Monarch of Darkness, Arsene

Chapter 429: How to Lure a God

Chapter 429: How to Lure a God

"For only they can open the Gates to Illuthath." He casually uttered, vanishing from sight.

So he was the one who killed the last Monarch of Darkness and Former Prince of Noctem. Who the hell are these people? His trial? That was a Trial?

Passing my hands through my sweaty brow, I knew whatever was within me was going to be an issue. It was careless of me not to worry. I lost consciousness, and what did I do? Let that go? A god died, yet all I could care about was the gum in my mouth.

"No wonder Lili was brooding. If this wasn\'t mind-rape, I don\'t know what is." I bitterly laughed, shaking my head. "Fuck me. What the hell did I do? At least I got an idea on how to get out of this hell hole."

Turning back to the teleporter still humming with power, I vanished shadow stepping through the halls. Moving with the shadows, I once again arrived at the little gathering of people all having a good time.

Turning my gaze to the fountain of wine, I lifted my lips. Hanging my head slightly low to hide beneath my hair, with a hint of darkness masking my presence; in such a way, I would appear visible, but many would simply trace their eyes over me without much thought.

Summoning out a few pills from the pill master, leviathan killed. I chuckled darkly, tossing them into the fountain of wine and sprinkling them over some of the food, making my way without none being the wiser.

"Your back!" Kurt suddenly shouted, grabbing my attention as I approached the table of Chosen.

"Why not let the entire resort know I was gone? Why don\'t you?" I spat, a little annoyed. I was already in trouble with this head of security. "Why don\'t you go have some wine to keep that trap of yours shut."

Trying with all I had not to smile, I took a seat near Lilith, who frowned, noticing something was wrong. I swear I really think these abyssal women are like bloodhounds.

"What?" I voice, noticing her brooding expression.

"Nothing, " She uttered, shifting her attention to Arkanos, with food all over her mouth. Lying on Lilith\'s lap, she appeared to be in a food coma, lucky little dragon, if you ask me. Shit, the last time I crashed like that was from having snu snu with Lili.

"So?" Cleo inquired, expecting something from me. "What did you find out?"

Crossing my arms, I shrugged, noticing an intense stare drilling a hole in the back of my head. Turning to his glaring face, I immediately shifted my head.

\'am I so great? That even the Rings of Babylon could not wipe his memory? That must be.\'

"Who amongst you can get a fleet of Starships to rain hell down on this place?" I asked with a savage smile.

"I am a commander in the Court of Nox." Sigfried surprisingly stated, greatly alerting everyone, "I can have a fleet of Grade A starships here in a day or so. But I need an explanation."

"Hmm, tell them that Arsene Snow, Nox\'s most wanted, has been spotted speaking with entities from the Etherial Realm," I Uttered, shocking everyone at the table who all jaw\'s dropped.

"That\'s who you are?" Shouted Cleo in surprise, rising from her chair.

"No need to be so surprised. There is a reason Yu Jing told you all not to trust him,\' Said Lilith, calmly turning her gaze to me, "What is the plan?"

"Well, we need for the masters of everyone here to come. It\'s about to be mass chaos, especially with the Morte Worms. I suggest you all call them now before it\'s too late, also before it\'s too late, Wine. we need wine!" I hastily exclaimed. "You there, waiter. Get us all twelve glasses of wine."

\'What did you do?\' Lilith sent over through our link.

\'I may have drugged everyone here.\' I replied back.

\'Sene, what drug did you put in?\'

"Who knows, all I can say is that it\'s about to be lit. These people are about to be freaking out. The same with their masters when they see their disciples all fucked up."

"So we are taking them as hostages?" Lilith uttered with a seductive smile, "And what of the treatment?"

"It\'s behind a teleporter. We need to lure some people out and prepare for a few days. I think with the number of drugs we gave all these people, they will be high for a few days. It\'s a win-win. Security will be so focused on containing them we will have a few days to prepare the Morte Worms."

"Free drinks on this fucker right here!" I roared as everyone turned to me, who was lifting Siegfried\'s arms. Grinning from ear to ear, the giant oaf nodded.

"Damn right! My master is quite a generous man!" He bellowed as everyone suddenly cheered. "Change the Music, and let\'s get fucked up!!!!"

"AYE, AYE!!!" Thousands cheered.

Chuckling to myself, I fell back into my seat as Lilith\'s fingers crawled onto me, "Sene, what if there is an aphrodisiac in there?"

"Guess Yu Jing will finally get some dick. Not really my problem."

"And Cleo?"

"Same answer," I answered back.

Hearing her sigh, Lilith shook her head, "You men, I swear." she said in disappointment.

Lifting a glass sitting at the table, she took a sip before spitting it back out. Frowning for a few seconds, she hesitantly nodded, "It\'s something that seemed to enhance your feelings. It\'s weird.

"Molly? Yeah, let\'s go with that. They will be fine," I claimed with a smile; looking at everyone cheer with one another, I lifted my lips as they swallowed glass after glass. "They will just be happy till they crash. wouldn\'t mind having it in bed sometimes."

"And what of Arkanos?" Lilith suddenly yelled, having to raise her voice as the music began to thunder in our ears.

"She is a dragon; I am sure she will be fine. The Pill maker made it, so the pills were filled with Divinity, so I am sure everyone will be affected, and for those that are not well, I am sure it will be little in number. We just have one problem." I voiced in her ear, rising from off the chair, lifting Lilith to her feet, "That security guy is staring. We need to piss him off so he can have at least a glass."

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