Why Did You Summon Me?

Chapter 24

Huh what? Are you trying to get her to be your apprentice now? Did you forget about your real disciple now that you find Mia to be cuter and more obedient?

“If I could get my ass out of here, I’m going to break the oath that I made last time and create a real magical weapon for Mia. It would be my first time forging a weapon for a human being again after 3600 years,” the Blacksmith announced solemly.

Even the Lich, a guy who originally planned to control Mia by using the Lich Transformation Ritual, proclaimed, “I will let her inherit my Souls of the Enslaved and let her be the first person alive to touch my weapon!”

Umm, hello? Is there any sincerity in your words at all? Haven’t your magical staff been smashed to pieces in that earth-shattering battle a long time ago?

Perhaps it was Mia that made those old monsters who had experienced thousands and thousands of years in jail, feel the warmth of humanity or perhaps it was Mia’s kindness and thoughtfulness that had touched them or even maybe, they had finally come to realise that relying on the efforts of a small little girl was actually quite a heavy burden for her. So when Baiyi was giving Mia a lesson in the evening, they actually had a long-awaited formal discussion in the Void.

“The quality of the equipment itself is not particularly important, there are other means that could be used to make up for it. There is a church in the city of Arfin, isn’t there? We could carry out divine blessings there, it will greatly enhance the strength of the equipment. Although asking Sir Hope to enter the church is a very risky thing to do but with the help of the Charlatan’s trick, I’m sure this should not be too difficult,” Mr ‘Hentai’ said, oh wait a minute, after such a serious and deliberate remark, it should be okay to give him back the nickname Paladin. After all, the suggestion he made was quite plausible.

“The risk of this approach is still kind of big. Let’s just keep it as a backup plan first. Right now, I think the best idea is to make some money first,” the Scholar added.

“Or, how about we just ask Sir Hope to go to the Dole family once again? If my descendants have not forgotten the traditions of the family, they should still have a vault hidden in the family’s estate. I can still vaguely remember the location and the opening method,” the Merchant followed up. Did he really just suggested for Baiyi to steal his own money?

“It doesn’t sound right. Theft is not a good thing. Perhaps we could find a way to contact my old friends who are still alive. It’s quite possible for us to get an adequate amount of funding from them,” the Apprentice interjected. As he was the youngest Walker of the group, it was possible for him to know a few living people in this world.

This approach is not impossible but it’s quite troublesome to find for your friends who are still alive. We would need a touch of luck as well... Baiyi told them inwardly while teaching Mia at the same time. That little fellow was not the least bit aware that her Soul Armature was doing two completely different things at the same time.

When Mia began to feel sleepy, Baiyi finally touched her head and told her to go to bed. But still, the discussions among the Voidwalkers had not yielded any conclusion yet. It seemed like there was finally something that could baffle the formidable Voidwalkers at long last.

But then again, come to think of it, there was nothing much that they could have done in that situation. There were too many restrictions and conditions such as not being able to reveal their identities, having to uphold their honor and morality code and at the same time they had limited funding and resources. With all that limitations, it really wasn’t an easy to task to earn a huge amount of money. This could be regarded as a big challenge for the Voidwalkers. That group of people actually does not know much about earning their own money. They were either born wealthy and not having to worry about money or they are ignorant when it comes to the value of money that they did not care at all about those golden or silver colored things.

Baiyi could not even recall the last time that those people had been so serious. He almost couldn’t recognize them anymore.

Just then, a voice that had not spoken for a very long time that all of them had almost forgotten about its existence, broke the silence, “Let me have a word please...” After hearing this voice, all of the Voidwalkers including Baiyi and the Archmage fell silent and turned attentive.

The person who spoke was the Knight, who was also the Second Walker. He was a little aloof and he had always remained low-key in the group of noisy Voidwalkers. He seldom participated in those boring and pointless discussion to kill time. Instead, he chose to endure the loneliness and solitude all by himself. He did not speak a word at all even when Baiyi had found the opportunity to leave the Void.

However, this did not prevent the other Voidwalkers from showing him a modicum of respect because of the ordinary title that he had when he was still alive— the Sacred Knight. That name was fairly ordinary without any unnecessary and pompous prefixes and suffixes but compared to his strength, the title was a huge understatement.

Strictly speaking, anyone who had entered the Legendary Level and had a sword as a weapon could be called a Sacred Knight. It was a title for those that had reached a certain rank in the knighthood. However, the moment this title was presented to him, all those successors who came after him was forced to choose other titles such as the Sacred Knight of the Land, the Sacred Knight of the Sea or even the the Sacred Knight of the Treasures so that his title remained distinct and distinguished from everyone else’s. This was similar to the First Walker who gave himself the name Archmage and since he took up that title, nobody else dare to use that name anymore.

