Red Storm

Chapter 211


The greatsword started to cut through the wind.

Yulian ignored putting up any defense, as if this was an all-or-nothing battle. He just swung his greatsword to the left and to the right, showing his desire to cut Venersis in half. Venersis clenched his teeth tightly before crouching his body close to the pirma in order to dodge one of Yulian’s greatswords. The strength of the sword made Venersis feel the chills. Yulian was fighting as if he did not care if he died together with Venersis.

“Fine then.”

Venersis shouted loudly as he swung his shamshir from top to bottom. He needed to show Yulian his will as well.

Yulian took turns parrying Venersis’s strong and fast attack with his two greatswords.


A pain that made him feel like his wrist was going to fall of pierced through his wrist. The weight of the greatsword only added on to intensify the pain.


One of Yulian’s greatswords fell down.

However, Yulian did not even flinch as he grabbed the remaining greatsword with both hands and pushed forward.

What was the result?

At that instant, the two weapons missed each other and headed for the other person’s body.

A life for a life.

From top to bottom, from bottom to top, both of them were slashed by the other’s weapon.



The Red Storm and Desert Sword were both carefully watching Yulian and Venersis’s battle, before turning pale after seeing both men fall off their pirmas at the same time. Both sides tried to rush toward their leader, but the opposition was intense.

They both knew that if the other brigade reached their leader first, their leader’s life would be in danger.

The battle between the two brigades intensified for a bit, but it could not last long.

They both used their gazes to come to a temporary truce.

Both brigades slowed down their attacks as they approached their respective leaders and retrieved them to safety. Neither side looked back as they rushed toward their main forces with their leader in tow.


Yulian opened his eyes with a small moan.


He could feel some weight on his legs. Yulian lifted his body up a bit and looked down, only to find Grace and Violet on either side of the bed, leaning their heads on his legs and dozing off.

‘What is going on?’

Yulian looked at his two wives and felt the pain throughout his body as he started to think about what happened to him.


Yulian finally remembered what had happened to him. He had felt pain in his chest after taking Venersis’s blow and had lost consciousness.

“I lived.”

Yulian found it odd that he was still alive. If Venersis did not allow him to leave alive, there was no way he would still be sitting here like this.

‘Now that I think about it, did I feel some impact on my sword as well?’

Yulian thought about that moment as he opened and closed his right hand and just sat there blinking. He then started to smile.

He was certain that if his blow did not manage to land, Venersis would have definitely taken his life.

“These girls.”

Yulian bent his waist to caress his wives’ heads.


He felt an intense pain running through his chest.

As soon as Yulian let out a groan, Grace and Violet both raised their heads as if they had made a promise to get up at the same time.


The two women jumped up and put their hands on Yulian’s chest and back, before carefully laying him back down.

“You have a very serious injury. I really thought you were going to die, honey.”

Yulian lightly smiled at Grace’s words.

“Would I die and leave you and Violet behind? Do not worry too much.”

“Do not take your injury lightly. Yulian-nim, you have been laying here unconscious for over half a month already.”

“That long?”

Yulian was completely shocked at Violet’s words.

“Yes. Your injuries were so severe that no one could guarantee your survival. You don’t know how worried everyone has been.”

“What about the war? What happened to Venersis?”

There would be a significant impact on the war with him being out of action for half a month. If Venersis’s injury was not severe, Pareia would have faced a lot of issues. Yulian quickly asked once he came to that realization.

“We have called a truce. We needed Yulian-nim’s approval, but since Yulian-nim remained unconscious, I made the decision.”

If something happens to Yulian, all authority to make decision went to Grace. That was how important the role of the Mother of Pareia was to the tribe.

“The Shuarei accepted the truce? What were the conditions?”

Grace lightly shook her head and responded.

“It was actually the Shuarei who suggested the truce first. I just agreed to their request.”

“The Shuarei requested it first? Then Venersis?”

“We suspect that he must have received a significant injury as well. That was what the Red Storm warriors indicated they saw, and if Venersis was not heavily injured, there would be no reason for the Shuarei to suggest a truce first.”

“Huu~ that is a relief.”

Yulian let out a sigh of relief.

Violet started to speak.

“You need to first put all your energy into your recovery. The Greatest Warriors are taking care of the warriors right now, and Runa-nim is serving as the commander right now so there should not be much issues.”

“Please call Runa, Greatest Warrior Egane, and Haisha. We need to prepare our defenses. We cannot trust the Shuarei’s Glow.”

