Why Did You Summon Me?

Chapter 66

“Well, it’d be useless,” Tisdale shook her head, a scornful look could be seen on her face, “My father was the last person who was able to operate this formation. He said that he would never hand it over to them. My other relatives were not able to master it. After all, they spent most of their time and energy seeking for more power and money that they have completely forgotten about their honor and duty. Alas, they are no different from ordinary merchant families. Perhaps it was due to the blessings from my ancestors that they never had any geniuses or supernatural beings in their family.”

“Yeah, perhaps that is the case,” Baiyi nodded his head lightly. The core of a Magical Formation actually lay in the internal magic flow and the influence they had on each other. The timing and the amount of the infusion of one’s Mana also played an important role in keeping the formation running smoothly. Especially with that kind of big formation, it was definitely not as simple as it appeared to be— it was not something that could just easily be copied and re-drawn.

However, the more crucial thing is that this formation does not serve any function at all, right? Wanting to summon a 6000 year-old soul? Or an ancestor? How could the family head continue to do something so pointless? Only people who are as idiotic as Tisdale would put a stupid pledge before themselves! This has totally nothing to do with your so-called blessings or I-dunno-what! Everything is just based on one’s will actually!

“Tisdale, did you say that your father was the last person to have mastery over this formation?” A question suddenly came to Baiyi’s mind.

“Yes. Father had passed away in an accident before he could teach me this, that’s why I have to stay here to protect the formation. Frankly, staying all alone in such a big house is very inconvenient. I’ve wanted to sell this house since a long time ago to ease my financial burden because I can barely keep the formation running even with the two alchemist workshops that I own. It was all thanks to Miss Undine from the Dole family, who purchased things from me with a fair price that I managed to survive for so long until now.” Tisdale replied, but when she talked about Undine, a smile lit up her face.

“Actually, Sister Undine is a really good person. She was actually a senior who was three grades above me in the Golden Rose class. She used to take care of me a lot in the academy and even until now. Even this dress was given by her... Ahhhh and she’s so beautiful! How I wish I could be like her!”

Ahem! It’s better if you are not like her... Baiyi could not help but feel a bit embarrassed as he was reminded of the things that he had done to Undine. B ut come to think of it, Undine is only a few years older than Tisdale and she already has to take up the burden of reviving her family? I guess, it’s probably due to these similar burdens that they have to carry that both of them became so close to each other.

As he thought of this, Baiyi asked again, “Tisdale, what if I didn’t show up today? Would you still continue to persevere in maintaining the formation in the future? I hope that you answer me honestly. I promise I won’t blame you.”

Tisdale pondered for quite a while when she heard that question. The expression on her face gradually changed from confused to one of conviction and decisiveness, she nodded her head vehemently and said, “Yes, I’d still continue to uphold the pledge and the formation even if I did not meet you! I would find an honest man and deceive him into marrying into my family then just like my father, I’d educate my children to continue upholding this pledge and keep passing it on to the next generation.”

As she said this, she seemed to realized the headstrong words that she had uttered when she lost her cool. Embarassed, she tried to explain to Baiyi, “W-Well, as for those things that I’ve said in the restaurant... Erm... I-It was in the heat of the moment that time”

While she was speaking, Baiyi observed her eyes. There was a sincere look that was glistening in them that convinced him that what she said was true.

After all, he had the expertise and knowledge from the Charlatan. How could it be possible for a young little girl like Tisdale to deceive him? Because of that, he accepted her reason and had a clear understanding of her previous mindset. With her young age, having to shoulder the burden of a 6000 years old pledge was not something that was easily done.

As for her plan of getting married and so on, well, now that she had already become a disciple of Baiyi, she probably should discard that idea.

“I have one last question, Tisdale. Do you hate them? Those family members that don’t understand nor support you?” Baiyi continued to ask.

Shaking her head, she replied, “No, I’m just disgusted by their attitudes. My dad had told me more than once that we should not hate our own family.”

Baiyi was pleased with such a reply so he nodded and said, “That’s good. Hatred can easily blind one’s eyes and block one’s view from seeing the true path of seeking strength. A person who has hatred in his heart will never truly become strong. I’m very pleased with you answer, Tisdale. Anyway, it’s getting late now. You should go and rest.”

Tisdale nodded her head and quickly got up to give Baiyi a respectful bow— it was the standard Rohserlian salutation posture in which both of the hands were crossed and placed on the shoulders. She had absolutely no care that her chest was almost completely exposed while she was doing that.

After she had left, Baiyi asked the rest of the Walkers who were watching the whole scene, So? What do you guys think about our new disciple?

“She does have good innate aptitude so her learning speed will definitely be faster than Mia-chan. I think that she’ll be a good sister to our little Mia-chan as well. She’s trustworthy, beautiful and nice but... Did her parents really die in an accident as she said?” The Scholar was the first person to express her opinion, it was similar to the question that Baiyi had in mind.