After seeing that all of them were quiet and that he had their full attention, this man who had monopolized a generation went on to say, “You can try the method that I used when I was young.”

Instead of giving his opinions on the idea that the Knight had just suggested, the Archmage chimed in, “Oh, you are finally willing to speak now? I almost thought that your sense of self has dissipated.”

“Hrmph!” The Knight scoffed coldly, “I just don’t want to waste my energy participating in those nonsense discussions. Anyway, Fifth Walker, you can try the approach that I used last time. Well, that is if you still remember how.”

Do you mean the... arena? Bayi asked tentatively. From what Baiyi can remember from the Knight’s memory, he was not as quiet as he was now when he was young. Instead, he was quite a competitive and passionate young man who was generous when it comes to helping the poor. That was why he was always short of money.

And at that time, there were not many money-making methods. Therefore, he took a simple approach by battling it out at the arena where he managed to win lots of gold coins. He spent the money buying the best wine, getting the best-looking women and in no time at all, he spent all of his money. And so, he continued to the next arena and eventually, with his sword by his side, he defeated all of the arenas in the three biggest realms. And ever since then, he never had to worry about money anymore.

Baiyi had to admit that his experience in his youth was the most unrestrained and reckless among all those people.

“It seems like you still remember. Then, just go! Just like how I did in the past! I’m sure you have not forgotten my skills right?” The Second Walker continued.

Honestly, Baiyi had almost forgotten that he was holding on to the legacy of these warriors. As a disciple of the Archmage, he had always seen himself as a sorcerer instead. All of those skills and techniques of fighting skills had long been dismissed from his mind. Fortunately, there was a thing called muscle memory and with the memories and experience he inherited from those warriors, it would not be difficult to pick them all up again.

But then, if I were to go to the arena...

Baiyi inwardly weighed the pros and cons of this method. Yes, there was no doubt that it would be a fast method to earn money. If his luck was good, he could even get some special magical equipment or even rare ingredients as a reward. In truth, he had also thought of this method before but to reveal himself in such a public area and to show off his skill, it did not sit well with his identity as a Voidwalker and besides that, there was a need for them to stay low-key at that point. Therefore he did not continue thinking about it at that time.

The only person who could think of such method in the current circumstances that they were in was no other than the Second Walker who made a living from battling in arenas. No other person in the group would stoop so low as to use this method to make money.

“There’s nothing wrong with this method,” the Knight replied with conviction. “Compared to those weird magic that you guys have, combat skills are much more subtle actually. Who would remember the swordwork of a man who had died thousand of years back? Let alone the fact that I had made many improvements and changes to this world.” Having said that, he paused for a while before he continued saying to the rest of the Walkers proudly, “I know that most of us here are magical beings, but sometimes, fist is much more effective than magic.”

“You do have a point. You know, compared to the fixed effects of magic, combat skills are much more flexible. If one is cautious enough, he would be able to hide his weak point and would not be bound by any patent laws, ” The Archmage, who was also the leader in the magic field, confirmed. Then, turning to Baiyi again, he said, “My disciple, you did not forget all these right?”

Looking down at the tip of the Chi Blade that appeared from the tip of his ox-leather gloves, he smirked and said, No I did not.

Releasing one’s Chi Prowess was one of the skill of a Master Level warrior. Even though Baiyi only possessed the Intermediate Level of innate capabilities at present, as long as he understood the skills in theory, he only needed to coordinate and control his strength. He did not need to control his energy too much provided that he did not release his ultimate skills like Starburst Stream 1 or something. In terms of flexibility, there was no doubt that Chi Prowess was much stronger than Mana.

Therefore, at this stage, if Baiyi were to use his combat skills to fight, it would yield better results than using Mana.

Alright then. After the wandering sorcerer Andrew, I guess I’m going to play the role of a rogue knight, Sven 2 , this time, he said half-jokingly.

“Don’t forget to cast the Linken’s Sphere 3 too, alright?” A voice could be heard saying suddenly from the Void. At once, the previously serious atmosphere was ruined.

Translator’s Thoughts

asukatarilinn asukatarilinn

OH A HORNINESS-FREE CHAP! And a serious discussion amongst the Walkers! *Sniff* And here I thought I would never live to see this taking place! But still, it was quite short-lived when the Dota reference was thrown in again.... Well, I guess I shouldn’t even be surprised anymore at this stage. *laugh* I can’t wait to see what’s gonna happen in the next few chaps when Baiyi go to the arena... One thing for sure is that he’s gonna beat everyone’s ass I suppose! Oooh~ Would love for him to beat mine too ahem ahem!! Okay probably not gonna take place anytime soon unless some fourth wall breaking could happen! Perhaps, the most that we could wish for is for him to beat Mia’s ass instead.....ahem.......You know what I mean *smirk*.... Anyway, please continue to love and support this novel! Here are some virtual cookies for everyone ~~

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