I Have A Super USB Drive

Chapter 130: Three Movies

Chapter 130: Three Movies

Ten minutes later.


There was a shutter sound produced by a camera, a bright white flash appeared in the warehouse before darkness overtook it again.

Chen Chen removed his sunglasses as he walked out of the warehouse.


Cheng Cao approached him and saw Studebaker sitting absently on the chair in the warehouse, his memory erased.

“It’s alright, he’ll leave on his own by the time he comes to his senses.”

Chen Chen made a waving gesture and entered another vehicle. “Let’s go, Cao.”


Cheng Cao nodded and entered the driver seat.

As Cheng Cao started the car, Chen Chen leaned his elbows against the window and slowly became absorbed in thought as he looked out the window.

Chen Chen planned to hypnotize Studebaker to dig up his memories so that he had something to verify his theory.

However, Chen Chen attained nothing except for some private matters of Studebaker.

This meant that Studebaker directed the movie that way of his own accord. He was not subject to any form of external influence.

Now, this was interesting...

Chen Chen lowered his eyes faintly and let countless thoughts surge across his mind.

Could it be said that there was truly a hidden power in the world that served to connect the present with the future?

It was not so much as Chen Chen overthinking it, these sorts of events did regularly occur in movies. For example, in certain movies, the villain would receive a prophecy from a seer that they could acquire the secrets of martial art by attaining A and B. Therefore, the villain began scheming to get A and B.

After attaining martial art, the villain was again informed by the seer that they would fall to the hands of A and B.

At this point, the villain began panicking and started to weigh the strengths of both sides:

First of all, on the villain’s side, the villain was max leveled and full slotted, with red and blink. The villain could hold its ground whether it was a sneak attack or a straight-up ambush.

As for the two opponents, they may be ten levels lower. Barbarian only had a Bilgewater Cutlass to eventually build into a Blade of the Ruined King while Blademaster was building a Wit’s End. The villain only needed to pull off a succession attack to get a double kill.

So, the villain blinked right in front of the two of them and went with a QREAW combo, drew a red on Barbarian, and began to chase down Blademaster.

What? Blademaster on his last hit popped his ulti and slipped away?

What? Barbarian popped his ulti and fled as well?

Due to the villain not killing the two of them immediately, Blademaster and Barbarian had space to farm now. In the end, after the two of them were farmed, they turned the situation around and killed the villain, forcibly fulfilling the prophecy of the seer.

Was the result caused by the foretelling of the seer? Or was it the other way around where the result was already set in stone and the seer merely foretold what was bound to happen?

Would any of this had occurred if the villain had not listened to the seer’s prophecy in the very first place?

These disturbing thoughts constantly flickered in front of Chen Chen’s eyes. He glanced at his wrist and got a feeling that the USB drive strapped to his bracer with its black gleaming light was silently staring at him...

Chen Chen could not help but shake his head when he arrived at this thought.

The only way to know was to wait till the 30 May three years later and see if the events depicted in the movie did occur.

In the movie, the company that invented the AD-001 drug was called Osmond Biotech. Chen Chen had Little X investigate it and found that such a company did exist in real life.

This was considered nothing out of the ordinary. The term Osmond meant one who received the protection of God. It was a rather common name.

Besides, the company was just an inconspicuous, small company. It had nowhere close to the funds necessary to develop any form of drugs related to Alzheimer’s disease.

There was nobody named Rowling Keith in the company nor was there any of the other players as shown in the movie. All of it appeared to be a simple misunderstanding.

See, the protagonist of the movie was the movie star Bruce Kane in real life. The other casts were renowned Hollywood stars as well. If the events of the USB drive were to be represented in real life, how was the issue with the identity of these people supposed to be addressed?

Did this mean that Bruce Kane and the entire casts were going to jump careers to being scientists in three years?

Was this not utter nonsense?

Chen Chen gave it some thought. If nothing happened by that date, then naturally, it would prove that he was just overthinking things.

If the events of the movie did transpire, what was he going to do?

Was it supposed to suggest that even after three years and exhausting all options, he still was not unable to train a scientist that was qualified to handle the issue?