“I’ve thought of that too, but since she doesn’t seem like she’s willing to go in depth about that topic, there’s no need for us to get to the bottom of it ,” Baiyi replied decisively, with no intention to pursue such a meaningless matter.

“Tisdale is outstanding in every aspect. However, I do have one concern,” The Apprentice who was a professional when it came to education voiced out his opinion, “Somehow, she seems to be a little too busy? She has to go to class while maintaining the complex Magical Formation in this house at the same time. On top of that, she even has to manage the operation of her family’s two alchemist workshop to the point that she did not even have the time to look for Mia.”

Now that she has me by her side, there’s no need for her to be so busy anymore. Baiyi replied and followed by another sigh, he exclaimed, One thing I don’t understand is why she’s living in such pitiful conditions if she has two alchemist workshops. The money needed to keep this formation running is a little too ludicrous I think... I can’t help but wonder if it weren’t for the exorbitant expenses of that formation, would their family be divided and fall to such a state? This pledge would probably be easier to uphold if it wasn’t so costly... Hmmm, but then again, if it wasn’t for the aid of that formation that helped bring back the soul of their ancestors, this pledge would probably be forgotten long ago... Sigh,this entire thing is a big contradiction!

That’s because these alchemy workshops are in the hands of those mere mortals!” The Alchemist immediately piped up as soon as he heard of the word ‘alchemy’, “If I was the one who was operating it, it would be as easy as ABC for her to surpass the Merchant’s descendants anytime. Sir Hope, can you check and see if you can get involved in this matter?”

Hmmm, let us not rush into this first, Baiyi answered after a briefly considering it, “After all, it’s not appropriate for me to interfere with my disciple’s business. Let us see how it goes later after I’ve explained our situation to her.

“How much do you intend to tell her about us?” The Thane asked.

“Don’t worry, I know the limit. I won’t tell her too much,” Baiyi reponded, “It’s not that I don’t trust her but I just don’t want her to be implicated.”

Taking into considerations of the Voidwalkers’ reputation in the public’s eyes, Baiyi decided not to put Tisdale in any danger.

“Alright, alright! Let’s stop with these boring and senseless discussions! Let us focus on the main

issue instead!” A voice interjected in the Void trying to shift the discussion into another direction, “So, what do you all think? Mia-chan, Tisdale and Undine? Who is the cutest?”

Who the hell brought this idiotic topic up? Baiyi immediately searched his mind and found out that the culprit was no other than the Seventh Walker, the Hitman. Why is it thay I never realized that you have the potential in becoming a member of the Hentai Union as well?

“Of course it’s Mia-chan! Although right now, body and figure-wise, she’s not as developed as her two sisters yet, she does have great potential in the future you know!”

“Well, if it’s me, I think that Tisdale has great potential too! She has such a rare loyal puppy attribute that would be most suitable for erotic humiliation ! Maybe we can try letting her put on a maid’s uniform? Or we can also start with cat’s ears!”

“WHAT? How can that possibly be enough? We obviously have to use *beep beep* and then try this *beep beep* on her! Oh yeah, that’s right! We could *beep beep beep* too!”

“Mia-chan is cute and gentle, Tisdale is loyal and trustworthy, and all these are very valuable traits in a person. And Undine is so beautiful and... and... OH MY GOD, IT IS TOO HARD TO CHOOSE! But seriously, when it comes to stockings, I’m definitely a fan of Undine’s black silk stocking! Oooooh lalaa~ Adding on to my ‘colleague’s daughter’ fantasy, she seems like the perfectpick!”

WHAT THE HELL IS THIS ‘COLLEAGUE’S DAUGHTER’ FANTASY? IS THERE EVEN SUCH A FETISH? AND WHAT THE F*CK IS THAT BEEP BEEP THING? WHAT WORDS EXACTLY THAT YOU USED THAT MR. AUTHOR HAS NO CHOICE BUT TO CENSOR THEM? Without wasting another second, Baiyi banned them all from talking. Sure enough, it was a grave mistake to even allow them to take part in the discussion in the first place!

Just like that, after a whole night of commotion in the Void, Baiyi welcomed the sunrise the next day. It was the second day of their holiday but the three of them did not leave the house at all, instead, after helping Tisdale clean the whole house, Mia insisted on asking Tisdale to give her a magic tutorial class. She even asked Tisdale to share her experience of battling in the arena as well.

Hmmm? Looks like this little fellow is really determined now. But then again, why didn’t you ask the expert that is standing right here and choose to find your Sister Tisdale instead? Watching the lively antics of those two young girls, Baiyi could not help but feel a little jealous. However, he did not plan on stopping them at all. After all, sometimes, learning from one’s peers would yield better results from having a conservative old-fashioned teacher.

Translator’s Thoughts

asukatarilinn asukatarilinn

Okay guys! Let us play a game here! Let’s see who can replace the *beep beep* part with better words! The winner will win the title ‘King of all Hentais’ bestowed by the Hentai Union! Woohoo~ Let the Hentai Battle commence!

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