alpine Barbarians had more brawns than brains, they still had special ways of detecting lies. Baiyi would rather not try.

Huskar did not seem convinced. He scratched the back of his head, he had an awkward expression on his face. “Who is that Buvlizad?”

“Its the Huskar of the generation before you your senior, of some sort,” Baiyi replied honestly. “For some reason, he is unable to return to your ancestors after death. He is detained in a dark, inescapable prison with me.”

“Oh, I think I know who that is. The elders had mentioned him before. He could not return to our ancestors, that is true. But” Huskars hostility had vanished, and so did much of his suspicion, yet he remained vigilant as a few more questions raced through his mind.

“Its okay, we dont have to be friends immediately,” Baiyi cut to the point. “I can repeat my claims before your ancestors in Harrogath. Theyll know if I am telling the truth.”

The Huskar nodded. “The matter about the return of a Huskar is truly important enough to see the ancestors. Besides, there are no lies that can fool the ancestors.”

The towering warrior looked behind Baiyi and although he had long noticed the rest of the rescue party, he had only just acknowledged the presence of what he saw as ‘puny ants’.

“They are my companions, please allow them to join us. You can ask the ancestors about them later,” Baiyi added after watching his gaze.

The ancestors, as the barbarians called them, were actually their tribal gods. Baiyi had a pretty good experience with them, so he wasnt too worried about the possibilities that the ancestors might act unfavorably towards them.

“Alright. Bring them along.” Huskar nodded again.

ZarZar immediately jumped in now that the solemn conversation was over. “What is a proxy?”

“It means agents or diplomats.” Huskar replied.

“Diplomats? I have seen those puny ants diplomats before on the plains. They are very small and weak and they cant even lift up a spear, so they are all bad guys. But this brother called Hope could throw spears very well, so he must be a good guy!” Oddly, ZarZar seemed to have realized that something was wrong with his logic and yet he couldnt really pinpoint what was wrong

How about you dont judge a persons character purely by how well they throw a stick? Baiyi thought to himself dryly. He turned to the team still standing far away and waved, signaling for them to come forward.

“He... He is asking us tae come over there! Dae ye think he is off tae sell us tae th’ savages?” Little Brother Zhang, who was already pale beyond what a healthy person should look like, whispered.

“You ignorant fool. If he wanted to sell us, those people could have just jump across and catch us right here and now!” Xillians snapped impatiently, grabbing their baggage. Ever since entering the mountains, the ponies had been released into the wild, and the guys had been taking turns roleplaying as packhorses.

Mia and Tisdale, never doubting Baiyis intention in the slightest, ran up ahead. Because they were not carrying any load with them, they quickly caught up to the Soul Armature.

The Huskar picked up the sound of their nearing footsteps and turned around, only to cried out in horror. He turned back to Baiyi, wearing a disgusted expression. “Oh my ancestors why are these ladies so ugly?! Do you want the children to cry in their sleep?”

If it wasnt for the fact that Baiyi could not possibly defeat him, he would have given the big man a piece of his mind.

“Mr. Hope? What did Mr. Barbarian say?” Mia pulled his sleeve and asked innocently.

“Uh... He said Um, youre adorable , yes.”

“She has a pretty voice though, like the birds in the valley. She is probably a wonderful singer, I bet. Too bad for the face though” CharChar said.

What ‘too bad’? I should be saying that to you!

“Sir,” Tisdale pulled on Baiyis other sleeve and whispered quietly. “Why do they all wear different tattoos? And the strongest one seems to look very garish . Like a turkey colored by a 4 years old.”

“Uh, um! Cough! The tattoos represent a persons battle achievements. The more colorful they are, the stronger the warriors are because the paint is actually the blood of their preys,” Baiyi answered as quietly as possible. “Red is the common color of blood but many powerful beings have different blood color. Thats why the more the variety of the color, the more formidable the warriors are considered, you understand?”

Huskar stared at Baiyi.

“Uh! She was just curious about your tattoos. She said it looks incredibly good on you, very mighty!” Baiyi said helpfully.

“Hahahaha! Of course, it’s only natural that she thinks that way!”

Maybe Maybe not understanding what each other was saying was for the best...

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