How was that possible?

Fortunately, the movie did not end with the protagonist eradicating the entire villain organization like the work of magic. Otherwise, even if Chen Chen was not able to verify if the events would occur, he was going to have to be one step ahead and eliminate the problem at its root.

The point being, the movie was far too bizarre. There was no chance of Chen Chen shooting a sequel. From today onward, Chen Chen was going to have Little X continue monitoring the actors involved in the movie as well as the company which shared the same name, just in case there were any unforeseen changes.

This was why Chen Chen came all the way out to the North American continent.

Chen Chen was left with no other choice since it had to do with his survival.

Fortunately, tonight’s effort was not all in vain.

At least Chen Chen had determined that the use of hypnosis coupled with a certain amount of tranquilizers could yield astounding results.

The trials on the rules of the USB drive shall continue. This time around, Chen Chen was going to take another approach.


Several days later, with the help of the Edwards family and Chen Chen’s investment, Miramax studios took on the role of production and distribution. The parties finalized their collaboration with a long-term contract.

According to the contract, the two sides would collaborate to film a batch of new movies. Chen Chen would be providing the story structure along with the script while Miramax studios would be handling the production and distribution.

For their first collaboration effort, Chen Chen issued three orders –

The respective titles of the three orders were: Immortal, Cancer Man, and Chronicle 2: Darkness Rises.

Chen Chen specifically occupied an hour of his time to write the script for the first two movies.

For the first story, Chen Chen set it to be three hundred years into the future. At that point, humanity’s technological advancement had reached an extremely advanced stage. On top of attaining controllable nuclear fusion technology, humanity also made up for the genetic defects that came with aging. The disease known as aging was obsolete to mankind.

Due to the rise of nuclear fusion technology, space migration was in full effect. Using several atmospheric synthesizers, planets such as Europa and Mars were transformed into habitable climates similar to the Earth.

As for the plot of the movie, it was a short story revolving around the coming-of-age experience of the protagonist. The story had its fair moments of laughter, parting, youthfulness, and growth.

Simply put, the movie did not contain any form of adrenaline-pumping scenes. It was merely a simple story depicting the simple life of the protagonist over several hundred years.

Also, plenty of high-tech equipment made their appearances in the movie. For example, an automated teaching device that was able to transmit information into the brain at 100Mbps, an autonomous surgery operator that was able to cure all kinds of diseases, and hibernating chambers installed in spaceships.

Based on Chen Chen’s description, this was a science fiction film.

Also, though Chen Chen based the movie to be three hundred years ahead of the present time in reality, there were no villains or any form of conflict present in the movie. He figured that if he did it this way, then it should not create any kind of interference with himself... Right?

If there were no interference, there should be no accidents occurring either.

The next film, Cancer Man was set in a parallel universe. The story was about a savant scientist who developed a drug that was able to cure cancer – CAN-005.

It was a form of targeted drug. Instead of being targeted at humans, it was targeted at the cancer cells within the human body.

This meant that this was a drug that was able to completely eradicate all cancer cells without bringing harm to the human body...

It was the exemplary targeted drug. The protagonist received the highest honors in the medical world due credit to his invention of the drug. However, still unsatisfied, he began looking for a way to manipulate cancer cells.

From his perspective, cancer cells had unlimited potential. Was it not a waste to simply kill all of them?

What if cancer cells could be controlled by mankind to address the effects of aging and various injuries sustained by the human body? Did this mean that humans could be essentially immortal?

In the end, the protagonist developed a new drug known as CAN-09 and began conducting clinical trials while keeping the government in the dark.

Unfortunately, all of these experiments failed. Furthermore, volunteers died as all of the cells in their body were transmuted into cancer cells.

The government found out about the protagonist’s experiments and dispatched troops to arrest him. Knowing that there was no way he could get out of this predicament, the protagonist injected himself with CAN-09 as a final act of desperation!

In the end, he succeeded...

For this movie, Chen Chen planned to model it as a thriller similar to the movie The Fly. The movie was going to conclude with a tragic ending, thus making it the perfect commercial science-fiction blockbuster.

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