Yulian recalled his past memories and started to speak. He recalled how they were caught off guard from a truce and how that led to his mother’s death.

“Of course we have already set up our defenses. Pareia’s warriors are ready to go at any moment. We are just not marching forward to attack. That is the same for the Shuarei as well.”

Yulian nodded his head at Grace’s response and answered.

“Mm, but still please call those three over. I need to at least hear what is going on right now.”


Yulian finally let out a sigh of relief before speaking to his two wives once more.

“I’m sorry for causing both of you to worry. It looks like neither of you got any rest. Please don’t worry about me and get some rest.”

The two women were exhausted, having taken turns without sleeping to nurse Yulian. They both had thick dark circles under their eyes and their skin was extremely rough. The only things that were neat was their hair and outfits, as they needed to take care of business on Yulian’s behalf during the day. They needed to look put together to deal with the tribe.

Now that they confirmed that Yulian was okay, the two women did not decline and headed back to their paoes to get some rest.

A bit later, Runa, Egane, and Haisha all entered Yulian’s paoe at the same time.

“Glow, are you okay?”

“We worried a lot.”

As the three men each said something to Yulian, Yulian ignored the pain and lifted up his arm and clenched his fist.

“Your Glow is this healthy.”

“We’re glad you are okay. There are a lot of items that require your approval. Grace-nim has been taking care of nursing you back to health while taking care of the necessities, so we could not dare to ask her about them.”

Egane and Haisha both frowned after hearing what Runa just aid, but Runa did not seem to care.


Yulian was starting to laugh before frowning from pain.

“Runa, you are talking like your usual self. However, I am more interested in the current situation. Grace told me a bit about it, but what is going on?”

“There is nothing special about it. The Shuarei called for a truce and Grace-nim accepted it. Although we thought it was a great opportunity since Venersis was significantly injured, Grace-nim indicated that it would be fine to attack once the Glow woke back up. As a result, I could not go against her order.”

“Ha...ha...alright. It is a bit disappointing as it was a good opportunity, but do not hold a grudge for Grace choosing not to attack.”

“I would not dare to do so. I just wanted to let you know about the situation. We have also tried our best to figure out whether Venersis is still alive, but the security around Venersis’s paoe is so tight that it is extremely difficult to infiltrate. However, we can at least be certain that he has received significant injuries. If not, they would not have missed this opportunity when you were missing to attack us.”

Yulian grabbed Runa’s hand and answered back.

“You’ve worked hard. Greatest Warrior Egane.”

“Yes, Glow.”

Egane, who had really become an old man now, responded with concern in his eyes. Yulian straightened his back a bit to make eye contact with Egane before continuing to speak.

“How is the defense going? I believe you know what the Shuarei has done in the past when they called for a truce.”

“How could I forget about it? It was this Egane’s stupidest moment.”

This veteran warrior had never forgotten the fact that they lost Yulian’s birth mother, the Mother of Pareia, because of his and two other Greatest Warriors’ being caught off guard. It probably pained Egane just as much as it pained Yulian.

“Although it may be called a truce, there are still small scale battles of around one hundred per side continuing to happen. We are also not preventing them from happening. We thought it would be best to let them continue to fight in order to prevent the Shuarei from suddenly attacking us and catching us off guard. In addition, the warriors are all still prepared to go into battle. We are able to launch an attack at any time.”

Yulian put on a satisfied smile at this veteran warrior’s stern response. Egane’s actions were fitting of one of Pareia’s proud Greatest Warriors.


“Yes, Glow.”

“You fought against the Desert Sword. How did it go?”

“If the Desert Sword did not have so many people, we would have been able to kill at least half of them. However, we were not able to deal much damage as they had at least ten or so more people than we have.”

“I was asking about any injured Red Storm warriors, Haisha.”

Haisha raised up his palms to create an X after hearing Yulian’s statement and proudly answered.

“There are no deaths in the Red Storm. However, Baraba and three others did receive decently significant injuries. The rest only received minor injuries that we do not need to be concerned about.”

Yulian smiled with satisfaction once again. If he could just completely overpower Venersis, Pareia would be able to be stronger than the Shuarei in every aspect.

“Good, good.”

Yulian said good many times over and over before telling all of them to properly carry out their orders. He then sent them away and laid back down on the bed.

With his body being so tired, he quickly fell back asleep.

End of Chapter

Next up:


Internal Affairs, Diplomacy, Military. Pareia did not want to miss out on any of these.

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