The CEO's Wife Is A Demon God's Daughter

Chapter 72 A Shocking Surprise

« At Oceaniz City »",

After watching the sunrise, Tristan and Zhen-Zhen roamed around the mountain first before going back to the resort. As usual, Tristan brought his favorite camera. Their journey wouldn\'t be complete without it.",

When the two of them get tired and hungry, they decided to leave the mountain and go back to the resort to take a rest and eat breakfast. To make it faster, Zhen-Zhen used her power once again, to fly from the mountaintop going down the feet of the mountain.",

Zhen-Zhen could sense other people\'s presence within one kilometer radius that\'s why they didn\'t have to worry if ever a person would see them floating in the air or in other words- flying. Zhen-Zhen could avoid them easily.",

When they returned to the resort, Tristan found out that Andrew and Hannah already checked out. He didn\'t expect that Andrew would leave without accomplishing the task given by Grandpa Lu.",

The hotel staff at the front desk also informed them that they already dropped Hannah and Andrew in the airport.",

Hannah\'s parents learned about her hospitalization. Since she was their precious daughter they got worried and requested them to return to the City of Empire right away.",

Andrew had no choice but to call Grandpa Lu. He told him the situation. He asked permission to leave Oceaniz City together with Hannah. He apologized for not accomplishing the task he had given him. Besides, Tristan was still there to do the field research alone.",

Grandpa Lu didn\'t object. He thought it was better this way. The two brothers should have time and space for a while or else the conflict between them would just get bigger.",

"Is there something wrong, Tristan? Is Hannah fine now? How is she?" Zhen-Zhen asked him curiously.",

Tristan nodded at her with a smile. "Yeah, she\'s fine now. I heard that she got discharged today. Andrew and Hannah went back to City of Empire today." Tristan satisfied her curiosity by answering her question.",

"I\'m glad to hear that." Zhen-Zhen heaved a sigh of relief.",

Zhen-Zhen and Tristan were the ones who continued the field research. They toured around the resort, watching and observing their best features that they could also adopt once Heavenly Star Paradise would rise in the City of Empire.",

"Hmm, Zhen, tell me. What do you like most about this resort hotel?" Tristan asked her while they were strolling around the vicinity of the hotel.",

Zhen-Zhen paused for a moment, touching her lower lip using her forefinger while thinking. Afterward, she gave Tristan an honest answer based on her perception.",

"It is close to nature. I love it." Zhen-Zhe flashed her sweetest charm as she said those words.",

"As well as their care for their guests," she added.",

Tristan chuckled after getting her response. She never failed to amaze Tristan. He felt like Zhen-Zhen was improving a lot day by day.",

"By the way, Zhen-Zhen, have you decided already about the course you want to take in college?" Tristan asked her out of the blue.",

Zhen-Zhen faced him with a bright smile on her face. Then she bobbed her head frantically.",

"I want to study… photography." Zhen-Zhen said with so much enthusiasm in her voice.",

Tristan was taken aback by her answer. He didn\'t expect that she would choose that course instead of choosing other courses that were highly in demand like nursing, medicine, business management, teaching, and etc.",

"Why did you choose that?" He asked her quizzically.",

"Because Tristan likes to take pictures. I saw your shots. They are so beautiful. I like them. I can also see how happy you are whenever you are holding your camera. I want to become a professional photographer and catch the beauty of this world through my camera."",

Tristan didn\'t know how to feel right now. If he was not one of the heirs of Heavenly Star Enterprise then he would choose photography as his course before. And He would explore and travel the word together with his precious camera. It was his simple dream before.",

"Okay, Zhen-Zhen, if that\'s what you want then I will not object. Besides, if you want to take another course after finishing your study in photography then you can also pursue another different course. I will support you." Tristan reassured her.",

"Thank you, Tristan. I\'m so excited to go to school." ",

Tristan let out another chuckle. "Then you have to pass the examination first. I will start tutoring you once we get back to the City of Empire."",

"Yey! Tristan will teach me. I am looking forward to that."",


« At City of Empire »",

Hannah and Andrew just arrived at Hannah\'s place. Her parents were already there waiting for them.",

Aside from Hannah\'s parents, Andrew\'s cousins, Mark and Daniel, visited them as soon as they heard that Andrew was coming back to the City of Empire today.",

Andrew left Hannah so that she could have her moments with her parents alone. He went outside the balcony to entertain his two cousins. ",

By just seeing their wicked smile, Andrew could tell that these two cousins of his were up to something. So he decided to ask them. He knew that their visits today had something to do with their evil plan.",

"Andrew, our dear cousin! We thought you would be staying at Oceaniz City for one week. Why are you back already?" Mark asked him, putting his arm around Andrew\'s shoulders.",

"Hannah is not feeling well. Her parents also requested us to go back." Andrew simply replied to him.",

Daniel shook his head while clicking his tongue. "Tsk Tsk Tsk. It looks like our dear cousin Tristan, your brother will take all the credits now. He\'s the one who will accomplish Grandpa Lu\'s task."",

Andrew\'s face contorted with annoyance and irritation at that thought. Seeing his ugly expression, Mark and Daniel burst out laughing.",

\'Did they just come today to provoke and annoy me like this?\' Andrew thought to himself, his brows were drawn together in a deep frown.",

"Hahaha. Don\'t worry cousin. We will help you ruin Tristan\'s reputation in your company. In fact we already made the move. See this." Mark said while handing his phone over to Andrew.",

Andrew watched the video on the phone screen.",

"That video will spread out by today in social media. So don\'t worry. Tristan will have a shocking surprise once he returns here." Daniel said with a sly smirk on his face.",

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