The Legacy System

Chapter 306 - 306: Eric’s Death & Sharks

Concentrating better on that erratic red flower of blood, they were able to see signs of a floating corpse and a few snakes on top of it.

"Damn, that motherfu*cker! Aaghh~! I wish to rip him in cinders! My Malayan krait king snake!"

Even though the two of them were able to see Eric\'s corpse floating on the water, and a few snakes even enter his orifices, the two killers didn\'t seem happy.

As a matter of fact, one of them was cursing and insulting angrily at the damned guy who made him lose his best \'weapon\' while the other was looking with a murderous expression, even though he said nothing.

Even though the second guy didn\'t say a thing, and there was a mask covering his face, he still extended a hand to calm down the person by his side.

It was clear that these two guys knew each other, and by the way, they interacted with each other, most probably the two of them were quite close.

If Eric was still here he would be able to understand that he had been set up, as the masked assassin was one of the guy\'s who wanted to kill him from the beginning.

Well, if he were there, as right now he was in quite the difficult position himself. Unconscious, and close to death!

On the surface it looked like at the middle of the erratic blood flower there was only a corpse similar to Eric, but once one tried to look closer they would be able to immediately see it was a fake.

In fact, besides the general characteristics of the body, this damned corpse was nowhere close to the real body of Eric.

Not only that, but this damned thing even lacked normal features, like eyes, mouth, nose, ears. More than a human body corpse, it looked like a scarecrow in the middle of the ocean.

The truth was that this scarecrow human thing was something that Eric was able to assemble in a second or two, in order to \'fake\' his own death.

He knew that experts would doubt the death of another expert even if they saw their bodies with their own eyes, and confirmed their deaths personally.

But the fact remained, that even then they would only doubt, and not act immediately to search for them.

It wasn\'t that they doubted their own skills, but just nature and their opponents. For experts that surpassed the normal, it was extremely normal to have one or two saving graces.

Well, those doubts depended on how believable was the death show, and on the skills of the person playing dead.

The reason why Eric\'s death was believable was due to the circumstances around it, and his situation.

All those people had seen him getting bit by the king Malayan krait, and at the same time get cut close to his throat by the poisoned dagger, and then fall underwater, and the scarecrow after.

His death was almost 98% confirmed already, and considering that the boat wouldn\'t stop no matter what, then there was no chance of confirmation.

Not to mention that one of his opponents was a \'snake charmer\' who couldn\'t exactly jump underwater, and look for him.

As for stopping the boat, that was a joke in and of itself! That was a boat sending secret agents towards the Senkaku Islands, someone that was able to do something like that happen, wasn\'t someone small.

The organization or the person behind was not something those two guys could dare to offend, and it was said before they even boarded, that no matter what happened on board, the boat wouldn\'t stop.

Even though Eric had no idea who was able to make such a bold statement, and make it happen at that moment, he knew that it was no one simple, and probably one of his stepping stones.

But that didn\'t matter right now, as he was under a human scarecrow, and unconscious in the middle of the ocean, with a blood patch all around him.

If a shark or two found him in there then he was finished, but he wasn\'t even able to think about something like that at the moment.

He was trembling and shaking profoundly, as purple veins were appearing all over his body. As if blood wasn\'t enough, his trembling was added to the attention-grabbing arsenal.

Not only his body, but even his Soul Sea seemed to be in quite the trouble at the moment, as the venom seemed to be spreading everywhere.

It wasn\'t attacking only his body, but even his Soul and Conscience. If he didn\'t do something at that particular moment, then most probably he was going to die without understanding why.

The venom didn\'t have sentience to know where to attack, so it was just working naturally spreading where ever it could.

But the moment that it approached its Soul a white light would be activated, and then the venom would be sucked inside and neutralized.

It was clear that the Legacy System, or to be more exact the divine artifact carrying the Legacy System inside Eric\'s body was more than capable of getting rid of the venom, and yet it didn\'t act.

It was only protecting his last line of defense his soul that it was attached to, as it didn\'t seem to mind about every other part.

At the same time, many warning windows were open on the systems interface for Eric, but since he was unable to even think straight at that moment, he couldn\'t read them and was even less active.

At that moment he was in the hands of fate, his conscience was gone, his body was being devoured by the venom, and he was being approached by many dangerous sea animals.

No matter how one looked at it, Eric was a goner, he was a dead man breathing, as his breathes were slowly counting to zero with each passing second.

The situation was growing more and more dangerous with each moment, especially when a few triangular fins slowly started appearing over the surface of the water, approaching closer to him.

Even though the fins seemed to be taking their time, and just surrounding the area at the moment, with how much blood was spilled in there it wouldn\'t take much time for them to attack.

The blood was all poisoned blood, but actually how effective it would be against sharks. The possibility of sharks dying of poisoning before eating Eric was close to zero.

No matter how one looked at it, Eric was finished!


Suddenly out of nowhere, Eric jumped from under the scarecrow corpse, to take a sudden breath of air, as if he had just been revived.

He had no idea what was going around him at the moment, as he only knew that he was extremely lucky to be alive, but the next instant his instincts were alarming him of the dangerous situation he was in.

He didn\'t even have the time to have a look around, when a big shark seemed to surpass the initial shock, and make his way towards him with an open mouth.

Eric was unable to make a big move at that moment, as he could only instinctively use the human scarecrow in his hands and push it towards the shark\'s mouth.

The shark clearly wanted to eat the one who caused a ruckus as it was trying to hunt a living thing, instead of a dead corpse, but it had no opportunity of choice, as its mouth was stuffed with that.

While his mouth was stuffed, and it was unable to bit Eric, its frontal impact was still there, and managed to drag him under the water.

Eric had just breathed heavily a moment ago, and now was brought underwater like that, he wanted to curse and insult this shark inside his heart, but he had no time to do it.

The shark that assaulted him wasn\'t alone, he was there with friends and family, as before Eric could even think of a curse, a second shark made its way towards him.

"Motherfu*cker, I, your father won\'t die here!"

Thinking like that, he immediately used his Blood Clone technique to create another human scarecrow and stuffing the other guy\'s mouth.

While these things were just initial goods, as were only made of raw meat, and blood, without bones or anything complex, they were more than enough to stuff their mouths.

It was the same as trying to block some leaking tube using cloth, while it might not be the best choice, it was still effective to block the rate of the leak.

Once again though, he was pushed under the water, with another shark coming for him. These damned animals were coming for him one after the other.

Was he that much of an attractive food!?

But he didn\'t have time to think about this, as he stuffed the mouth of another shark, and then another, and then another.

It was only after he did this thing 5 or 6 times that he was finally able to take a breather, as the sharks were trying to eat the stuff in their mouth.

Even though it was just raw meat, they were still unable to process it and eat it quickly, but the problem was that the more they bit, the more blood was flowing, and the more attractive this place was becoming.

While Eric\'s method seemed to work, he didn\'t have enough material to feed the whole shark tribe underwater.

So he couldn\'t delay anymore and had to make his move as soon as possible, otherwise, he was going to end up as nothing more but shark food…

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