Monarch of Darkness, Arsene

Chapter 1002 Under Seige I

Nibbling over the tip of my lips, she trailed to my ear, teasing the ends, sending a tingling sensation rattling through my heart, and spoke in a loving whisper, " Do you like that?"

Running my hands through a waterfall of silvery silk, she purred deep in my ears and bit over the tips of my ear as her hips grided over my lap. Her soft rasp of breath spiraled my soul, eating away at my tolerance.

"I do," I finally answered. " How could I not? You\'re the Mother of my children."

Lilith trembled like a struck cord and pulled away just to look me in the eye with the sweetest smile I\'d ever seen. Warm and inviting tears watered her glistering Amethyst eyes. And without hesitation, she pressed her lips against mine in a tender embrace.

Lost in a symphony of sensation dancing like nodes of light, Lilith\'s passionate touch melted in my embrace. She broke our kiss, leaned her head onto mine, and spoke. " They are growing each day… Do you want to listen? They\'re speaking to each other right now."

My palm trailed from her silky hair to her spine, turning her cheeks red. She quivered with reddened cheeks. Her moans sang as my lower half slowly began to get wet.

Shadow Stepping onto my bed with Lilith in my arm, I rested her on the bed, positioned my head over her stomach, and listened. Using the darkness as my ears, I saw two little things barely forming, hugging each other. Arms wrapped around one another, and I couldn\'t resist a smile.



"My Gods." I muttered

Lilith nodded with tears. "Hmmm, they say ma\'am for me. They sing it when hungry and cry it when they are sad."

My lips buckled, and my ears pressed harder over Lilith\'s abdomen. "There—There so smart."

"The smartest." Said Lilith in tears. "Gods, Sene, you\'re making me cry."

Running her hands through my hair, I simply sat there listening to the heartbeat of my children and the words they spoke.

"This is Heaven…"

Opening my eye to the soothing scent of jasmine, I glanced at Lilith preparing tea with a small little boy resting on her back, drool trickling from his mouth. He remained latched onto Lilith like a little koala.

"I knew you\'d wake for a cup of tea," she said. " I had to send back the original version the old woman sent. We can\'t have you hard in the middle of a meeting, can we."

"Oh, I don\'t know," Came my reply. "I am pretty shameless. But I didn\'t know I had a meeting."

Handing me a cup, I gazed down at the light golden amber liquid that warmed my blood, melding some of the wounds I retained.

"And since when did you put back on your clothes?" I moaned, taking a sip of sweet heavenly jasmine that warmed my blood, circulating blood flow while also focusing my mind.

"I can\'t always walk around naked, and you\'ve been asleep for a day and a half. Little Jin woke up hungry, so I had to feed him."

I stared at the little brat and opened my palm as I shadow-stepped him into my hand. Holding the little shit by the head as the rest of his body rested over the arm, I looked down at the image of little Zariel.

The little guy was cute… but he looked so much like Zariel it\'s crazy. When Mother first had him, she had almost died. Blood was everywhere, but a smile still branded her lips as she kissed his little head full of silver.

Little Jin looks a little more formed than he did that day, but it\'s a good copy.

"You have no idea how dangerous it is out there, do you? So many Angels and Fallen are looking out for you. You\'ll probably be the next King of Hell if Lucifer ever decides to retire. To think all of us start like this… so defenseless."

"Don\'t you remember being that young?" Said, Lilith.

I smiled, taking another sip of my tea. " I do. And it was Hell… But it did have its moments. Then again, I was able to skip around, thanks to Flama. It\'s been so long. I\'m surprised I even remember that."

Taking my half-empty cup of tea, Lilith finished it and hummed in surprise. " That is smooth." She said, taking Jin from my arm. " Check your Holocube. Layla has been calling. Freya, and Ezra too."

"Not Victoria?\'


"So cold." Pulling the Holocube from my soul, the virtual image of Laya appeared. And a frown instantly marred my face as I noticed her ashen grimace.

"What happened?"

"War." Said Layla grimly. "Yesterday, I was contacted by Avar. She said that multiple armies were heading to the Eben Forest to kill Arsene. Every power on Ilutath sees you as a threat Arsene."

"Shit. Is that true?" I cursed, rising from my bed. " How many are there?"

"Seven Ships just came out of subspace." They are setting up a formation around the—"

"KILL THEM NOW!!!!" I howled, Shadow Stepping out of the room and to where Layla stood. Sending the Holocube back into my soul, I looked on over the wall to what was still a barely constructed castle.

"How many Paragons?"

"One so far." Said Layla straight away.

"Get Darkmane and kill everyone out there. Destroy them now! And take the souls. These bastards think I\'m so defenseless?"

"Don\'t forget you don\'t have your spear." Said, Lily

I snorted. "I\'ve got one of the strongest weapons at my disposal. Why do you think I need a spear? Freya! Ezra!"

Flashing outside on their knees, my two knights spoke in unison. " My King?"

"You two head out and slaughter. Use my blessing. And gather the souls. I don\'t care what the Arbiters think. After what just happened with Zariel, I don\'t think they\'ll approach me without a plan."

"Don\'t worry about the Arbiters." Lilith suddenly said as she appeared with a small child in her arm. " I\'ll handle them."

p Sensing a great change coming to the Eben Forest, I knew… it was time to make my name resound through this world.

"Lilith, you and I will make Abyssal Wards, using fully sacrificed souls. Our defense needs to be set in stone. Where is Victoria?"

"Working." She said, appearing like a ghost, bowing her head as she stood before Lilith.


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