The Legacy System

Chapter 401 - 401: Beating A Dog To Attract His Master

Eric had to accept though the leader\'s plan seemed quite good, especially considering the fact that he was taking the brunt as a true leader, creating opportunities for the rest of his fighters.

Even Eric felt a bit of respect for this guy, as he felt that he wasn\'t that bad. In fact, he felt that this guy had quite the potential and with a bit of training he would surely shape up to a fine leader.

But that didn\'t mean that he had any thought of altering his plans, or not continue with what he had just started here.

With those thoughts in his mind, he didn\'t lose even a second of time, as he jumped forward to meet his attackers head on. It had been some time since he had done a warm up session.

Since none of these guys were his match, and he didn\'t want to quickly deal with them and then get bored waiting, he decided to give them a chance to show their skills.

Like that he would be able to better lead and train them later when they actually came under his rule.

That\'s right, there was another reason why Eric had selected precisely this small city to make his appearance, and that was because this place was easy to rule, and then spread.

Since he had arrived here, then he thought that he might as well create a foothold in this country, in case he needed to use it in the future.

Having extra cards was never a bad idea, as this would also give him more of an influence not only in this country but also internationally.

Furthermore, it was extremely simple to start spreading from this small city into the whole prefecture of Wenzhou.

For that reason, Eric didn\'t attack them, but just approached them fast, and then either received or dodged their strikes.

In the next 20 minutes, all he did was dodging and received their fists, kicks, palms, elbows, and knees but none of them seemed to actually work.

Forget about actually hitting and injuring him, he didn\'t even seem like he was breaking a sweat while he was dealing with all of them.

The guys attacking him had all become extremely tired, sweating, and gasping for breath, while Eric seemed like he had just taken a small walk by the sea.

"Wh-huh-who a-ah-are yu-uuh-you?"

"It doesn\'t really matter who I am, what it matters is that I want you to call your boss and tell him to come here with as many people as he can gather!"

The leader guy was already gasping for breath at that moment, so hearing Eric\'s words he couldn\'t help but look at him weirdly, as his jaw dropped to the floor.

It wasn\'t his fault whatsoever, but when someone would expect Eric to run away in order to not get in trouble, he made such a request. How the heck couldn\'t he be shocked?

"A-are you sure!?"

Even though he felt that it was extremely stupid to ask such a question at the moment, he still couldn\'t hold himself from asking.

"Hhaha~! What an interesting fellow! Yes, really!"

"Ok, but don\'t forget, you asked for this!"

Once again Eric couldn\'t help but feel a bit surprised. He was someone who had appeared here to cause trouble, turned them all into this state, and this guy was acting like that.

Did he have some loose screws in his head or something? Still, no matter what it was, it didn\'t make much of a difference for him.

The leader seemed still a bit hesitant at first, but then he called someone else, explained the situation, and told him to bring as many people as he could.

Once that was done, there was nothing else left for Eric besides waiting for the announced people. He had already expected this, but still they sure took their sweet time.

It was only after 20 minutes that finally the called guys arrived at the premises of the place. From what he could tell there were 2 buses, and 3 cars that had arrived outside.

The buses had 26-30 people inside, while the 3 cars were filled out, with a few of the guys in those cars even carrying guns.

Still, looking at the lineup and the called out people, Eric felt that they were a bit too weak for them to be the leaders of this City.

That clearly meant that whoever was the Master of the underworld in this city, still didn\'t seem him good enough to make an appearance himself.

This situation kind of ticked Eric, as despite expecting something like this, he felt that it was just too humiliating for him.

As if that wasn\'t enough, the moment that these guys entered inside, the one in the lead said in an extremely arrogant tone,

"Release our brother, and ask for an apology right here right now, and then come away with us!"

There didn\'t seem to be any consideration towards Eric in his words, as he treated Eric like some kid trying to show off.

Now that truly vexed Eric, as he looked towards the incoming guys, and said with a chilling cold tone,

"Either bring your Master here, or I will teach him how to take care of his barking dogs. You have only 10 seconds time to make your decision!"

The guy in the lead seemed to get extremely angry at the fact that Eric was challenging his authority, as he screamed at his own people,

"Go and give that kid a lesson! How dares he to mess with us!"


The people behind him, just screamed in a loud voice, and then immediately ran towards Eric, each and every one of them wanted to teach him a good lesson.

None of them actually put this kid in their eyes, as they thought that he was some kind of kept boy and nothing more.

Probably the only reason why he was acting so cocky was because he had the back up of a Woman whose husband was in a high position.

While they might be afraid of that bitch if she were here, now that she wasn\'t they felt like they had nothing to fear about.

Being treated like that seemed to have truly gotten into Eric\'s nerves, as this time he jumped forward not to dodge but to kick and kill a few of these guys.

He didn\'t need to use weapons against these guys, whatever they had on their hands was more than enough of a weapon. Furthermore, his own body was a weapon for someone like him.

With those thoughts in his mind, he quickly reached the first guy, who had a machete in his hands aiming below his ribs.

Instead of trying to dodge the attack by retreating back, Eric suddenly increased his speed, and before the attacker could understand what happened, he had already sliced his throat.

He found no reason to be soft with these guys as they were attacking him with killing intent. It wasn\'t his fault that these guys were seeking death of their own accord.

After the first it was the second, and after the second there was the third, and so on and so forth.

In a short 10 minutes more than half of those guys were lying on the floor, either lifeless or badly injured.

Eric hadn\'t pulled his punches in the least, and he didn\'t seem to have any idea of starting to pull his punches soon.

Still he hadn\'t forgotten the reason why he was doing all this, as in another 10 minutes, the only remaining people fighting were the ringleaders.

Since Eric had some work with them, he couldn\'t allow them to pass out or die, so he intentionally started sealing their acupoints, or even breaking a limb or two.

The poor ex-leader seemed to be in a difficult and terrible situation at the moment, and who wouldn\'t actually? Eric had just killed more than a dozen people and injured the rest by himself.

This was a great indicator to understand the difference between himself and Eric. It comparison to Eric he seemed just like a meaningless ant.

Before he could actually regain composure of himself, he heard Eric say to the new coming leader,

"Call your boss, explain the situation, and ask not only for reinforcements, but tell him to come here personally. If he wants to see his people alive when he comes, he better be here in 30 minutes."

That guy couldn\'t believe what he had just heard, and it was needed a nice slap from Eric to wake him up and actually call for his boss.

Since Eric still didn\'t understand the language completely, and it was his great fortune he had Ren Jia by his side.

As long as she didn\'t say anything or take any action then it meant that things were going smoothly. Still he couldn\'t afford to lose his concentration.

When he seemed finally over with the warnings, and report of the situation, Eric grabbed the Smart phone from him, and then started talking in English,

"Bro, you have 15 minutes to reach here if you want you people to be alive when you come here!"

The people beside him who were still alive, and kicking couldn\'t help but ask,

"Wh-why did you do something like this?"

"I am just beating the dog so that I attract it\'s Master\'s attention! Normally I wouldn\'t have done something like this, but it was your own fault for trying to act above your paygrade!

Now there is nothing we can do besides waiting for your Master to arrive. I just hope that he actually has some actual strength…

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