The Legacy System

Chapter 57 - 57: A New Encounter

Daisuke didn\'t want to follow her, he had a bad feeling about this, but there was no way he could disobey Eric\'s order.

Not to mention, that in his eyes Akira was just a cheap woman, and a time pass he had rejected so many times, what could she do to him. ​​

So he started walking behind her without fear like it was just going to be some time pass, but the moment he saw inside her room, he was kind of frightened.

It was true that he was the reason for the death of her baby, but that was his job and the pressure from the higher-ups was crazy.

He had done the same thing to so many women until now, this was the first time he was at the mercy of a woman though.

At this moment, even the curious Tina had come near them, seeing the room, and the tools inside she was breath taken.

This was the first time she was looking at something like this, it looked so frightening. And everything was so clean, that not even a single dust particle could be seen around.

This meant that Akira had been cleaning everything around here daily, waiting for such an opportunity, that finally came her way.

Eric was looking at this scene with schadenfreude as if it didn\'t have any relation to him. But he had ordered Daisuke to follow Akira\'s words in the meantime.

Seeing them two enter inside, and then Akira closing the door, he just made for the shower slowly, while saying to Tina,

Eric:" Your Master is going to shower little dog, what are you doing by standing there!?"

Tina was awakened with a startle hearing Eric\'s words, but she immediately followed behind him like an obeying little pet.

At the moment, she didn\'t have much hope of returning the situation around and being the Master in whatever this was, but she hadn\'t given up.

In the meantime, she could enjoy being his little pet though, while the treatment wasn\'t the best for her, she definitely liked their intimate intercourse.

Not long after Eric got out of the shower, looking fresh, and clean, he immediately wore his clothes and made towards the door.

It was time for the meeting he had with the owner of the apartment above, and since he had decided to buy it, he wanted to have a look at it before making the purchase.

So he immediately made his way towards the upper floor, where the owner was waiting for him, after the last message he sent, that he had changed his mind, he wanted to buy this place.

The owner was surprised by the sudden change in his decision but still said he would consider if the offer was the right one.

But since he had a business meeting he wouldn\'t be able to make it here, so he would send his daughter to show Eric the place.

Going one floor above, Eric went to the apartment\'s door and rang the bell. Without delaying much, a smoking hot blonde girl in her 20-ies opened the door for him.

Looking at her green eyes, and those full lips, Eric had a feeling like he had seen her somewhere before, but wasn\'t able to remember where.

While her face was super sweet, her body wasn\'t that developed, as a matter of fact, she could be considered to be on the flat side.

But where had he seen her? He wouldn\'t forget a face easily, he had a really good memory, especially after the leveling up.

Thinking for a few moments he could finally make the connection, actually, there were two connections, while it was just luck, it was still an incredible coincidence.

The first connection was from the previous future he came from, she was the girl, one of his so-called brothers loved. If he didn\'t mistake the time, they must have already met.

The second connection came from Daisuke\'s memories, now that he was thinking about it, the father of this girl had taken a big loan from Daisuke and the Yakuza.

Since he didn\'t seem able to pay the loan, Daisuke was offering him to pay the loan through his daughter. She would have to work and pay the loan slowly.

The man seemed to be close to giving up, but Eric\'s call was perhaps like a boon from God because it would close at least half of the debt.

Now, this was a bothersome situation, what should he do? How should he deal with the situation at hand? Well, firstly he decided to look at the girl\'s behavior.

The girl seemed to look at him from head to toe, and then said with a confused tone,

Girl:" Yes, how may I help you?"

Eric didn\'t let her downplaying look to bother him, as he said with a calm and carefree voice,

Eric:" Hello, my name is Eric, I have a scheduled meeting to see this apartment since I want to buy it!"

The girl at the door gave him another look from head to toe and said with a weird look,

Girl:" You are the important client I was supposed to meet here? Is this a joke, I swear that father of mine is losing his head!"

Look kid I don\'t have time to deal with you right now, you better leave this place. I am kind of busy showing this place to someone else right now."

At this moment, a male\'s voice was heard from inside the house,

Male:" Honey who is at the door, I thought we had this place to ourselves tonight?"

Hearing that voice, the girl\'s eyes seemed to smother a bit, as she said,

Girl:" It\'s nothing honey, just some neighbor asking for something."

Then turning towards Eric she said in a serious voice,

Girl:" Look, little brother, even though my father wants to sell this place, I don\'t. This is mine, and my boyfriend\'s home, even though that father of mine is trying to sell it.

So you better leave, and look for somewhere else."

Eric still had that calm and carefree expression on his face, but now there was a slight grin on his face, that the lady in front of him didn\'t seem to notice.

That grin occupied his face the moment he heard that voice from inside, he had called these people brothers for such a long time, he would never forget their voices.

As soon as he heard that voice, he knew who the person inside the house was, Suzuki Kaito. Right now he should be around 25 years old.

In their previous future, Eric had saved him his life and gave him the opportunity to become one of his brothers, and yet, in the end, this guy had betrayed him.

But now he had a chance to revenge, he had a chance to make him suffer more than he did in those moments, he was just grinning at the thought of it.

With that thought in mind, he just said towards the girl,

Eric:" Well thank you for the information miss, I just hope you have a long and happy life with your boyfriend."

Saying that he turned around and started walking downstairs, to Akira\'s apartment once again. She must have had a share of her fun with Daisuke.

Now he needed that guy since the first route seemed impossible, the second route was a walk in the park. It was her own fault, Eric didn\'t want to go that route either.

But now there was no coming back. She had to take that route. Thinking like this, he was remembered Takeshiba Aika, it was time to start dealing with her too.

Without delaying a moment more, he took out his cell and then changing the SIM card, he sent a message, to her.

\'I know what you did! If you don\'t want me to hand this over to the media and police, you better prepare 100.000$ for me!\'

With that message, he also sent a photo, of her car clearly hitting someone with her car. Everything was caught perfectly on camera like it was a photo shooting session.

Sending the message, he removed the SIM card once again and continued walking down the stairs. Since he had some extra free time right now, he could go and meet Kirigaya later.

He had a lot of money right now, it would be a shame if he didn\'t invest it, and multiplied it at the moment.

With his cuisine knowledge and skills, he could really soon create one of the biggest restaurant chains, not only in Tokyo, or Japan but all over Asia and beyond.

Then he would use these places as training camps, for his soldiers, but also as a safe zone on S-day and later.

He had experienced S-day once and he knew that not even after two days of that happening, people were looking for safe places all over the planet.

His idea was simple, he was going to give that privilege to the people who could afford it, and in the meantime expand his reach, by buying more people to his side.

He still had to resolve the biggest issue that he would face after the S-day, food. After anyone got the power, they all forgot their previous occupations, and just worked getting stronger.

There were no more farmers, or simple workers at first, so for a period of time after the S-day, the planet suffered a huge famine.

There was a really low amount of food, and the weak people were just living on eating leftovers or just trash, as for the strong, they found alternate ways.

Some even resorted to cannibalism, now that they were strong, they didn\'t consider themselves as human anymore, so it was okay for them.

While getting stronger was one thing during this time, staying strong and undefeated after the S-day was just as important…


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