The CEO's Wife Is A Demon God's Daughter

Chapter 410 Hannah's Tricks

After all his efforts, Tristan had finally met one of the investors today. He only needed to talk with the other three investors. He was hoping to finish everything within this week so that he could finally go home to his wife.

He was still bothered by the fact that Clifford Sy had approached his wife, Zhen-Zhen. He didn\'t know whether it was just a coincidence that the two of them met or it was intentional and planned by Clifford.

He kept thinking about it since yesterday. What if Clifford was trying to get back at him by getting closer to his wife? He hoped not, because if something would happen to Zhen-Zhen or if ever he would try to harm her, Tristan would never forgive him.

Tristan had warned Zhen-Zhen to be wary of Clifford and not to trust him easily. They didn\'t know his real motive for seeing Zhen-Zhen.

He didn\'t mention to her his past conflict with Clifford since he wanted to tell her in person. Tristan just told her that he was from a competitor company who caused the problem in their two branches abroad.

It was already 8:00 pm when Tristan and Matthew reached their hotel room. Tristan\'s room was in between Hanna and Matthew\'s room. Matthew was occupying VIP Room #405 while Hannah was staying in VIP Room #403.

Hannah noticed the arrival of both men. Her exhibit was done early today. She was waiting for Tristan to arrive. Tonight she would try to implement her plan and invite both Tristan and Matthew to her room for celebration.

She included Matthew so that Tristan would not suspect her of anything. But she already prepared a back-up plan so that she would be left alone with Tristan later on.

Hannah waited for several minutes before she came out of her room. She let Tristan and Matthew changed their clothes first in their respective rooms before inviting them.

After a while, Hannah went out to see Tristan in his room. She rang the bell and knocked. It did not take long when Tristan opened the door for her. He was already wearing his comfy clothes.

Hannah couldn\'t help but admire Tristan\'s physique. He was so gorgeous even in those simple ordinary clothes he was wearing.

No wonder, his women couldn\'t say no to him and they were the ones chasing after him although they knew that Tristan would never commit to a relationship with them.

Meanwhile, Tristan was a little bit surprised to see Hannah outside his room. He thought it was Matthew who was knocking on his door.

\'How did she know my room number?\' Tristan pondered at that thought.

"Hi, Tristan. I saw you and Matthew passing by. What a coincidence? Our rooms are just next to each other. I\'m staying in room 403." Hannah pretended that she didn\'t intentionally follow Tristan on the fourth floor.

"Oh yeah, indeed a coincidence. By the way, why are you here? Do you need something?" Tristan asked her directly.

After everything that happened in the past, he somehow felt awkward in Hannah\'s presence. He felt uncomfortable because of the confession Hannah did before. He just hoped that Hannah had already set her mind straight, moved on, and just be happy with his brother, Andrew.

But since Andrew acted as if there\'s nothing wrong between Hannah and him, Tristan thought that the two of them were maintaining their harmonious relationship as a couple.

"My exhibit had just finished today. I wonder if I can celebrate the success together with you and Matthew. I prepared some food and drinks in my room. Can you join me?" Hannah softly said with her pleading look.

"I celebrated with the team this afternoon but since both of you are here, I am thinking to have a min celebration with you and Matthew. After all, the two of you are my only friends here in this foreign country," Hannah added, convincing Tristan.

Tristan contemplated for a moment. But in the end, he agreed since Matthew would also be with them. He could also see that Hannah was trying to act like how they used to before... being as good friends.

So Tristan could see nothing wrong if they would celebrate with her as her friend. Besides, he already made a mental note to maintain a certain distance with Hannah so that Zhen-Zhen would not misunderstand their relationship. Hannah was still his childhood friend.

Hannah rejoiced inwardly when Tristan agreed. She was excited to bond with him like the old times. Soon, the two of them called Matthew to join them. The three of them entered Hannah\'s VIP suite.

Just like Hannah said, she already brought everything. The food, snacks, and drinks were prepared in the living room.

\'Eh, if we didn\'t come then will she try to finish all these foods by herself?\' Tristan mumbled to himself upon seeing the snacks Hannah had prepared beforehand.

The three of them settled down inside and began to talk, eat and drink. While doing that, Tristan didn\'t fail to message Zhen-Zhen and check on her. He was busy texting his wife that he was not paying any more attention to Hannah\'s speech.

Hannah felt disappointed and frustrated upon noticing that Tristan was very occupied texting his wife. She just tried her best to hide her displeasure. She continued conversing with Matthew who was also talking a little.

Since both Tristan and Matthew were not very attentive to her, she found a great chance to implement her plan.

It did not take long when Matthew suddenly felt some discomfort as if he got an upset stomach. Feeling embarrassed, Matthew just said some alibi that he would get something in his room for a moment.

And with that, Hannah and Tristan were left alone in her room. Several minutes had passed but Matthew hasn\'t returned yet. A playful smile crept across Hannah\'s face when her initial plan worked out.

When Tristan noticed that Matthew didn\'t return. He decided to call it a night and go back to his own room. He said goodbye to Hannah and she didn\'t try to stop him.

However, when Tristan stood up and was about to leave Hannah\'s room, he suddenly felt dizzy and collapsed.

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