Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 64 064: Cows Vs Demons: The Moodown

Cole jumped to the side when the bull rushed at him, with all the intent in the world to gore him, and it\'s rush was not basic in the least as black haze giving off significant heat coated it\'s entire body. There was a draft of wind from the rush that threw him backwards and right into the path of another cow.

Cole was lucky, he escaped getting bored by the horns, but he was still hit hard enough that his entire body was flung into the air. He twisted himself in the air and landed on his feet, his sides burning from the pain of being hit. There was a cacophony of Moos going around the barn as all the cows rushed at him in agreement.

Cole ran towards a beam and jumped on top of it, scaling it before using [High Jump] to get to the rafters of the barn. And just in time too as the bullsmashed the beam to pieces, wood chips flying every which way as Cole pulled his rifle out and took a shot at the Bull, as it seemed to be the leader of all of these bloody cows.


"Mooooooo Nooooooo!" one of the other cows screamed out and jumped in the path of the bullet, taking the shot in the sides and crashing to the ground in pain.

"Betty noooooo, how dare you Mooooooo!" the Bull called out at Cole as even more heat seemed to waft of it\'s body.

"What the fuck?" Cole asked out loud, completely baffled by what the fuck was happening in front of him right now, it made absolutely no sense. But there were cows that needed to be killed, he had too- "Oh fuck!"

Cole called out in shock, unable to do anything as the bull had picked up the cow that just sacrificed her life for him, and then threw the cow straight at Cole. It came at a speed he couldn\'t exactly follow, and the Bovine smashed into him, throwing him backwards off the rafters, into the roof, then through the roof then out into the open as his body made and arc into the air and fell to the ground into a field of corn.


Cole cried out in pain as his legs were twisted in awkward angle. He had the misfortune of landing feet first, the bones in his legs were shattered, and as the seconds ticked by this was annoying Cole more than he would have loved to admit.

He just ranked up some of his stats into silver and here he was getting his ass beat by a couple of talking cannibalistic cows. And through it all, where the hell was Morgan. Cole shifted his head, but the Corn field he had landed was quite tall and covered him well.

[Demonic Constitution]


Cole felt a significant drain on his energy as his legs snapped back into place, he was down to roughly 8% of his total energy pool, which spoke volumes of the injury he had just received. He made to pull out an energy capsule from his inventory, only to realize that he had used them all during his foray into the dungeon.

Quickly got up to his feet, and just in time to see the barn doors blasted apart as the bull called Morris charged out, leading a bevy of his cow friends, sisters or harem along with him. Cole ducked down, and held his rifle in hand. He was out of sight, and while he could take the fight to the Bull, with him being this low on energy, they would absolutely kick his ass.

Everything he had on was naturally geared to making him as stealth like as possible, it would not be possible for them to get to him unless he made himself visible…. Or so he thought.

"I can smell you murderer! Comrades! Attack Mooooooo!"

"oh come on!" Cole cursed out loud as he lined the sights of his rifle. Even if he couldn\'t see anything, he could still hear the direction in which the Cows were coming from, and right now he needed energy, a lot of it.

[Double Tap]


"Mooooooo Bessie Noooooo."

Cole was confused, wasn\'t Bessie already dead. But he didn\'t dwell too long on it as he felt the onslaught of energy Cascade through his body, enough for him to actually consider facing these bovines head on.

The bull rushed out of the cluster of corn, heading straight for Cole, but he was ready as he utilized [Gravity] using it to push the bull to the side like he was a matador, and firing his rifle right at the flank of the bull. To his extreme shock the bullet bounced off its body, as it continued it\'s charge forwards for a few meters before coming to a stop.

Cole jumped into the air, evading the cows that came next before landing on the back of one of them. [Lesser Mind Control] saw its first use as he had a cow in front crash into the next one, bringing them crashing to the ground whilst he used [Sin Eater] on the one he was on for just a few seconds before jumping off.

The cows all began to pile up on each other, with some of them having a harder impact than the last. The cows themselves seemed a little endless, but Cole wasn\'t worried, with them in between him and the bull, he had at least had a few moments to think and do this.


It was beginning to get on his nerves that his Mechanoid Direwolf King was nowhere to be seen, all these cows were supposed to be prey for him. Cole turned in the direction of the pile up, and just in time for the bull to blast through them and come straight at him with full speed.

[Spectral Rover]

​ Cole\'s energy dropped to the bottom as the skill refused to take hold much to his shock. The Bull gored him, then threw him over it\'s head, to land amongst the broken remains of it\'s fellow cows. Cows that had been collateral damage in it\'s bid to get rid of Cole.

This was not looking good for Cole, his clothes had defended him as much as they could, but right now there was a large hole in his chest, and he was bottomed out on energy. There were cows around him to drain, especially in their injured state, but Cole doubted the crazy bull would let him do so, he would be trampled to death before anything else.

"Moo prepare to die! *snort!* and be dinner! For Bessie and Betty and Bessie and Betty and Bessie and Bessie and Betty Mooooooo!" the bull charged.

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