Red Storm

Chapter 115

“Also, the Greatest Warriors and veteran lead warriors suggest that you visit the warriors’ training frequently.”

“Mm. I’ve been so focused on the internal affairs lately.I have felt that the warriors have been a bit disappointed with it.”

“It is because hyung-nim is the symbol of Pareia’s warriors.”

Yulian started to laugh as he responded.

“I understand. I have been feeling that we need to conduct a large scale training in the oasis, and tighten their minds that have gotten loose through this radical reform.”

After hearing what Yulian had to say, Pere decided he did not have to share his concern anymore.

His brother already knew about everything.

Pere swung both of his arms widely in the air as he changed the topic.

“It’s a great night tonight.”

“Yes it is. By the way, is it going well?”

“What do you mean?”

“Learning under Greatest Warrior Egane.”

Pere lightly scratched the back of his head as he responded.

“It is very difficult. Normally, it is something you are slowly supposed to experience, but to learn it like this......”

“If we can add a Greatest Warrior’s leadership skills and discernment to the herculean strength you already possess, it would be like having another War God in Pareia. Do not be lazy with your studies.”

“Hyung-nim, I am not a little kid. You are worrying about useless things.”

As Pere answered with a bitter smile, Yulian put his hand on Pere’s shoulder as he started to speak.

“You seem to be young as well because of little Sense, hahaha.”

“Sense Provoke was Pere’s two year old son.”


Pere had heard from his wife that Grace felt a huge burden from the fact that she still has not beared a child. He also knew that Yulian really liked children to the point that it was hard to take his son or Orca’s daughter out of Yulian’s arms.

But maybe one of them has an issue, since his hyung-nim has been married for over five years and still has not has a kid. As a result, Pere had to be very cautious with the things he said.

‘Knowing hyung-nim’s personality, he will never take a new wife until hyungsoo-nim [1] has a child. And hyungsoo-nim will drag a single girl into hyung-nim’s life even if she needs to force it.”

Yulian was very stubborn and it was very difficult to change his mind about anything, and his hyungsoo-nim was also someone who accomplished anything she put her mind to achieve.

Pere was worried that the two of them would end up getting into an argument because of it.

Honestly, Yulian was being stubborn because he loved Grace and did not want to see her feeling hurt.

Seeing Pere’s expression turn grim, Yulian patted his shoulder as he started to speak.

“Do not worry about it too much.”

“I am not worried at all.”

“I know.”

“I will head back now.”

Pere bowed to Yulian before turning around and walking away, as Yulian just continued to watch Pere with a bitter heart until he could not see Pere anymore.


Yulian looked at Runa with a shocked expression at the unexpected suggestion.

“Yes, a castle.”

“Are you talking about that thing in the continent?”

Runa answered Yulian’s question.”

“Yes. A CASTLE.”

“Not a fortress but a castle? Why?”

“Aren’t you planning on fighting against the Silence Empire?”


Yulian continued to gaze at Runa. It felt like Runa had looked right through his thoughts.

“We need to at least have the entire Eastern Desert under our control. Only then will we have enough strength to take on the Silence Empire.”

‘Just how far has he thought about ?’

It should have been easy for Runa to figure out why Yulian had a grudge against the Silence Empire.

But for him to have already been preparing to go against them; that was beyond Yulian’s expectation.

“We definitely need a castle. In order to take on the Silence Empire after unifying the Eastern Desert, there are too many disadvantages with the current oasis structure.”

“But we have so many places to use the materials right now. We do not have the luxury to create such a thing.”

“The construction will take a long time. We need to start the construction now so that the castle’s foundation will be completed by the time we unify the Eastern Desert. Of course we will need to continue strengthening it after that, but we need to start now because the foundation is the most important part.”

Yulian thought about Runa’s statement for a bit before asking a question.

“Are you thinking about building a castle and then using that as the location to create what they call a capital in the continent?”

“Yes, Glow.”

“But then wouldn’t it be difficult to quickly react to a Shuarei invasion?”

Runa put his hand on his chest before speaking.

“We will not move right away. Furthermore, the moment we unify the Eastern Desert, the balance of power in the desert will completely break. I am currently planning for ten years into the future.”

“Ho! Amazing. I’ve only had the vague thoughts about unifying the desert and fighting against the continent.”

“I know that the Glow has made some preparations as well. I’ve just divided into different segments.”

“I am curious about this plan of yours.”

Runa started to describe his ten year plan.

“First, the biggest hindrance to our unification of the Eastern Desert is, as the Glow expects, the Shuarei. However, the Shuarei should not be able to have more than 60,000 warriors by the time we have 100,000 warriors. Our population is already at least 1.5 times the Shuarei’s population.”

Yulian had been thinking about that as well. Pareia’s population had already passed 1,200,000 while the Shuarei’s population was now around 700,000.

Runa continued to speak.

“Time is on our side. Three years from now, we will not need to worry about their provocation as long as the Glow and I are around.”

“Runa, do not look down on the Shuarei’s Venersis too much. He is the only person in the desert that I am unable to defeat.”

“I heard about Pareia’s war against the Shuarei. It was because I had heard about that war that I was, at one point, able to effectively defend against the Glow. All you have to do is not face a monstrous warrior like that. Furthermore, now I have a Glow who can take him on, so even if we went against him, it would be our complete victory.”

Yulian, who started to smile at Runa’s confidence, was laughing as he shook his head.

But internally, he felt that this confident warrior was very trustworthy.

