Monarch of Darkness, Arsene

Chapter 656 - Lilith Snow Siege Of Alos Part IV

"There she is, boss!" Someone grimly cried, taking me by surprise. I could sense humans a few meters away, or at least humanoids.

I lifted my sword arm with ease, coolly witnessing a brisk sword stroke fly to my head, leaving little time to parry. But parry, I did, leaving behind only the spray of embers that flickered from streel against steel.

"Kingsly," I calmly declared, holding down the Great Sword, larger than my body, with one arm. Swatting him away with a swift riposte, Kingsly darted back as my blade almost severed the jugular. Bearly missing my mark, I smiled, noticing his dark expression, and continued, "Are the holy swords asking for themselves to die so needlessly?"

"You know of me? I should be honored." He said, and I realized my mistake. I honestly have been spending too much time with Sene.

Observing the man whose arms were larger than I was, swinging his greatsword like your average sword, I sensed three men hiding behind Kingjlsly and two more standing to my rear. Their aura was a bit faint, but I would have been able to feel it even without Into the Abyss. Those of the Bed of Chaos are simply too weak. I hope they have something up their sleeve, or this will be a short battle.

Whipping to my rear, Riverfall instinctually moved, deflecting an incoming slash of a dagger. I glanced towards the hideous man with vicious scars running over his face reaching down to his neck, taking quick note of the sword in his off-hand. The stranger was short but very quick, insanely quick.

But Riverfall was ready. The scarred man flashed his sword in a flicker of Darklight, similar to Arsene\'s, just weaker and far less refined. His hollow sockets deepened as our blades danced, engaging in a light-speed battle: Slashing, piercing, and cleaving the stranger, was without a doubt intricate but lacking, severely lacking in my eyes. Not needing to know Kingsly was about to strike, I weaved to the left when a cold flicker of darkness sunk into my soul.


Slipping my sword through the dark vacuum of space, the moment Kingsly struck down at my head. My blade did not pierce forward to cut down Kingsley; his swordsmanship was far too slow for me. Strange as it may be, I had techniques that simply allowed me to ignore raw power. Another technique I stole from Aurelia Morningstar. I didn\'t know why my inherent knowledge leaned towards her, but I did not mind. It didn\'t matter how someone got their power, as long as they had it.

The blade of Riverfall had vanished the moment my feet danced around Kingsly, cleaving down to split me in half. Carrying the power of Genesis, something I usually applied on my physical body, now on my sword, as an experiment, blood fell. I did not aim to kill. Seeking to kill instantly was not going to happen immediately. But a slight touch, a slight piercing of the skin, no matter how small, was all I needed and all I had received as my sword whipped past his shoulder, taking the slightest bit of flesh away.

I hid my smile and leaped away, surveying the battlefield once more. Only to frown, noticing that Genesis did nothing. A slight disappointment touched my heart, but that dismay soon vanished after a few more seconds passed over this frightening battlefield.

The stranger turned a deep pale, and his footsteps came to a cold halt. For a bit, he stared at me, and the very scars that encircled his face began to glow. As if time had reversed itself, the wounds upon his flesh slowly began to open, spilling red over his clothing as a hopeless cry exploded from his throat.

His arms and limbs slowly began to drop one after the other, before all that was left was the wheezing of a dead man. It was a bit mortifying to see, if not hear, as even Kingsley seemed to freeze, watching in complete horror.

"Such a slow uptake," I addressed carelessly, annoyed. When applying genesis, the speed of when karma and time would strike was slow; this could give my enemies a few seconds, which is almost a year, if not more, at light speed battles. The only time we used seconds was when we were thinking or something like this happened.

"Master, we are retreating. You need some help," Said Ava vibrantly through the airspace above me. Lifting my head, I could not help but chuckle, noticing her dark expression.

"You lost? Let me guess, Elsa?"

Ava nodded, "I got fifty-seven kills. Elsa is in the thousands. I beat Victoria, though, but why are you playing with your food?" She asked, peering down at Kingsly and the other humanoids lingering in the shadows.

"That will be enough nonsense. All of you leave," Said Duke Gusion, materializing out of thin air; he fixed his eyes over the horizon, "Seraphina is coming. I have foreseen it. Get moving."

Taken by his words, I nodded, snapping my fingers, sending all of the abyssal children back into the pale gate before I, too, teleported away. We appeared once more in the dark confines of the labyrinth of death; when a small hologram appeared just above my head at the outside siege.

Golden light came like a mist washing over the ruined City of Casia. Her screams rocked the planet as a lone goddess came like the wind, hovering over the skies.

"Where is she!" She howled, blanketing the skies with such power even I dared not enter. But Duke Gusion did not seem frightful. He hovered to meet her eye, his hands poised behind his back.

"Duke Gusion, Keeper of Time, "He steadily informed, narrowing his eyes, "They have left." He added, in a gentlemanly fashion, "Now leave. Less you wish the war to plunge further into chaos.. To my knowledge, the Laws of Concordance have yet to be completed.

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