The Legacy System

Chapter 434 - 434: Not So Naïve And Innocent Beauty

Chef Guo was so worried about this matter that he wasn\'t able to see the weird reflection on the beauty\'s eyes.

There wasn\'t much love or trust in her eyes towards the Chef. As a matter of fact, she looked like she was bored and tired of this idiot.

After all, no matter what happened in the end she was forced to take care of everything that popped out by herself. Furthermore, he was already close to expiring his use in her scheme.

How would Madam Li accept her claims if she kept around someone useless like this guy? It would be like shooting herself in the foot, as most probably Madam Li would take repetitive DNA tests.

In order to stop all of that nuisance, she had to try her best and take care of this matter before it grew out of hands.

Thinking like that she felt that the young Chef Chen had given her a good chance, not only to shut his mouth but also to deal with this nuisance.

Differently from this guy though, now that she had a bit of experience she was thinking of using him as an expendable toy from the beginning, she had that confidence in her charms.

Meanwhile, Eric was totally unaware of the beauty\'s thoughts, as he had reached his own room with a satisfied look on his face.

The moment he entered inside though, he was faced with the reeking smell of blood, as on top of his bed, the normally naïve and innocent-looking Lan\'er was pulling out a bullet from her shoulder.

That wasn\'t the only wound in her body though, as there were 4 more bullets on the ground, and 2 more holes in her thighs.

None of the wounds seemed life-threatening, but their convergence was a bit of trouble, as she had lost a massive amount of blood.

If she was unable to procure some blood replacement, then she would surely die in the next hour or so. To think, that she would come in Eric\'s room in such a condition, and time.

Seeing Eric arrive she quickly left the special scissors to take out the bullets, and pulled a silver nighthawk from beside her and pointed towards young Chef Chen saying,

"Don\'t make a noise, and come help me with these wounds, otherwise you will travel to that world before me!"

Right now, that innocent and naïve aura around her had totally disappeared, and she looked like some kind of cold, and stone-hearted assassin.

Eric just looked at her with a weird and complicated look, as he didn\'t want to exactly get involved with her. He didn\'t trust her and was tired of pulling weird and questionable women around him.

Furthermore, he had a gut feeling that this one was especially involved with the assassination attempt on Gao Jixie.

So he was faced with two questions in front of him, either save her and make use of her or kill her himself to get rid of her.

The first option was troublesome as he would even have to put a slave seal upon her body, while the second option would cause disturbance in the Mansion before he wanted.

Not only that, but Gao Jixie would be even more attentive to everything that happened around him if he knew that there were assassins infiltrated in his own home.

Thinking like that, he had no other choice but to select the first option and show her who was the real boss.

With that thought in mind, he chuckled for a moment and disappeared from his location, as his voice spread through the room,

"Hhahah~! With those wounds of yours, I wouldn\'t recommend doing something so strenuous beautiful. Otherwise, you would be dead before me even if you shot me in the head!

Isn\'t that right!?"

The last words sounded from really close to the beauty, or to be more exact sounded right from her heart and were more of a whisper than fully-voiced words.

Before the beauty couldn\'t understand what had just happened, she felt a cold and sharp dagger slightly touching her throat.

It was clear that her life was on young Chef Chen\'s hands. Something that she had never even dreamed would happen.

After all, the reason why she had decided upon this place to come and hide was that she was hoping of using any sentiment he might have to help her.

But also because she thought that he was just an ordinary young Chef, with just a high virility. She had never thought that he was in fact a Master close to her level.

"Wh-Who are you? Wha-What do you want?"

"Well, for now just keep the mouth shut, and leave everything to me!"

With that said, Eric pricked his own finger with the knife and started drawing some symbols on her forehead, that slowly sunk into her head.

The beauty could do nothing to defend herself against it, as she was already extremely tired mentally and spiritually.

Even the small defense that she tried to set up drained her completely and made her lose conscience.

Eric had already expected something like this to happen, so he quickly continued with the work she had started and taken out the remaining bullets.

When he finished, he quickly took out a few medium-quality Health Potions that he had concocted himself, and then feed-kissed them to her.

Since she was unconscious it was impossible for her to drink the potions by herself, so he had to do it that way. Furthermore, with their relationship, these kisses were nothing more than normal.

When he finished treating her, he just put her under the blankets and started cleaning his place. If he didn\'t do that, then the whole place would turn into a blood stinking area.

Well, he had smelled even worse, so that didn\'t really bother him, but it would surely bother the other people living close to him.

When he was finished he finally tucked himself under the blankets with her and slept to have a good rest.

The next morning the beauty woke up under the blankets with his hugging her body, and not feeling any pain whatsoever.

It looked like whatever had happened the other night had been just a dream or an illusion. Unable to believe her senses, she immediately flew the blanket away to have a look at her naked body.

But there was nothing, not even a scar on her body. She looked like she had never been shot by more than 6 bullets in her body.

With these results, she couldn\'t help but look with wonder and doubt towards the man that had been hugging her until now, as she said,

"Just what did you do to me! Stop pretending to be asleep!"

"And I thought that you would turn to the naïve and innocent version of you! Well, not that you could still act around anyway!

As for what I did to you, it\'s actually really simple! I placed a slave seal on your conscience and healed you with some extremely valuable medicine.

In other words, you will have to work for me for the rest of your life, in order to repay me for not letting you die.

How does that sound?"

"Are you serious!?"

"Well, you can try to attack me, and see the consequences for yourself!"

Without even a second of tarriness, Lan\'er turned her right hand into a fist and directed it towards young Chef Chen, only to feel a terrible head-splitting headache and stop midway.

"This should be enough proof don\'t you think?"

"You… How dare you? Do you have a death wish? Do you know who I am?"

"First of all, why wouldn\'t I dare, especially when you are a liability in my plan!

Secondly, I am too young to die, and there is a lot of things and women that I would like to try and taste! Furthermore, even if you wanted to, you could never kill me!

Last but not least, I don\'t know who you are, but surely I would love to know it, so why don\'t you tell me!"

Lan\'er was thrown off track, she had never thought that this guy would act so confidently and naturally after those words.

With their interaction of before she had thought him to be just an easily influenced womanizer, not even in her wildest dreams and imagination would he be someone like this.

She couldn\'t believe her eyes, and ears at that point, but at the same time she thought that he was acting like that because he didn\'t know who he had messed with, so she said,

"I am a bronze ranked assassin of the \'Black Widow\' assassination organization, one of the most renowned organizations for assassination.

We either fulfill our mission or die trying! There has been no failed case until now!"

"Wow! It seems like I have stricken gold this time, but still, it\'s a little shame that you are only a bronze-ranked assassin, as the information you can access should be extremely low!

Sigh~! To think that I went that far only to end up with a weakling!"

"Wha…? How dare you call me a weakling!? You damned fellow!"

"Well aren\'t you? I am sure that bronze rank is only one or two steps above the bottom tier, isn\'t it?"

"Well, that true but…"

"But what? I am certain that you don\'t even have information on the one who paid for the kill of Gao Jixie, do you?"

"…! No, I don\'t!"

"Exactly my point, you are nothing but a weakling! Well, anyway with my training you should turn out to be a bit helpful in the future.

So, work hard, don\'t disappoint me!"

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