He really felt like he could not lose a war as long as he was together with Runa.

Runa opened one of his hands as he continued to speak.

“The quicksand river and 50,000 warriors. If you give me the leadership over these 50,000 warriors, this Runa is confident that I will be able to successfully defend against even 100,000 warriors invading from the Western Desert. We have many talented Greatest Warriors, and it seems even Pere-nim is studying to be a Greatest Warrior as well.”

“Pere was born with a divine power, so soon enough, I expect that other than some of the Red Storm members and myself, none of the other warriors in Pareia will be able to fight him one on one.”

As Yulian started to happily talk about his younger brother, Runa nodded his head and agreed.

“It is true that he is an amazing person. While Pere-nim and I are defending Pareia, Yulian-nim can take the remaining warriors and move to unify the Eastern Desert.”

“That was what I was thinking about as well. It is just a problem of time.”

“There are only three tribes left in the Eastern Desert, with similar numbers of oases. Maybe if the three of them joined forces they would pose a threat to us, but the tribes of the Eastern Desert have not had good relationships with each other for such a long time that it would be difficult for them to work together. As a result, I believe we will be able to defeat them in a short amount of time.”

Runa smiled again as he opened his hand once more.

“I believe we will need five years to accomplish all of that. I also predict that the war between the Rojini Kingdom and the Silence Empire will begin within these five years as well.”

Yulian asked with a shocked expression.

“You’ve already considered that far?”

“Even if we unify the Eastern Desert, the truth is that we will not have the strength to fight against the Silence Empire. The Silence Empire is a strong empire with a population over 20,000,000 people. In addition, their number of troops is over 300,000. Wouldn’t we need to accurately know about the situation of the continent in order to take them on?”

Yulian started to shudder.

And seeing that the person who made him feel that way was saying all of this as if it was nothing made him shudder once more.

“The only feeling I can have of you is awe.”

“Since I am the Glow’s assistant warrior, I I just worked to make sure my thoughts were in line with yours. And that is why I have a suggestion for you.”

Yulian moved forward as he asked.

“What is it?”

“Please create a relationship with the Rojini kingdom. The sooner the better.”

“How so?”

“You can dispatch a diplomat or even send a messenger. All we had to do is show them that the desert tribe known as Pareia is able to annoy the Silence Empire. I presume the effects will be multiplied if you also tell them that we are able to provide them with black water they will need for war.”

“Isn’t all of our black water traded to Edwin?”

“We will increase our output. In addition, I’m sure Edwin will be the happiest about this deal.”

“Why is that?”

“It is not like we can transport the black water. We will need to send it through Edwin.”

Yulian tilted his head as he asked.

“Why would Edwin like that?”

“It is the perfect opportunity for a merchant guild to make connections with the royal family of a strong Kingdom. War has always been a once in a lifetime opportunity for merchants to benefit significantly. He will also have connections to both us and the Rojini kingdom, so the amount of classified information he will have access to will be very high. There is no way that merchant will not take advantage of this opportunity.”

Yulian looked toward Runa with a worried expression.

“Will he be able to handle it?”

“That is that person’s issue and something for him to figure out. If he makes the wrong move and goes bankrupt, we can break the monopoly contract and make many merchant guilds compete against one another to give us the most profit.”

Yulian started to frown a bit.

“He is someone who has helped us quite a bit. I do not want to just use him.”

“Glow. War in itself is something people should not do. You must harden your resolve. Furthermore, the decision is in Edwin’s hands so you have no reason to feel guilty.”

At Runa’s stern words, Yulian started to smile bitterly.

“For now, that is my plan for the next five years. I still need to think through the different scenarios for the five years after that, so I will report that once I have everything prepared.”

“I understand.”

“Oh, and Glow.”

“What is it?”

Runa suddenly started to stumble upon his words and could not make eye contact with Yulian as he started to answer.

“That... you see... well.”

“You were talking so well, what is going on?”

“Mm...that... could you please tell Grace-nim that...I liked the girl...whose hair comes down to her shoulder......”


The two of them stared at each other for a long time.

“Hahahahat, I understand.”


“Hahaha, I’m sorry for laughing. But I just can’t help ... hahaha.”

Runa’s face started to turn bright red.

The sixth month in the year 256 of the continental calendar. Many people of the continent were currently moving around in Pareia.

There were a lot of people who were gathering black water, and the construction of the Castle of Storm had started in the Eastern Oasis.

Hold on! As this chapter comes to an end.

I hope that all of my novels are connected to each other.

In the next chapter, we will be introduced to two figures who are my next project’s main character and heroine. We will also head to the Magic Tower, which will be the largest arc for this novel.

I am just telling you in advance in case you start to wonder if this novel is completely changing to focus on martial arts from here on. ^^;;

From here on, you can pretend that any extra characters with importance (Chun Myung Hoon and Edwin are kind of the representatives of that group ^^;;) are figures from other projects.

I plan to share with you the stories that I had thought about from the moment I started to write my first novel 3 years ago, one by one.

The feel of the story might not seem to align with each other (based on the character), but I am cautiously thinking about whether you will develop interest and enjoy the figures that the Red Storm characters come across for the rest of the series. But I am letting you know now that there will be no overlapping in the stories themselves.

I will briefly bring this up again with the introduction of the Magic Tower.

End of Chapter 8.

Next up:

A New World

The place he returned to.

A new world and meeting new people.


[1] Korean term for sister-in-law

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